The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2450: Get another treasure

Two, four, five, and one get another treasure

The river demon heard that Ye Kong wanted his Wanbao River, and felt that it was unthinkable. This boy was too unscrupulous, wasn't it? The only remaining treasure of his river demon could not be given to you.

Ye Kong also felt that such a request was a bit excessive, but he was helpless, he really needed a treasure that changed the shape, and needed it urgently!

"It's OK not to give Wanbao River, you take out the treasure that changed shape!"

The river demon said bitterly: "Take something hard, and Wanbaohe is broken."

"Then give me Wanbao River!"

"That is absolutely impossible!"

"Then I won't save He Luo!"

"No! You dare not save He Luo, I won't let you pass!"

"I didn't want to cross the border!"

You and I talked to each other, and they bickered with each other. It is also said that the only treasure that Wanbaohe and the River Demon currently possess is also his most powerful reliance. For example, let Ye Kong give away the Tianhua Sword, and you will not agree with Ye Kong.

While talking, the light skin over there has reached the final stage. The patterns of the two rules have begun to slowly integrate into his green body. The process of enlightenment should be completed soon, and at that time, a new quasi-god will appear.

Ye Kongdao said, "The river devil, I will leave when my pet finishes comprehension. Since you will not give me Wanbao River, I will never pass the level, you will send me back to the starting point of the road, I Will never come again ... "

"Slow!" He Mo hesitated for a moment, but in the end he asked a question that didn't cross the border. "You are at odds with the fire family, afraid to see the fire spirit god?"

Ye Kong nodded, his eyes enraged, and said, "Yes, I saved the daughter of the Fire Spirit God, but he said nothing but thanked my master artifact! Ye Mou hated this kind of ruthless and innocent person most!"

"It turned out that the God Kingdom Training Center is where the Fire Spirit God is in control, so the rising stars of Dongsheng God Kingdom all call the Fire Spirit God as a teacher. His disciples are all over the Kingdom of God, and they are quite powerful!" "His father, Vulcan, what do you think?"

"Vulcan?" Ye Kong shook his head. Vulcan, the emperor of Dongsheng God Kingdom, has super strength and has entered the category of immortal deities. Such a high existence, Ye Kong really doesn't have much opinion.

Seeing Ye Kong is unknown, He Mo Shen Suo xìng said clearly, "You also know that I am actually a clone of He Mo Shen. What is different from the other guardians here is that they are all willing to practice. It was made by me. But I ... it was my deity captured by Vulcan and coerced and refined by that guy, so whether I or my devotion are very hate Vulcan! So you want my Wanbao River, too, promise me a condition! "

Ye Kong was startled. "Do you want me to kill Vulcan and take revenge on your deity? Brother, the cost of taking you Wanbao River is too great."

"Kill Vulcan, you can't do it, even if you have any powerful backstage, it's not that I look down on you, the little lower god!"

"You don't have to keep reminding me that I am a lower god." Ye Kong mōmō said again. "Then what do you want me to do, say it."

"It is for you to save my deity! He was suppressed under the Dongsheng **** tower of the kingdom of God! If you promise me, I will give you Wanbaohe! Even my pet Heluo can also give You! "The river devil looked at his pet, and gritted his teeth.

"He Luo, you can keep it." Ye Kong said that the large river mussel was basically useless except for its large size, and it did not have enough water to support it, so it was not loved by others.

"There is another!" The river demon said again, "Wanbaohe can only be borrowed from you. Whether or not you rescue the deity in the future, Wanbaohe must be returned to the deity."

Ye Kong nodded, "OK!"

The river demon smiled and nodded. He also saw Ye Kong has great investment value, so he desperately bet! The demon deity of the river demon is stabbed under the tower. Of course, if you want to escape, you need the help of a powerful person. And Ye Kong in front of him, the lower part of the god-man realized that the words and methods are free, and there is a master artifact near him.

So from the perspective of the river demon god, this must be the descendant of a large family that has been suppressed by the fire department. Only with such strong capital can he be optimistic that Ye Kong can rescue his deity in the future!

If the river demon knows that the boy in front of him is just a mess, there is no family as a poor boy on the back, it is estimated that he will vomit blood and die immediately!

But the river demon is not stupid, and he is afraid that Ye Kong will take away the treasures and not help him. Then he said, "If you promise, leave a ray of my God here. This ray of God will not cause any harm to you, but it will allow me to give you a little will, no matter where you are, I remind you every thousand years! "

Ye Kong hesitated for a while, but finally agreed, after all, they took away their treasure, and they regularly reminded themselves that it should be, leaving a trail of God. Grind away most of the **** twist, put it in the jade, and wait for the river demon.

In this way, the river demon can send a simple consciousness to Ye Kong through this jade invitation, but it cannot cause any damage to Ye Kong. However, Ye Kong didn't know, but this jade Cambodia had a tracking function for him, causing a lot of trouble in the future.

Subsequently, Guangpi finally flashed the whole body. When Guanghua was hidden inside his body, his law was completed!

"Master, let me tell you, ah, I do n’t know what to say, I think I ’m very lucky, master, and one of them is your cultivation of me ... I ca n’t even think of it, you think I ’m like this Does your image not match well with a quasi-god? Do you say that I have the beard in order to have the power of quasi-god? Do you say that I will walk in all directions when I walk in the future ... "

Listening to Guangpi's crooked nonsense, the river demon felt a headache in his head, "Brother Ye, your toad pet is too noisy, and speaks for a long time, without a word, all nonsense!"

Guangpi said angrily, "The guy with steel needles on his chin, I say again, I'm not a toad! And, talking is my hobby, like your holo, stuffy gourd, like dumb, aren't you bored! "

The river demon was immediately asked to stop talking.

Ye Kong Haha laughed, "Yes, you have a lot of use, but you still have a lot of merit! But you are a little out of touch, in fact, everyone cares about which two rules you are aware of, but You just don't say it, and it ends up being a bunch of useless. "

Guangpi said, "Then you ask, you do n’t ask me how to know, you do n’t express what you mean, how do other people know what you think? So this expression is very important ... well, I do n’t care In fact, what I feel is the two principles of poison and hermit ~ ~ He Demon said in shock, "Wouldn't it be a poison after stealth! This pet is so evil! "

Ye Kong was also a little puzzled. Guangpi is a Voldemort who has the ability to hide, but poison, it may be that he has swallowed the poison spirit. However, Ye Kong was still very happy, smiling, "That's right, the last time you killed the demon under the poison yīn god, the godhead obtained was the partial godhead of the poison system, and I'll give it back to you!"

I heard that Ye Kong can kill partial gods with only one lower god, and the river demon has doubled his confidence in Ye Kong and nodded, "Since this is the case, then quickly save my pet, and then we can reach an agreement!"

Ye Kong nodded, "OK!"

Immediately afterwards, Guangpi started to **** the venom out of Heluo's huge body. Those venoms can be harmful to other creatures, but they are a great supplement to the light skin. He was happy to **** it out, and He Luo returned to normal.

The river deities then handed Wanbao River to Ye Kong.

I wish you all a happy May Day, and at the same time ask everyone for a guarantee for this month. Today's four chapters, tomorrow is still, thank you for your support, thank you! !! .

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