The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2445: Better to be a disciple

It ’s better to be a disciple

"Thank you so much, and Ricky, please take care of him too much. This child is disobedient ..." The Fire Spirit God saw Shui Lan agreeing, and his eyes were a joy. Because this is also his little strategy, first ask Shui Lan to teach, then let it help to manage, and finally you can leave this girl in the Kingdom of God Training Center, and then the two can get along with each other night and night, when they want to break that relationship It is not difficult.

Shui Lan God thought of so much, she nodded with a smile, "Huoling brother, you can rest assured, although Rui Qi is nonsense, but the essence is not bad, and still listen to me."

Seeing Shui Lan smiling with a smile, Lan Sè's eyes exude tenderness, the beauty is fascinating, and the fire spirit can't help but say, "Shui Lan, otherwise you can be her mother."

Shui Lan Shenqiao's face froze, and she suddenly converged and smiled slightly, shaking her head slightly.

Since the fire spirit **** said it, he did not hide it, saying again, "Water blue, you know my heart for so many years."

"Brother Fire Spirit, I always only have the same feelings as your brother and sister." Aqua Blue God still shook her head, although Fire Spirit God is not bad to her, but she does not like Fire Spirit God, nor does he love him!

"But the women in the water system are all married to my Huojia ..."

Before the fire spirit **** finished, the water blue **** shook his head and said, "This is not a rule! It is not the rule written by the beginning god! Only after the combination of the fire **** and the water god, there are some coincidences, but these Coincidence does not apply to me! "

Listening to the water blue **** said so resolutely, the fire spirit **** was very angry, but he still held his breath and said, "In short, as long as you have no man for a day, I will wait for you." After the fire spirit **** said, bowed his head slightly, It's a salute, saying, "I'll go first."

After that, the fire spirit turned into a firelight, flew from the huge statue of fire god, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Although the fire spirit said the infatuation, but this is also what the Aqua God hates him the most. He said, "As long as you don't have a man for a day, I will wait for you", but in fact, as long as there is a man around Shui Lan God, or Shui Lan God speaks a word to a different god, the Fire God will immediately Will domineering to find that man. If the repair is low, kill it directly; if the repair is high, he will use the power of the fire house to suppress the other party and keep them away from the water blue.

In the face of the overbearing and unreasonable Fire Spirit, Shui Lan was extremely unhappy. However, she is just not very strong, and most of the water system is also helping the fire family. What can she do?

"Just wronged those unfortunate male gods." Shui Lan God shook his head with a bitter smile, and those male Gods who were killed or fiercely killed by the Fire Spirit God, in fact, Shui Lan just told them two more words.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly emerged in Shui Lan's heart, a figure of a man with a black armor. That figure is so powerful that at the critical moment tǐng comes out, and he is not afraid of such a powerful poison, most importantly, that figure is so interesting to speak ...

Thinking of this, a touch of smile appeared on the beautiful face of Aquamarine.

"Vice-Chancellor, that's bad! Vice-Chancellor ..." As Shui Lan was distracted, one by one dwarfed and ran over. This eccentric figure is short and fat, with a top, fangs, a slumped nose, a windy ear, and an eyebrow-like shape.

Seeing this person coming, Shui Lan sighed secretly in her heart, and the tall image in her heart was only occasionally cranky, and she could only talk to an ugly man like Guo Bishen, so that the fire spirit would not be in doubt.

"Don't call me a vice-principal, I just help." Shui Lan Shen looked up and asked, "What the **** is wrong?"

The pot partial god, named Zhou Xiangwan, looks ugly, but there are strange encounters. He picked up an iron pot from an early age, and then realized the heavenly way from the runes on the bottom of the pot. Finally, he became a god. . Before, there was no pot system in the **** world, and there was no pot master god, so Zhou Xiangwan is working hard to the pot master god!

Of course, to be one of the actual managers of the Kingdom Training Institute, Zhou Xiangwan still has some strengths, and he is also very good. In other words, if it wasn't for the good temper, no one could bear the overbearing Fire Spirit.

"That's it. I just saw the mark on the road down the mountain just now!" Zhou Xiangwan said.

"One step down the mountain road?" The Shui Lan Shen did not come to the God Kingdom Training Center for a long time, so he was very suspicious.

"Yeah, now many of the teachings in the Kingdom of God Training Center do n’t know one step down the mountain road. Please, please ..." Zhou Xiangwan led the water blue **** to a certain hall, and at the same time the origin of the one step down the mountain road Tell.

"Oh, it was the Kingdom of God that recruited the newly-approved talents, so this is the way to go down the mountain." Shui Lan Shen asked again, "Most of the people who are soaring now are sent directly to the Kingdom of God Training Center. Few go to mine! "

Zhou Xiangwan said, "Yes. Now those families only need to take a bribe and find some acquaintances, and they can be sent directly to the Kingdom of God Cultivation Institute. Who else is going to challenge one step down the mountain? There are even fewer geniuses! So there are already nine For more than 10,000 years, no one has gone down the mountain! If it takes a few more years, it will be 100,000 years! "

"It's been a long time." Aqua God nodded.

Between the two of them, they have come to a palace and walked into the sidewalk, which is usually inaccessible. The water blue **** saw a light and shadow on the wall in the temple at a glance! And in the ninth section of the cave, there is a fiery dot, and that point is moving towards the tenth section, which is the last section!

"It's going to be the last level right away, really fast!" Zhou Xiangwan said in surprise. "I just watched him at the sixth level! I came to the tenth level in a blink of an eye. Is this person really a just ascended person? Is so powerful! "

"I don't know." The pair of blue eyes of Shui Lan Shen also stared at the flashing red dot, and asked, "Can you see the situation inside?"

"No." Zhou Xiangwan shook his head. "At that time, Vulcan said that every genius has its own secret. Such a battle still maintains a certain mystery, which is a protection for genius."

"Master Vulcan is thoughtful." Shui Lan Shen looked back at the red light and said, "I don't know if this person can break through the last level and appear in the God Kingdom Training Center in one step."

Zhou Xiangwan laughed, "If it appears, it will appear in the center of this hall."

While talking, another beautiful little girl with red hair came in and asked, "Who is there in the center of this hall?"

Shui Lan God laughed, "Riqi, you're here. It's the sky that comes out of a mountain step!"

Zhou Xiangwan explained again, Huo Ruiqi said, "If it is such a great genius, you must accept him as a disciple! In this way, I have an additional playmate, where I go, I can brag about it! "

Zhou Xiangwan also agreed loudly, "Yes! Aqua Blue God, the other teachings are full of disciples. You have no disciples yet. Such a genius just happened to be encountered by you ~ ~ It ’s better to accept a disciple ! "

Shui Lan God listened to the fiery enthusiasm of them, and was a little moved, nodded and smiled, "Wait until he appears here."

Besides, in the cave, a figure in Tsing Yi with a long sword finally walked to the opening of the last level. He didn't know anyone was watching him, and he didn't hesitate to step into the last level.

"The lower part of the god-man, the fiery red **** ... the new god-man, it seems you are very backstage!" Each one is two feet tall, and the bronze demon is covered in front of Ye Kong, his brows have A blue river mark, his beard grows like a thick steel needle, this is the defender of the tenth level, the river demon!

Standing in front of the tall river demon God, Ye Kong looked a lot smaller, but he was still calm, carrying a sword, his left hand, and said lightly, "Yes, I'm so big in the background! You who know me, flash me Drive aside, otherwise, take your own risks! "

The river devil was not angry, and laughed, "Where's the boy, very arrogant!"

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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