The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2435: Lord God's Request

Two, four, three, five masters please

On one side is a thick and mysterious sea of ​​clouds, and on the other is an open and remote loess plain. And just between the intersection of the two, stood a figure in Tsing Yi.

This is Ye Kong, who has just separated from Le Er. He didn't leave in a hurry, but probed the god's knowledge into that piece of jade ... He made a sudden frown, and was surprised.

This jade card is so similar to the one that Leer used to fight against the beast. So Ye Kong thought it was the same Sword God, but when Ye Kong immersed his consciousness in it, he found out that this is not the case!

"The power of the **** of the starry sky! Moving the starry sky can instantly transfer the controller of the jade card to a safe place!" Ye Kong was surprised, "the power of another master god!"

If Le'er took out a jade card with a sword and mighty power and said it had been stolen, he could still believe it. But there is another divine power here, which is amazing! In this world, there are n’t so many main gods idle to consume the body, refining divine power, giving it to others, and letting people steal it ...

This kind of thing is absolutely unlikely!

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Even a rookie like Ye Kong has an anti-theft space. Compared with those who have the power of the Lord God, they will not use very garbage carry-on space!

"What's the background for Mo Fe Na Le Er ..." Ye Kongzhong was suspicious again, how can you come out as a beggar stealing a person with a background who can talk to several main gods?

Ye Kong couldn't figure it out, but Ye Kong also thought at the same time: Since there is such a magical starry sky moving divine power, why doesn't she use it in the sea of ​​clouds?

Ye Kong took another look at the information of the mighty power in the jade card, and suddenly a shocking emotion surged. He looked up sharply, calling out, "Happy!"

But the little figure has disappeared!

It turned out that the divine power in that jade card could only be moved by one person! In other words, if Le Er uses it, she will be immediately safe ... In other words, she will leave Ye Kong alone in the sea of ​​clouds!

"This child ..." A warm current rose in Ye Kong.

Although it was clear that Ye Kong saved her countless times, the fact is that Le'er has always had a chance to escape! But in the end, she couldn't bear it anymore, and left Ye Kong alone in Yunhai!

Thinking of this, Ye Hollow was warm, with a smile in his eyes, and he said to himself, "There is a meeting in the mountains and rivers, not to mention people. I believe there will be a day to meet again, happy, good luck."

After speaking, Ye Kong found a silk thread, put on the jade card, and hung it on his neck like a necklace.

Then Zhou Xiaozhong was released, and the two went one after the other and headed for Shenjing Mine!

Ye Kong ’s journey to the sea of ​​clouds, although difficult and dangerous, was only six or seven days before and after. For eternal gods, it's just a blink of an eye.

Therefore, Ye Kong and others did not have any suspicion. It took them half a day to pass through the teleportation array directly, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

"Ye Laozi, you sneak away and make Lao Tzu worry! Come on, come and drink two cups with pressure!" Ye Kong just returned, and Pei Chunguang drove Ye Kong and drunk again.

But Ye Kong had no time to drink with him and waved his hand, "Brother Pei, you can drink it by yourself. I'll go down this time and see that the gods in the city are powerful, have supernatural powers, and have amazing powers! I also watch the younger Eyes hot, want to study in retreat! "

Pei Chunguang laughed, "I didn't expect Lao Tzu to recognize a brother who knows to be aggressive! Then you retreat! I will never drag you back!"

Ye Kong smiled bitterly, "Your boy should use a few Lao Tzu. In the future, if you talk to the Lord God, if you come up with a Lao Tzu, you will kill yourself!"

After a cold greeting with Pei Chunguang, Ye Kong went to his room in the mine palace, set up a **** array, and began to study the extermination gods.

Besides outside the hall.

The guard of a golden armor god-man saw Ye Kong returning, and nodded with a smile in his eyes. However, when Ye Kong and Pei Chunguang disappeared into the hall, he sneered again in his eyes, and then a palm of his hand appeared, and a messaging token appeared.

"Ye Kong is back!" In one of the towers, the beam of light shot from the top of the tower and hit a tall man in the middle of the tower bottom. A man in a simple gray robe is like a downcast scholar. If you do n’t know anyone, you would never imagine that he is Huang Jingzhao, the **** of trading in the rich world!

As the main **** of the transaction, Huang Jingzhao has seen treasures like cattle hair, and he has also seen the main artifact! But I never tried to own it! Because this level of master artifact is never the object of trading!

"My Huang Jingzhao is called the boss of Huang Da, and the business is rich in wealth! It is a joke that there is no master artifact! What is rich without a master artifact! What is rich! So I ca n’t always mix in God The highest circle in the world! So this time, I definitely want to get it! "

In the eyes of Huang Jingzhao, there was fanaticism, and he said, "But the **** crystal mine is the land of the kingdom of God! I am afraid that the news will leak and I cannot do it! Otherwise, just kill him and get the treasure! A little Only the lower gods! "

Huang Jingzhao hesitated and said, "It ’s better, I asked him to come to the Huang family for a banquet, and when he mentioned that my offspring Huang Yiming was killed, he shot at him! Huh! Even the Fire God did not expect me to be a murderer, haha. ! "

Outside the mine palace, there was a servant who was like a family member, gimmicking, "Below is the steward of the Huang family in Weizhou City. In my family ’s order, he invited Ye Kongren to go to my house for a feast. Crystals and treasures. "

"No time, no time! Lao Tzu brothers said, no one will see during the retreat!" Pei Chunguang ignored and sent someone to blast away the affairs.

"Abominable, this muddy man is a bad thing for me! Huh, let's say, since it's impossible to go to a banquet, I will use a more mean method!" Huang Jingzhao snorted and shouted, "Go again! Take a cloud ghost go with!"


There are some means to say that Huang Jingzhao can become the main god. Maybe there will be **** in the partial gods, the second ancestors, but among the main gods, everyone is a character! The refining of Yungui is a unique skill of the Huang family.

The cloud ghost is a monster-like ghost made by using the clouds in the sea of ​​clouds of the **** world. This thing is a bit smart to say, it looks like a demon. But its illusion is more ghostly! But in essence, it is a more puppet-like thing!

Because the control and use of this thing are at the discretion of the host! The master has the will in it!

The steward went up the mountain again ~ ~ kneeling in front of the hall, transmitting the invitation, saying, "My family's trading master, Huang Jingzhao, specially sent invitations to the **** Yekong. I want to meet and talk about a deal! But wait for Ye! The empty **** man will make a decision before leaving the house. My family will always wait! "

Pei Chunguang laughed loudly, "I didn't think that the brother Lao Tzu was really powerful, he was a lower god, and the main **** came to invite him to meet him! OK! It seems that Lao Tzu read the wrong person! I, when he comes out, I will give it to him! "

The supervisor handed in Jade Cambodia and took the magical vehicle down the mountain. But unknowingly, a cloud of mist has quietly emerged from the chariot.

The cloud ghost is more like a puppet, so among this cloud ghost, there is a trace of Huang Jingzhao's will. It is precisely this is the cloud ghost released by the main **** that Pei Chunguang cannot detect! That cloud of mist and mist flowed, flowing through the cracks in the door. Even if it is a defensive formation, it can be attached to the guards of the lower gods and follow it into the formation!

"Ye Kong's room, um, you can know by overhearing the guard's conversation! It turned out to be over there ... Humming, Ye Kong, the lower part of the god-man, I Huang Jingzhao is going to kill you, it's almost a capture! Who must Will not pay attention to the life and death of a lower god! "! .

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