The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2473: Sea of ​​clouds

Two four seven three cloud hunt

The clouds are deep and I do n’t know where to go. This sea of ​​clouds is definitely a great danger to the gods!

Thirteen killers, one partial god, four tribe gods, eight central gods.

After only a while, Ye Kong already has five gods and two gods in his hands! Seven were killed! More than half!

Although most of them have been killed, but Ye Kong knows that the next one is even more difficult!

Because the seven that Ye Kong killed before were all shouting loudly, the mind is not so cunning. The remaining six are all crafty! It's not so easy to get killed!

Ye Laomo's plan was to kill them all as much as possible! Only in this way can we save a lot of trouble in the future! Of course, it really doesn't work, at most it can only run away from one partiality!

This is Ye Kong's plan, I don't know if he can succeed!

"This one was killed, not only the Yunhai Shenzhou, but also the jade of communication!" Ye Kong's seventh was killed by a ministry man, and this ministry man was holding a jade of ministry of communication.

After the master died, there was a short recording time for the messaging Jade brand. Ye Kong glanced over the recording record of the side and immediately hummed.

"Brother, quickly release the flying boat and take me away!" A message from another killer.

"Wait a minute, I'm looking for an opportunity here! Wanbaohe, I want it too! Even if it is finally obtained by the host, there must be other treasures in the kid's body!" This is the last sentence of the dead!

Obviously, the mini-gods and partial gods here, and even some individual central gods, also have the sea of ​​clouds. Why didn't they release the Shenzhou to escape? That is, they all have greed and lack of greed, and they all want to stay here for a cup! Even apparently threatened, still unwilling to leave!

"If you release the Shenzhou together, I really can't take you!" The red chip of the black armor **** man's mask flickered, and then he stopped moving and carefully distinguished the surrounding sounds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the only thing that can be distinguished is sound.

Obviously, all the survivors are extremely cunning. At this time, no one made a sound, completely quiet! Although everyone knows that the enemy is probably one foot away, no one makes a sound.

"Huh, no one makes a sound, so I will make a little sound!" Ye Kong coldly hummed, his palm was raised, and a stone was thrown out.

Snapped! This sound, although not very loud, but in the quiet sea of ​​clouds, it seems like a stone stirred up a thousand waves!


When Ye Kong's stones were thrown out, there were attacks from several directions! The full blow of the gods and partial gods instantly dispelled all the sea of ​​clouds around you! In the short period of time, everyone's figure and orientation turned out to be short-lived!

What surprised the killers was that they were looming in the sea of ​​clouds and saw a black armor figure!

"Over there!" Seeing Ye Kong's figure, the lord shouted, and at the same time let out his best shot, "Divinity, cracking bullets!"

Poppy! A huge explosion sounded behind Ye Kong. When he found that his body was exposed, he immediately got into the clouds. However, the gods that favored the master of the temple were quite overbearing. They burst open behind Ye Kong, and even damaged Ye Kong ’s body!

"I accidentally took a stab, and actually damaged the **** body by 6%! Fortunately, my **** body is so strong that I have to change to other lower gods and everyone, this time I will definitely hang it!" Ye Kong was also secretly surprised, the figure flashed, disappeared in In the clouds.

"It wasn't dead!" The church owner was also shocked in his heart, and he obviously felt that the first hit just now must have hit the black man!

The level between a lower god-man and the partial **** is like a gap. The church owner did not believe that the lower god-man was hit by himself. It was okay, and he immediately said: "Everyone surrounds me and spreads around, looking for targets along the way. He was hit by me just now, and he should have been seriously injured ... Remember, every time you take a step, you speak and drink! "

Because of the brief moments before, the killers got together and dispersed around according to the order of the host.

In fact, the idea of ​​the church owner is good, but unfortunately, he is wrong! Not only was Ye Kong not seriously injured, he was very relaxed! Therefore, the idea of ​​the church owner has exposed his subordinates instead!

"Two dogs, iron eggs, three sons ..."

"Three sons!"

Almost instantly, the church owner noticed that someone had lost the message. But he was also savvy, with a roar in his mouth, "Right side, Wuwei!"


When several killers flew up the cloud and mist in that place with sword light and explosion, what appeared to them was only a dry body of the third son.

"Abominable! He ran away again!" The hallkeeper roared, but at the moment he was furious, he thought of something.

"The black armor **** man ... seems to have been rumored recently! There is a black armor **** man with a master artifact, and the fire spirit **** and the Huang family **** Huang Jingzhao are looking for this person!" Jump! At this moment, if there is no cloud, you can see how intense the greed shot in his eyes!

But in the next second, the greed in his eyes disappeared quickly!

"No! Since this person can have a master artifact and can escape from under the eyes of Huang Jingzhao and the Fire Spirit God, there is something special! Not to mention, even if I get the master artifact, it will be killed by others! It is better to pass the news To the Fire Spirit God and Huang Jingzhao, I would like to thank them for their contributions! They are both rich and powerful parties, and if I had to stop them, I wouldn't have to live this kind of life with a knife and a blood lick! "

The Lord of Partial Gods had an idea in an instant, and he shouted, "Everyone spreads out to find, pay attention, try not to make a sound!"

When he said that, he sprinted quickly under his feet, and he ran towards the periphery. There were screams and bombardments from behind, but he didn't say anything more than 5 words! He believes that this demon named Li Hei is the fire spirit **** they are looking for. He also believes that no one except him knows this secret!

So he had to hurry back to Weizhou City to report!

"Yunhai Shenzhou, come out!" Partial Shentang master even ignored his subordinates, released the Yunhai Shenzhou, and fled alone!

Yunhai Shenzhou is a big guy, and all the killers felt this release. Suddenly, there was a killer shouting, "Church Lord, whatever you run, you run away without saying a word, you are too immoral!"

When Ye Kong heard this sentence, his mind was suddenly condensed!

Ye Laomo began to cultivate from the realm of the world, and after going through the realms of the realm of the realm of the world, he may say that the age he has lived may not be as good as some gods, but his knowledge and savvy are far beyond this god! Which old devil from the Nether is not the one with the most careful mind!

Without this eye-catching eye, he would have been hanging on the halfway of Qiuxian Road for a long time!

So when Ye Kong heard that the Lord of Partial God Church released the sea of ​​clouds and Shenzhou and fled! His first reaction was ~ ~ This guy found my identity! No! Be sure to kill him! Today, none of the killers can stay! "

At this moment, all eight central gods have been killed! Four ministry men killed two! There is also a church owner and two gods!

Seeing the leader of the church all fled, the remaining two gods did not dare to neglect, they all have Yunhai Shenzhou, and they both released Yunhai Shenzhou, and fled!

Ye Kong couldn't be more indifferent. With a thought, a peculiar sword-shaped ancient artifact sword boat has appeared in the sea of ​​clouds!

What makes Ye Kong happy is that this Shenzhou, which belongs to the Demon Sword Devil, is really a necessary tracking tool for home navigation in the sea of ​​clouds, and it can sense the position of other nearby sea of ​​clouds Shenzhou!

"It's not far from Weizhou City. It seems I must step up my time!"

To the reader:

Today four more, thanks for watching

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