The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2449: Yekong's condition

Two four four nine leaves empty condition

Miles above the river, the waves are sky-high.

I saw the soaring waves, soaring into the air, forming a curtain of water, like a barrier of thousands of roads, like layers of high walls, blocking the way!

Before this layer of high walls, a figure in Tsing Yi carrying a giant sword stood up against the waves, facing the 10,000 high walls, his face was not shocked.

Just, slowly take off the sword on your back ...

Even if you are isolated, I have my own sword.

"All prohibitions, please open them to me!" Ye Kong roared, and the ordinary, inferior excalibur sword was suddenly released into the sky!

That was no longer a sword of gold and iron. What appeared in front of it was a bright excalibur made of light all over the body!

Seeing this sword appeared, even the eyes of the river demon was full of greed!

"It turned out to be a master artifact! No wonder this kid's hide is coaxing, it turned out that he even carried a master artifact!" Enmon envy and jealousy in the eyes of the river devil, gritted his teeth and said, "If it was not too low, This master artifact has not yet acknowledged the Lord. Otherwise, he can slash this area with a single sword! "

Although you can't cut the field with one sword, but Ye Kong's mighty sword is also terrifying!


A loud noise echoed in this area!

There are hundreds of thousands of artifacts in the towering barriers! All these combined powers are not defeated by Ye Kong!

The power of one sword breaks the barrier of thousands! The layers of soaring water curtains, like layers of waste paper, were destroyed and rotten, all of them were broken by this sword light, chopping out a channel!

"The legendary Wanbao River, but that's it!" The figure in Tsing Yi snorted coldly, which turned into a shadow and rushed towards the end of the river!

Looking at Ye Kong's figure flying farther and farther away, the river demon in midair was not in a hurry. Lengheng said, "What's the matter when you get out of Wanbaohe? You still haven't passed the level! I'm standing at the door to see how you pass!"

This river demon is also very shameless, he is clearly in a disadvantage. But he refused to give up, prepared to use hooligan means, used the Wanbao River to block the exit, and did not let Ye Kong pass!

However, his shameless thought has not yet been implemented. When the Manbao River comes out, the river demon is shocked!

It turned out that He Luo, the **** beast lying in the cave, had reached the point of dying at this moment!

The **** beast, He Luo, is a very magical beast. It is a bit like a shell river mussel, which can absorb water to filter dirty dirt. But now that big river has turned all green! It's full of venom!

And because of its purification function, He Luo inhales poisonous water and spit out clean water. But in this way, all the venom stayed inside He Luo's body. But that venom is too much, and slowly, even He Luo himself has been poisoned. The more it purifies the poisonous water, the deeper it becomes!

Seeing that He Luo was poisoned, lying there still, the river demon exclaimed, rushed up, and shouted in pain, "My obedient He Luo, don't scare me, how can I live without you ..."

The river demon screamed out of Wanbaohe.

In fact, Ye Kong was out of the Wanbao River, and it was a surprise in his eyes!

It turned out that when Ye Kong and the River Demon battled in the Wanbao River, two white lines descended from the sky and surrounded Guangpi. And that white line is actually the rule of law!

The most outrageous thing is that the light skin is surrounded by two rules of different thickness!

"I comprehend two rules at a time! My ancestors, Banban, and Guangpi, are too lucky! They are better than my buddies!"

In the Pipa beads, Ming Xizhan and Soul Diary are also stunned. At first they all thought that Guangpi was bragging, but now they know that they are really becoming gods!

Realizing the law, as long as the godhead is fused again, isn't it God?

"Guangpi's luck is so good! We don't know when we can become gods!" Furious thirteen eyes also showed enthusiasm.

Soul also said with great anxiety, "First, Ultraman was soared into god, and now Guangpi realizes the law again. We don't know when it will be such an enviable day!"

Several families are happy and some are sad. On the one hand, Ye Kong is happy for his pet's promotion, but on the other side, the river devil is holding his pet and crying.

At this point, the river demon no longer wanted to block Ye Kong by his shameless means, but instead turned back and said, "Epigenetic! Forget it, I let you pass! But the requirement is that you must let your toad take the venom!"

"He's not a toad," Ye Kong explained, and asked again, "He demons, did you just give up? It seems like you forgot something!"

The river demon said angrily, "Burning! You hurt my pet, and you want me to promise you any conditions, you dream!"

Ye Kong turned his head and said, "If you can't help me, then I won't be off!"

Indeed, Ye Kong came through the level to fancy the sentence, "Any condition can be offered to him to defeat the river demon!" Ye Kong came to ask for the conditions. He didn't really want to pass the level. After passing the level, he might face the fire **** directly!

That's almost the same as sending death!

"But off, no! You get me off!" The river demon growled angrily.

Ye Kong was also angry, "Hey, don't think that your beard has a beard on the chin like a steel needle. I'm afraid of you! If you don't promise me, I will never treat your pet!"

"Then you treat my pet first! Other conditions later!"

"But I won't be able to treat it, only my pet will be able to treat it. But you also saw it, he is comprehending the rules ... it is better to take this time to discuss the conditions." Ye Kong said shamelessly.

"But I'm not in the mood!" Although the river demon looks rough, he has a delicate heart, and watching his pet, He Luo, is suffering, and he feels the same!

But Ye still said shamelessly, "You can't see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain, and you can't grow without suffering. You should be grateful for my pet to let your pet grow!"

"Go!" He Mo roared, exhaling, and then asked again, "said, what conditions do you have?"

Ye Kong laughed, "It's easy! As long as you teleport me outside Weizhou City, even in the sea of ​​clouds, it doesn't matter! I don't want to be a genius, I want to leave here far away!"

The River Devil looked at Ye Kong like an idiot, and sneered, "If I can teleport so far, I'm still here? I have that ability, I will pass myself off first!"

Ye Kong thought about it too, and changed a condition and said, "Then you will make me better! The requirements are not high, as long as you can defeat the Fire Spirit God!"

He Mo Shendao, "If I had the strength of that year, with the power of Wanbao River, I could defeat the Fire God! But now I can't leave here, how can I help you deal with the Fire God?"

Ye Kong angered, "This can't be done, that can't be done, what else do you say promise me any conditions!"

"Any condition I call is a condition that I can do! Do you say that I want to be the **** king, do I have to do it?" The river devil refused to be outdone, raised his chin-like beard, stared, and Ye Kong confronts!

In the face of such a river demon, Ye Kong only gave way. "Okay, okay ~ ~ I can do one. I heard you like collecting treasures, then you give me a A treasure, which can hide my identity, so that after changing my appearance, the level of) (6) of the Fire Spirit cannot be found! "

"This treasure ... this ..." The river demon frowned suddenly.

With Ye Kongzhi's savvy, he suddenly understood that the river devil really had such treasures, but he couldn't bear it!

"This is my only and final condition! If you promise me, I will treat you He Luo. If you don't, then you will take two shots!"

The river devil smiled bitterly, "It's not that I don't give it, but that treasure has been refined into the Wanbao River! How can I give it to you?"

Ye Kong immediately rejoiced and said very shamelessly, "Then that is better, give me Wanbao River!"

Almost one of the river devil fell to his death and said in amazement, "You can say that under these conditions!"

To the reader:

There are chapters in the evening, but it may be late. There are foreign relatives, big aunts and uncles at home ...

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