The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2444: Layer 10

Two four four forty tenth floor

"The ten defenders here are actually seven. Three of them have been killed too many times. In the end, the divine thoughts died and the smoke disappeared."

"In fact, we are all made by the main gods with your mind or a trace of flesh and blood. Here we keep the customs. As long as all our power is consumed, they will be wiped out."

"Of the remaining seven defenders, the strongest was the last level. It was Vulcan who seized the river demon and refined it with his flesh and blood. The last level of the river demon avatar's strength was suppressed at the upper level of the god-man, but He often goes crazy, at that time he will break a seal and reach or approach partiality. "

"It is said that if he is defeated after going crazy, he will promise the passer a request."

Hearing here, Ye Kong couldn't help but ask, "Any request?"

The dancing goddess nodded, Mei said, "Epigenetic, do you want to defeat him? That is difficult. Also, he has a powerful treasure, called Wanbaohe, which has amazing artifacts and amazing attack power. ! "

"This river demon is a rich man." Ye Kong nodded slightly.

The woman said, "That is, the hobby of the river demon is collecting treasures."

With that said, Ye Kong has nothing to worry about. The final B here is just close to the partial level, for Ye Kong, there is no pressure. As long as there is no Lord God, Ye Kong is not worried.

"Well, the challenge begins." Ye Kong smiled slightly, stepped forward, and stepped into the cave.

"Later, you finally came in, hurry up, give it to your elder sister, elder sister ... need it!" The red woman saw Ye Kong coming in, and was immediately overjoyed, immediately rushed up, twisted like a snake, and made all kinds of unsightly actions. .

Ye Kong raised his hand and hit a light curtain to block the woman.

In fact, Ye Kong is very clear, this is a test for newcomers. The first level is to test the newcomer in terms of sex. If you can't stand her yòuhuò, have a relationship with her, or just lose, or she will kill you in your míli. So Ye Kong will not be fooled.

"The first gatekeeper, for the sake of telling me so much, I won't kill you. You better be honest!" Ye Kong snorted and pointed at the woman.

However, the woman is a refinement of the mind of the Lord God, and she has seen so many things, how can she be afraid of the warning of the lower god-man like Ye Kong?

"Later, my sister has been stunned for so many years, come ... to meet my sister." The woman's whole body twisted, and all her clothes disappeared, showing her bumpy body completely.

Ye Kong ignored her and strode toward the cave. But there was another cry behind him, "Look at who I am, giggle ..."

Ye Kong glanced back for a moment. I saw Xiling Lin behind, beckoning him naked.

Between Ye Kong's hairpin, Xiling Lin laughed, "Not enough to stab it?" Then she saw a ray of light on her body and turned into a man who was also wearing nothing. The man walked towards Xiling Lin ...

And Xiling Lin lay down, beckoning to Ye Kong, Xingkou opened, eagerly, "Want to join us, come ..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Kong was furious. Obviously it was the woman who scanned his will with some divine technique to find the shape of Xi Linglin, and this became Xi Linglin's appearance. Although it was only a fake Xiling Lin, how could Ye Kong see the scene in front of her.

"Stop!" Ye Kong growled.

But the man just looked at Ye Kong and walked towards the twisting Xiling Lin.

"You're looking for death!" Ye Hollow's head was on fire, even if it was a fake Xiling Lin, he couldn't watch him humiliated. Moreover, he hated the woman even more, and it was so bad for the one he loved!

I saw Ye Kong stepping back and stepping out, stepping on the bō pattern, and only one step came to the man. Raising his hand again, a turquoise flag was fierce and overbearing, and pulled down!


The man was just a light and shadow that the woman turned into, and was immediately shattered by the whip of Chaos Lotus and disappeared.

And the lying "Xilinglin" was suddenly shocked in his eyes. I did not expect Ye Kong to have a whip, so powerful. But then, fierce and cruel sè emerged in her eyes, and she only heard a scream, her head turned out like a snake's head, exaggerated **** mouth, and bite into Ye Kong!

"Insult the appearance of Xiling, you **** it!" Ye Kong was left behind with his left hand, standing like a mountain, and he just raised his right hand, and drank in his mouth, "Danish extinction!"

boom! A green light smashed his head, and a guy got into the woman's body and disappeared.

The huge mouth that hurled at Ye Kong stopped abruptly, and then quickly retracted to its original size. Xiling Lin's appearance also disappeared, lù showed the original appearance of the woman ... Her eyes were full of panic!

"What a powerful divine skill!" When she said this, she heard a loud noise, her body was torn apart! Into light and shadow, collapse!

Although the woman's body was crushed, she was not dead, and she would have a dead body. The defending avatars have strange settings. Each time they only take out a small part to fight. It doesn't matter if they hang up. When the next person appears, they will condense one more.

Ye Kong smashed the woman with a blow, and the scared woman never dared to come out again. Ye Kong did not leave in a hurry, but took out a garbage artifact from the portable space, spit out a magic fire, burned slightly, and stretched violently ...

I saw Ye Kong's hands kept on. In a while, a clear stick appeared. As soon as Ye Kong raised his hand, the long stick was thrown into the sky, turned around and fell in the sky, and pierced directly into the ground soil. Most of it stood straight out of the soil, still buzzing and shaking.

"Our hometown is called pole dancing, and we dance around this pipe, how to figure it out ourselves ... remember, don't mess with the woman in other people's hearts, otherwise you will die unsightly!"

In the voice, a figure in Tsing Yi was carrying a sword and headed for the next hole.

This step down the mountain road is to select geniuses from the lower gods, so the level is not high. The second guard will be a clone of the demon god, Ye Kong also easily defeated without much effort.

Then, the third layer has no defenders, the fourth layer, the fifth layer has no defenders, the sixth layer ... Ye Kong can feel that the strength of those defenders is gradually strengthened, but for Ye Konglai who has partial strength Said, basically no difficulty, killed all the way.

Finally came to the ninth floor, unexpectedly there was no defender on the ninth floor. Ye Kong smiled and ran straight to the tenth floor!

Just as Ye Kong was in the cave, and he kept advancing below the sloping cave, he was in the kingdom of God training center.

The tall statue of Vulcan stands tall ~ ~ The fiery red hair, like a torch, shines on the kingdom of Dongsheng. The firm eyes looked down at the earth, as if urging the students in the kingdom training institute to forge ahead. Beneath the tall fire goddess, there is a beautiful and gentle female sitting statue. At the foot of the woman, Wang Qingquan slowly flows out, and surrounds the God Kingdom Training Center to form a moat. This is the mother **** of water.

Under the statue of the water **** Vulcan, there is also a fiery red-haired man and a water-blue-haired woman. It is the fire spirit and the water blue god.

"Shuilan, my principal of the kingdom training institute is really not qualified. This is not the case, I will go out again." It was the fire spirit **** who spoke. Since receiving the news that Ye Kong is the black armor **** man, the fire spirit **** has launched all the powers that can be launched and searched in the whole Dongsheng **** kingdom.

This time I heard that a man of black armor appeared in a small kingdom of gods in the sea of ​​clouds. He decided to check it in person. He added, "Things here will temporarily trouble you."

The long hair of the water blue **** áo water blue sè, nodded politely and agreed.

To the reader:

Thank you Mi Fuzhen for the reward, thank Tao Xueming and others, thank you ...! .

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