The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2481: Aqua Blue Cave House

Two Four Eight One Water Blue Cave House

"This ..." Ye Xiang was asked by Ye Kong, who had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, to know that the entire Dongfu was brought by Ye Kong, and he also arranged for Ye Kong to live there. The problem is that if Ye Kong relies on Dongfu, he really has nothing to say.

At this time, the water blue **** came out and said, "The pot is partial, I don't think this matter really has anything to do with Li Hei. Even if he breaks through, he is just a man in the middle, so he Power, it is unimaginable to extract the power of this mountain! "

Said the Blue God, those other elders also nodded and said, "I also think you are raising this Li Hei, let alone him. Even if I wait, I want to extract the power of this mountain. No way! "

Ye Kong was still beside him, "I think you can't fix me and want to fix me again! The pot is partial, I guess you are afraid that I will defeat Huo Mingkun, so I will do my best! I want to use my divine power Drown me! "

As soon as Ye said this, everyone next to him was fainted, one by one scolding in his heart, why no one drowned me with divine power?

Guo Pian said angrily, "How can I have this ability! Besides, I haven't gone out in the main hall today!"

Ye Kong said again, "That's Huo Mingkun trying to frame me!"

If Huo Mingkun was going to vomit blood, Nima, you didn't make me break through, and hit a rake, you are too bad!

Being entangled by Ye Kong, the pan partial **** himself also felt that Ye Kong could not make such a big movement, and secretly said in his heart: Is there really a strange whole doorway in this whole man's cave, under the coincidence of this kid? Turned on?

With this in mind, Pot partial **** shouted to Ye Kong, "It's weird. Although you are unlikely to do it, everyone sees the divine power flowing to the cave where you live! Therefore, before the fire **** deity returns, You must not leave the training center! We will arrange another Dongfu for you now, and we will explore this Dongfu. "

"Anyway, anyway, I want to be fair! I want the training institute to compensate! I want you to apologize to me!" Ye once again shouted shamelessly, and was finally pulled away by the Aqua God.

"Li Hei, I advise you not to fight due to Huo Mingkun, he is already a partial god! And, he is not that kind of inferior partial god, he is very powerful! Even if you have some strength, but ..." God still wants to persuade Ye Kong not to duel.

However, Ye Kong refused, because he knew that after the matter before him, he was even more suspected in this practice! This place, he really can't stay long! Before leaving, do n’t you know about grievances?

Seeing Ye Kong insist, the blue **** no longer persuaded, took Ye Kong into a cave house, and said, "You will now practice in my cave house ..."

"This is your senior mansion in Shui Lan!" Ye was shocked in his heart, and he blurted out, "Can you practice with Shui Lan seniors day and night together?"

Upon hearing this, the blue **** blushed and said, "No, I'm afraid the pot will take you to some other messy Dongfu, so I will practice this Dongfu for you, and I will go elsewhere. This place should not Have any questions ... "

Ye's shameless thoughts made the aquamarine, who has always been slow to speak, not hurried, embarrassed, stuttering, really sinful!

Of course, Ye's heart was still very touched. Shui Lanshen was afraid that the pot partial **** would make another whole Dongfu to frame him, so he gave up his Dongfu here.

"Thank you, Shui Lan, you will definitely practice well in Dongfu in Dongfu, and meet the duel. You will never think about doing anything weird in Dongfu ..."

Ye somebody is really shameless. The water-blue **** who said something was even redder, and his hair was moving with long blue hair. He dropped a sentence and said, "I'll go and explore with them."

The Shui Lan God walked to the gate of the Dongfu Temple and couldn't help but pause again, thinking in his heart that the man with the black armor was uneasy to speak, could it be ...

No matter how the blue gods guess, after Ye took over the cave, the first thing is of course to take a good look at it. Of course, it was clearly a visit, but I thought shamelessly in my heart: this is Sister Shui Lan's boudoir! Will there be any underwear left behind ...

If the Aqua God knows that this guy has such a shameless idea, he may have struck him with a kick.

It's a pity that someone searching for a circle, almost digging the ground three feet, did not find any valuable items.

"Okay, forget it, there isn't it ... buddy is making a lot of money this time!" Ye Kong then lit up the ban on the formation law in Dongfu, and then he set a ban on himself again, and then flashed and entered. Pipa beads!

In front of him, a pool of calm blue liquid was waiting quietly in the sun!

"Feisheng Pond, this is Feisheng Pond. It turns out that this is how Feisheng Pond comes!" Ye said faintly.

It turned out that when the group of chaos was spinning at a rapid speed, it sucked a lot of divine power in the mountain! And those divine powers are transformed into liquids under the chaotic and crazy rotation and purification, dripping from the bottom of the funnel-shaped cyclone! Then, form a small pool here!

Of course, this pond is too far away from the Dongsheng God's Ascension Pond. That's a big lake! Ye's here, not even the swimming pool!

How big is it? About five square meters, one meter deep.

"The pond is really not that big." Yemou annoyed. "Blamed that the pot was too fast and others found it too fast! If it was one and a half hours later, then I would let him dry up the mountain. I think the pond would be big "Ye someone is so heart-broken to the bottom of the feet.

During the conversation, Thirteen flies and said, "Unfortunately, the chaos of my chaos disappeared after you left the pipa beads ... Well, if that thing stays here, it won't be where you go after that. ? "

Fate thirteen, even Ye had to fall, cursing: "Sundial 5 your ancestors are stubborn, you are even more heartless than me!"

In fact, they all know that the chaos cyclone is sucking crazy, and the magic power it **** is only used as the foundation of this world! In other words, these meager divine powers are a demonstration for you! Or maybe it's for you! If you want more divine power in the future, then you work hard!

"It seems that if we want divine power in the future, someone will have to believe and gain the power of faith. In the realm of God, the number of servants and believers I have received is limited. The best way is to create a new interface in the world here. , And then let people live and reproduce in them, and let them believe in me, so that there will be a permanent source of divine power! "

When Ye Kong said these ~ ~ Ming thirteen eyes brightened and said, "If there is a lower world, there is a fairy world, there is a **** world, this world will not be a system of its own, then I will become a **** and rise in the future. Do n’t fly out, I will fly directly into the pipa bead world! ”

Ye Kong nodded solemnly, "At that time, I will seal you with a black head and black face!"

Ming thirteen vomited blood and said, "Master, don't say me anymore, you're not vain now!"

Although there are grand ideas, it is not so simple to implement! With Ye Kong's present ability, if he wants to refine the world, it is still far away. And now, the little pool of water that helps Ye Kong the most is to help him repair the gods!

Although Ye Kong is rich in spirit, he has gone through several battles since coming out of the Ascension Pool! Especially in the battle with Huang Jingzhao, the **** body was damaged a lot! These damages cannot be repaired with Shendan!

And now his pipa bead world has such an ascension pond, which gives him the opportunity to repair the **** body!

"If you can repair the **** body, fight with Huo Mingkun again! Hum, this way you have a greater grasp! Huo Mingkun, you will be punished!"

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