The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2466: Is it him?

Is it two to four six six?

In fact, after Ye Kong helped Dongsheng Divine Kingdom Training Institute defeat Zhuowu Divine Kingdom, he still lived in the whole cave. However, the clouds in that mezzanine have not been cut off!

Huo Mingkun and others have always been unable to believe that Ye Kong can cut the regeneration stone! They think that even if the devil's skill is no better than Huo Mingkun's strength!

Therefore, Huo Mingkun has no way to break through the wall to get clouds, and that demon is even more impossible to do. Therefore, they have always insisted that the cloud and mist in the mezzanine was accidentally leaked from somewhere they did not know, and they absolutely did not believe that it was taken by the dark devil.

It is precisely because they have this idea that they put clouds over and over again, and Ye Kong took clouds over and over again!

It happened to be a coincidence that everyone didn't run into the mezzanine.

However, Huo Mingkun they felt that each time the cloud dropped quickly, which made them have to come up with a new idea.

A subordinate of Huo Mingkun, named Jiang Wenzhe, said, "Ming Kun, I don't think Li Hei has the ability to break the wall to take the cloud, but the problem of the clouds we have been using! The clouds and fog we use have always been in the sea of ​​clouds The most common and simple clouds, those clouds are likely to disappear after we leave! "

Huo Mingkun didn't understand this either, and thought it seemed reasonable, and nodded, "Where can we find a bit of thicker clouds?"

Since the upper **** man named Jiang Wenzhe said the beginning, he has the following. He flattered and said, "Ming Kun, my dad traveled to the sea of ​​clouds many years ago and saw a very strange cloud. It not only existed for a long time, but it remained undisturbed, but also the spirit xìng ..."

When Huo Mingkun heard it, he laughed and said, "Okay! Filling in this kind of cloud must do more with less! Jiang Wenzhe, you have done a great job, and Huo will surely repay you in the future!"

Although Jiang Wenzhe followed Huo Mingkun, he was not a Huo family, so he has not been taken seriously. Now listening to Huo Mingkun's statement, he immediately rejoiced and said, "Well, wait, my father has been reluctant to take the cloud. Take it out, it's in the house, I'll go back and steal it! "

Just when Huo Mingkun and others were secretly discussing, Ye had already traveled to the big blue water side to listen to the big class.

"Hey, boss, look at that. There ... Oh, don't look straight, with the light ... See?" A fat man's crooked voice sounded annoyingly in Ye Kong's ears. .

"What to look at, listen carefully to the class, and go to bed without listening to it!" Ye Kong cursed, and continued listening to the water blue **** on the stage.

Guo Binbin was not a learner, and he whispered, "I am for your goodness, boss. Since you became famous, not only have all the witches been tempted, but even the famous goddesses in the training school, they have turned their eyes to you. Endless! "

Speaking of which, Guo Binbin whispered, "Boss, even Huo Ruiqi's girl often looks at you secretly, do you know?"

"Oh, how is that possible?" Ye Kong was attracted by him this time.

"How impossible." Guo Binbin whispered: "I noticed, that girl has to look back at you several times every time! You have to grasp it, her father is a fire spirit, as long as you successfully get on the car, you will be in the future The future is immeasurable! I tell you, based on my strong pick-up experience with Guo, she has been Chunxin dàng Yang to you, but she has always been taciturn. So you must come to a tyrant to bow hard, and then Take down ... "

This Guo Binbin was also nonsense. Ye Kong ignored him at all and turned to look at Huo Ruiqi. Coincidentally, Huo Ruiqi also just turned around, and the two looked at each other.

After the two eyes met, Huo Ruiqi suddenly stared, so she quickly turned back and felt her heart pounding. Not to mention, Huo Ruiqi lived so big, and for the first time encountered such a heartbeat, she had never encountered it, so she was afraid.

After the lesson, Huo Ruiqi took a subordinate in the grove and told her what was happening in her heart. The man laughed and laughed: "Ricky, you must have moved your mind, don't worry, it doesn't matter." The man said, his face changed again, and said: "But I think Huo Mingkun likes you very much, Do n’t think about it, or Huo Mingkun is angry ... More Now. "

Where did Ye Kong know that this matter would soon cause him great trouble. Ye Kong was just studying diligently, and then practicing ... Since he had seen the geographical map of the mountains and rivers of the **** world, he even wanted to improve himself as soon as possible, and then left Dongsheng Kingdom and went to the West Kingdom and the South Demon The country went to look for Xiling Lin and Ultraman.

Ye Kong wasn't Huo Ruiqi's not in love, Ye Kong clearly saw that Huo Ruiqi's little girl had such a meaning. However, Ye Kong didn't care too much. Although Huo Ruiqi's cultivation was higher than him, he felt that Huo Ruiqi was just a little girl much younger than him, so Ye Kong did not have any affection, but avoided it intentionally. Huo Ruiqi.

Although avoiding Huo Ruiqi, Ye Kong felt differently about the Aqua God. After all, Ye Kong came up from the Nether, and it was the Aqua Blue God who helped him in the Ascension Pond, and then when he came to the training center, the Aqua Blue God taught him the techniques, and finally on the high ground of the Taoist Church, the Aqua Blue God was the only one Li tǐng the person he spoke to ...

Therefore, Ye Kong's thoughts on the Aqua Blue God are very complicated, and he wants to be close, but he dares not. However, since that incident, the Aqua God often used words to test whether he was the black armored man.

Ye Kong did not want to be a secret violent man of the black armor **** man, so he deliberately avoided the blue god.

So after today's big class, Ye Kong asked the Shui Lan Shen for the most recent exercise, and he made a ritual, rushed back to Dongfu, and didn't dare to talk to the Shui Lan Shen.

However, the Aqua Blue God is also a shrine that has lived for many years. The more Ye Kong deliberately evades, this makes the Aqua Blue God even more suspicious!

Watching Ye Kong leave his tall figure with a sword in his back, Shui Lan God held his other arm with one hand and his chin on the other, standing under the tall statue of Vulcan Fù, secretly thinking: He was still very natural before Yes, but after several temptations, he took the initiative to avoid chatting with me. Is it really him? impossible!

The Aqua Blue God thought it was impossible, mainly because of the relationship of cultivation. I thought that the black armor **** man killed the poison yīn **** Ling Peng's men by himself, but also tried to overcome Ling Peng ... So the water blue **** felt that the black armor **** man was the least, and it was also the upper **** man, then it was already against the sky. !! However, the god-man in the lower part of Ye Kongcai ~ ~ this is obviously too far away.

Although Shui Lan Shen said to her over and over again that it was impossible, every time she saw Ye Kong's back, she couldn't help but guess! Between a woman's intuition and her intellect, she was never sure.

Besides Ye Kong, he returned to Dongfu with the basic skills of Aquamarine.

"This time the Aqua Blue God's method should be the last part of the basic water system method! Although I have practiced during this period of time, I dare not say that I have learned the water system method, but I think it's enough!"

"At the beginning, I was in the Temple of Laws and had already mastered the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. So as long as I practiced the water system to a certain height this time, I began to practice the basic system of fire! The basic skills are so ordinary, they are on the first floor of the library. Well, that's it! "

Ye Kongli murmured, walked into Dongfu, and suddenly his brow frowned again. "These guys, are you bothered! Fill the compartment again, forget it, I will break the wall again!"

To the reader:

Three more today ...! .

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