The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2436: Cloud ghost attack

In the quiet back room, a Tsing Yi figure sat cross-legged. In his hand, carrying a jade card, it is the extinction of the extinction from the genuine extinction of the extinction!

This figure is Ye Kong who returned from adventure.

Unlike the god-man who grew up in this realm, Ye Kong, the god-man from the lower realm, is even more eager to become stronger! Because they have no background, no backers, no family support for them! They can only rely on themselves!

Moreover, in so many years of promotion and cultivation, they have developed the habit of cultivation! Unlike many second-generation ancestors in the divine realm, I only know how to play!

So as soon as Ye Kong came back, he retreated and began to study the extinction magic.

"The Great Extinction Divine Art was created before countless epochs. It was created by the ancient ancestors of the ancient gods and passed down with the other fifteen other kinds of divine arts. It is called the ancient **** sixteen arts!"

"Danish extinction, between rigid and yīn soft, suitable for those who possess the gods such as the poisonous wood and dark ancient gods!"

"Great extinction magic can be divided into three layers, called extinct, extinct, extinct! If it exceeds the extinct realm, you can link it into a divine power, called extinction! The exalted power reaches its peak! Extinct realm , Can damage the opponent ’s deities in large quantities! The state of extinction can completely defeat its deities! The state of extinction can destroy the main **** of extinction! The state of extinction ... can destroy everything in the world! "

"It's so powerful!" Ye Kong, who looked at this great extinction divine art, was intrigued! I saw the poisonous yīn **** Ling Peng domineering before, but in fact, it is only to reach the state of extinction! But you can kill Sifang City Master Xu Xiao in one shot! If you get to the extinction of God, it's OK!

"Learn! Be sure to learn!" Ye Kong immediately immersed himself in his mind, and began to advance from the first level of extermination!

While Ye Kong was studying the magic, a white cloud of light and shadow drifted in. The light and shadow resemble clouds and flocks, and it is like a faint mist, but the light yīn shadow cast by the sunlight on it has a sense of dreadful fear!

When that slight cloud of mist slowly infiltrated into the house, I saw a colorful array of gods in the house, and I could not see the scene at all. There was an old voice in the fog. "According to the investigation, this boy has a lot of opportunities in the lower bound. It seems that many treasures have been found! He also has a lot of secrets! Well, I set up this kind of formation, I am afraid people will see it. ! "

"Hum!" The old voice was another groan, and then something amazing happened. I saw the intricate clouds and swellings!

In the air, a floating ghost ghost appeared! The so-called cloud ghost is named for it!

And that cloud ghost's face is really the head of the Huang family, the main **** Huang Jingzhao!

The cloud ghost appeared, with a sharp shot in his eyes, looking at the colorful **** array! Huang Jingzhao's face sneered, "This formation is good! But it's not enough for my main god!"

Afterwards, the clouds turned into a dry arm, and yanked! It's amazing that this cloud ghost even has carry space!

It turned out that Huang Jingzhao took great care in order to ensure that this time quietly beheaded Ye Kong and to steal the main artifact without knowing it! Not only did he send out the most powerful cloud ghost, but he also made a carry-on space for this ghost!

Of course, there are a lot of items in the space!

"In order to unknowingly, we must first lay down a prohibition of blocking sound, light, and divine power! I first use a treasure to isolate it, then use a spell inside to pry through his formation, and then go in ... presumably this The kid won't notice my sneak attack! "Huang Jingzhao sneered, as a master god, it is too easy to think of a lower **** man!

"Who told you to kill my juniors first? You deserve to die!" Yun Gui sneered, and had already taken out several small flag-like artifacts, which were under the strong prohibition!

However, just when Yun Gui wanted to cast a restraint, he heard a sound behind him.

"Well." An old man came out with a pouting mouth, and walked along the road. "A master **** came to conceal a lower **** man. This is really an ancient story. It will not happen for thousands of epochs."

Hearing the sound behind, the ghost's face suddenly became blurred.

But the old man with purple flames in his eyebrows came to the cloud ghost, but sneered, "Don't hide! Lord Huang Jingzhao, I have seen it clearly. Not only that, I also used all the actions you just made with the magic Now, hum, if I send it to the landlord, you're going to have bad mold! "

Hearing the old man said, the face on that cloud ghost's face became clear again, Huang Jingzhao's face appeared, and he suddenly exclaimed, "Fire God, you and I have countless faces! In the past there is no resentment and no resentment, why do you bother me? Big things, get out of the way quickly, and have your own benefits in the future! "

The old man who appeared was exactly the guardian of this mine and the **** of fire. He controlled all the formations of the mine, and felt that it was not right here, so he came to check.

Huozi God said coldly, "Huang Jingzhao, I hope you can recognize the situation. You have already committed a serious crime when you illegally entered the Shenjing mine. If it was not a bit of a head turn, I would have captured this cloud ghost and sent it to the **** of fire ! "

Huang Jingzhao suddenly softened a lot, and said, "Fire God, you have always been crowded out by the fire house. Why are you suffering? Besides, this deity comes, and it has nothing to do with your **** crystal mine! This deity comes here, Just to take the empty xìng life of that leaf! "

Huozi God originally thought Huang Jingzhao had any plans for the mine. Now the other side said that he was a little curious and asked, "This son has a deep hatred with you? He is just a lower god."

Huang Jingzhao groaned, "My descendants, there is a genius named Huang Yiming, sent to the early world to experience, but was killed by the kid in the Nether, but the horse God has always been partial to protect! So the deity knows that this son is God World, that ’s how I avenged myself, and by the way take away some of my Yiming grandchildren ’s relics. "

"So it is," Huozi smiled, "revenge is false, and taking things is true. I want to know what treasures a master **** can remember!"

"It is my treasure of the Huang family, and I have nothing to do with you!" Huang Jingzhao roared again, exhaling a breath, and calming down, "Huoci God, you ask for a price, what treasure do you want, you speak, as long as my Huang family can take out ..."

Huozi God laughed, "I would like to ask, Lord Huang, do you want me to ask a price, do you want me to conceal the fact that you are here, or do you want to buy me to kill this lower god?"

Huang Jingzhao said, "Of course the latter."

Fire loving God slowly shook his head, "Then you can't do it."

Huang Jingzhao suddenly became furious ~ ~ God of Mercy, do you really want to hate me for this little god? "

Fire God stepped forward, blocking the formation, and said, "Okay! This son has worshiped the old husband as a teacher. If you want to hurt him, how can I agree! Besides, you are a **** of transport and trading, how am I afraid of you ! "

After the fire **** said, he raised his hand and drank, "Vulcan barriers!" With this finger, he saw a blazing flame suddenly appearing in the air, and the flame formed a fireball, trapping the cloud ghost in it, and the flame on the surface of the fireball Flowing like flowing water, the magic is very gorgeous!

The cloud ghost trapped in Huang Jingzhao watched the magnificent flames surrounding him, and admired Liulu, saying, "All said that the closest thing to the fire **** is the fire god, and it is true!"

Fire mercy God ignored his praise, coldly, "Relax, I will tell God to come to catch you!"

"You!" Huang Jingzhao was furious, but in the end he relaxed his breath and said, "Well, I don't kill him! That's it! You let me go, um, I think you gave me to the people of the gods, or the fire home Others, your apprentice doesn't want to see it either, why ... he understands! "

Message to readers: and at night ...! .

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