The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2467: Cyan Cloud Beast

Two four six seven blue cloud beast

With the perfect combination of the main artifact Tianhua Sword and Soul Jinnuo body, Ye Kong opened a door on the wall of the regeneration stone, just like playing.

And after so many drills, Ye Kong has already become familiar with it, easily!

"Soul prepares!" Ye Kong reminded, and the main artifact in his hand cut into the wall. Soul has already turned an arm into a liquid near the wall. When the incision appeared, his metal body immediately penetrated into the gap, preventing the regeneration stone from growing and recovering.

Ye Kong's sword moved in his hands. After a while, a one-meter square cave appeared, and a square was cut in the center of the regeneration stone.

Originally, Ye Kong wanted to take the cut off as his own, but after a few times, he found that the cut regeneration stone will soon lack the divinity, and will eventually become an ordinary stone, so Ye Kong does not expect it. Already.

Opening a hole in the stone wall, Ye Kong didn't think about it. He used to stick it in his head. However, this extension actually scared him out of control.

"Roar!" A low roar, a large shadow slammed into his head!

"What!" Ye Kong was startled, shrinking his head and taking a half step back.

"Roar!" A cricket's big hand grabbed from the cave, and then, he retracted into the cave again.

"This is ..." Ye Kong frowned.

Ye Kong wasn't stupid, and instantly understood what was happening. It must be that Huo Mingkun and others failed to make a living again, and must have put something strange and ferocious in the mezzanine.

But what is it?

The Shenyun in the sea of ​​clouds has the function of isolating the consciousness, so the consciousness cannot be detected, but Ye Kongyi's master is bold, and when his body moves, he releases the Insignia armor, and then the body shrinks.

"Soul trembling, support me." He exclaimed, and plunged into the cave.

The interlayer of the wall is very narrow, but Ye Kong has become smaller. When I went in, I saw a blue object in the wall, like a cloud and a fog, but it was like a monster with an indeterminate shape!

"This is ..." Ye Kong not only was not surprised when he saw the object, but was a joy!

"The sea of ​​clouds has clouds, but it is a kind of beast, but it is still a cloud body. It can be called a cloud beast. There are eight varieties of cloud beasts, but there are four varieties that are too weak, too violent and scattered to be used. . The users are gold, cyan, black, white ... "

These words are recorded in the Jade-Cambodia of Huangjia's cloud-ghost practice. At first, Ye Kong exchanged the cloud-ghost practice with a garbage junk sword and the trading **** Huang Jingzhao. Ye Kong always wanted to make a cloud ghost, but unfortunately, not all clouds can be made.

You must use the special spirited cloud beast in the sea of ​​clouds, and it must be gold and black and white!

So when he saw the object in front of him, Yemou was overjoyed, "The cloud beast! And it's still the second-grade cyan, and your ancestors are banquets. This year, it really helped live Lei Feng, the delivery door!"

If Huo Mingkun heard this sentence, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

However, the cloud beast was not so easy to deal with. When he saw Ye Kong coming in, he suddenly roared and patted Ye Kong with a slam!

boom! When the blue cloud beast was photographed with a palm, the ground shook slightly!

Ye Kong, who was wearing a black king armor, was startled. He didn't mean to be afraid of the cloud beast, but the movement was a little too big! It is bound to alarm the next door, if Huo Mingkun and others feel it, they must come to check!

"No, I'm in the middle of my armor, and I must make a quick decision!"

Ye Kong's conjecture is pretty good. In the next Dongfu, Jiang Wenzhe and others were meditating cross-legged, but at this moment, they were all startled and opened their eyes!

In the past, Ye Kong received the clouds silently, so it would not alarm the next door, but this time it was different, the movement was a little too big, and all the people next door felt immediately.

Among the people next door, Jiang Wenzhe was the most nervous! You know, he took out the treasures at home to please Huo Mingkun!

However, Jiang Wenzhe has always thought that the treasures in his home will not be lost, just placed in the compartment, and later, he can take home treasures! Why don't you take this penny and gain the trust of Huo Mingkun?

Even so, his heart was still very tense, because his father said that if this treasure was auctioned outside, he could sell a lot of Xingyanjing! If you lose it, it is estimated that his father will choke him!

Hearing this, Jiang Wenzhe's heart was suddenly hesitant, and he suddenly said, "It seems that there is a sound in the mezzanine, do you hear me?"

"Heard, we heard it, as if someone was fighting!" The next few Huo Mingkun nodded.

At this moment, Huo Mingkun was also here. He frowned, wondering, "Does the devil named Li really have the ability to break the wall of the reborn stone?"

Jiang Wenzhe suddenly said, "If so, just now, could that guy be fighting with my cloud beast?"

Huo Mingkun nodded, "It's very possible!"

Jiang Wenzhe panicked. "How can this be good?"

Everyone else looked at him like this and scolded, "Look at you panic, what can you do, haven't you confirmed?"

At this moment, Huo Mingkun stood up and said, "Whether the guy has the ability to break the wall, the best way to confirm it is to go and see! Go!"

The next door, which has its own secret road leading to the mezzanine, does not have to be as strenuous as Ye Kong to break the wall. As long as it passes the dense road, a gap can be opened to see the mezzanine.

"Boom!" Another sound came from the mezzanine!

A flame in Huo Mingkun's eyes, "Someone must fight, speed!"

A group of people have turned into light and shadow, violently passed through the dense road, all squeezed into the narrow gap of the mezzanine. When Huo Mingkun suddenly opened the mezzanine door, Jiang Wenzhe was dumbfounded!

"It's empty, it's empty! Nothing! My God, my cloud beast, my dad is going to choke me! 5" Jiang Wenzhe sat down in the corner, in pain.

At this moment, Huo Mingkun's concern is not Jiang Wenzhe nor Yun Gui at all, but a brow raised, and two key words are spoken in his mouth, "Fast!"

Indeed, when they heard the last sound, they opened the crevice door to Huo Mingkun, but it was just two breaths away! And the battle here is over, there is nothing, nothing!

"Too fast! I am afraid that Li Hei is not the cultivation of the gods below the surface! From the fact that he can break through the stone wall, to so quickly obstruct the cloud beast, and escape to Dongfu, this kind of strength is probably too partial. This is so! "A fireman next to him calmly analyzed.

Huo Mingkun nodded slightly ~ ~ He was secretly surprised, knowing that, with his own strength, it was absolutely impossible to break through the stone wall, and it was absolutely impossible to subdue the cloud in such a short time. Beast and run away!

Huo Mingkun did not really consider Li Hei as his opponent before, but at this moment, he started to face Ye Kong's strength!

"Don't do these whole little kids tricks in the future! Li Hei, hum!" The flames in Huo Mingkun's eyes jumped twice, and he returned to the same way with a master.

But not long after they left, in the middle of the mezzanine, there was a small slab of half a slap, and then light and shadow moved, and a shrinking black armor **** man appeared.

The whole body of the black armor was shaken, and that layer of black armor was put into the body, revealing the image of a black leather demon. This is Ye Kong. Just now he tried his best to collect the blue cloud beast into Wanbao River, but it was too late.

Therefore, he had to let the spirits do not support it at the same time, and at the same time he released the artifact artifacts that were originally obtained from the Bone Demon and hidden behind it. Escaped Huo Mingkun and others!

"Don't use children's toys for me anymore, is there any other powerful means?" Ye Kong hesitated, took out the main artifact, and began to dig back.

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