The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2472: Godhead is not worth the money

Two forty-seven godheads are worthless

"Broken! Broken me!"

Thirteen killers were shocked in the sky. However, after all, they are killers, have rich combat experience, and they have been repaired one by one, so they all flew towards the fly at the first time.

Wow! The surging giant waves suddenly fell back to the river, smashing the thrilling huge sound of water.

The master of the killer hall flew in the air, looked around, and exclaimed, "One less!"

It turned out that there were twelve thirteen killers, one missing from the central god!

"There!" A killer's consciousness suddenly sensed something, and looked violently, only to see a figure struggling in the water. But in the water, there was a treasure light shining, and I didn't know what treasure it was. I tied the killer and was dragging to the depths of the river!

"Save him!" The host yelled, shook the Excalibur in his hand, sent out a glorious sky, and ran towards the water over there.

But at this moment, there was a huge sound of water splashing from the river, and a large number of artifact swords emerged from the river, attacking the host.

I saw a lot of artifacts and treasures pouring out of the river, but a man in the middle of the back thought something, and said loudly, "The artifacts in this field seem to be the river treasures of the river devil ..."

But before he finished speaking, a green shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

"Don't talk! Go to death!" The light skin that suddenly appeared suddenly slammed into the back of the man in the middle, opened his mouth, and bite on the back of the man!

"Go!" The bite roared, and the whole body of light emerged, and great power poured out, flying the light skin. That light skin is in the field controlled by Ye Kong, which has strong stealth ability, and disappears instantly.

"A pet that hasn't become a **** yet also wants to sneak in on me?" The bitten central **** man snorted coldly and wanted to go to other killers.

But the church owner and others shouted suddenly, "Back up, don't come over!"

The man didn't know what was going on. He looked down and saw that his hands and body were green.

"I'm poisoned, my god, what kind of poison is this? I don't even feel it!" The central godhead changed his face in fright, and quickly took out a pill and swallowed it.

However, at this time, a divine sword came out from under the water, attacking from all directions!

"Burning God Body ... Not good. After burning the God Body, the poisoning will be faster. What kind of poison is it! Save me!" In the river.

"Good poison!" The killers were all pale, thinking that the lower part of the god-man was nothing, but in a blink of an eye, the two central god-man had completely disappeared.

"Don't panic," said the owner, calmly, and said, "Since you know this is Wanbaohe, it doesn't matter. Everyone knows that Wanbaohe has an exit!"

At that time, the fire **** captured all the gods in Dongsheng. It was recorded in history. Among them, the capture of the river demon **** was a famous battle, so the weakness of Wanbaohe can be said to be known to the world. Everyone knows the rookies who have just taken off from the Nether.

The church owner said that the killers were calm. The listener said again, "He is now harming a pet with a poisonous pet. Everyone, please pay attention to my orders, all open the divine power hood, form a circle, and the central **** is hiding in the inner circle."

With this arrangement, he instantly lost the opportunity to start. Although Guangpi is poisonous, after all, he is an immortal cultivation practice, and it is impossible to break the divine power. What's more, there are gods and gods.

"Everyone be careful, don't worry, step by step, retreat to the exit!" The host said loudly, eleven killers moved in a circle around the sky toward the exit.

This way, Ye Kong just called some treasures to harass, and didn't attack fully. Because he knew that he couldn't force these killers to work hard at this time!

"They want to go out, let them go out!" Ye Kong snorted coldly, already playing with the godheads of the two killers.

"Finally arrived!" There was a surprise in the minds of the eleven killers, and the host sneered, "Brothers, if you go out, you must kill this person and take Wanbao River!"

But when they got out of the exit, they found that they encountered a very troublesome problem.

"No! This is Yunhai! Damn, he came into Yunhai!"

"I can't see, I can't see anything!"

"Don't * come near me, whoever comes near me, I will always shoot!"

Suddenly, the sea of ​​clouds shouted. To say that in Ye Kong's Wanbao River, they are not necessarily so panicked, but this is a sea of ​​clouds, and even the master of the temple is a little bit panicked.

"I did not expect that the lower God-Man combat experience is so rich and so cunning that he has brought us into the sea of ​​clouds with the help of domain artifacts! Our killer should have been hidden in the dark. Now, he is hidden in the dark. inappropriate!"

The church owner is also cunning, falling into the sea of ​​clouds, he silently swims to the periphery, hiding in a quiet place, lurking, looking for opportunities.

Some other killers are cunning and do not speak, but some killers are not good!

"Hey, who of you has Yunhai Shenzhou, I do n’t have that thing, save me quickly. This place should not be far from Weizhou City!" Although it is not far from Weizhou City, but without Yunhai Shenzhou, it is also very dangerous because You don't know the direction!

So those killers who did not have the sea of ​​clouds Shenzhou, all screamed in panic!

The figure of a tall demon swims in the sea of ​​clouds, his movement is not fast, but every step is firm, light, as if it is a cheetah in the dense forest. This is Ye Kong. Being in the sea of ​​clouds, he is not afraid of anyone who will recognize him, and he sees him passing through a cloud again, and his figure has become a black armored man!

Ye Kong couldn't see anything in the sea of ​​clouds, but those panic shouts gave him 5 clear directions.

"Hurry up, Brother Scar, where are you? I heard that you have Yunhai Shenzhou, let it go and save the younger brother!" A central **** man yelled in the clouds with a pair of clutch-like artifacts. .

But just then!

Suddenly, a snake-like light and shadow came out from behind, strangling his neck!

not good! The central **** was startled. But for the god-man, as long as the **** body is not damaged and exhausted, holding the neck is nothing!

It seems that there is only a self-destructive god! That central god-man made a decision almost instantaneously! Although the self-destructed **** body has suffered great damage, it can immediately escape the control of others!

But how could Ye Kong let him explode?

I saw a **** shadow sticking violently, and then, from the black shadow, numerous black shadows like pythons protruded! The pythons wrapped this central god-man ~ ~ in an instant, and stretched out numerous giant thorns, piercing his **** body!

"Guru, gurgle!" It was slight, but a creepy sound of blood rang out, and the central god-man was sucked into a dead body!

After a few breaths, the vine-like rattle snapped back. A green crystal and a storage ring have fallen into the hands of the Black Armor.

"I just want the godhead to break, hum, the third piece ..." Ye Lao Mo Yin smiled and put away the godhead.

At this moment, a low voice came from not far away, "Puppy, I'm a scar. Don't make a loud noise, the lower **** will attack us. Where are you?"

"The fourth block is here again today. This godhead turned out to be so good. Godhead ... is actually worthless!" Ye Kongzhong smiled slightly, the black armor flashed, and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds.

After counting the breath, there was a terrifying grunt somewhere!

To the reader:

Late and ...

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