The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2430: Way back

Two four three zero back road

"Hey, you are a flying thief in Weizhou City. Why did you steal so many storage rings, you teach me, I worship you as a teacher!"

"Get off! Don't blame me for leaving you alone! Also! You steal my stuff again, be careful I cut you!"

"Boss, take you a little crystal, it's your compensation for rogue!"

"Hum, if you dare take it again, I'm really a hooligan!"

You and I quarreled with each other, Ye Kong finally got something in a storage ring!

"Shenzhou!" Ye Kong was overjoyed and quickly took out the Shenzhou in the storage ring. The Shenzhou, held in his hands, looked very humble, just like the small core carving that Ye Kong had seen on earth, a small small core boat.

"Great, I didn't expect that you could even steal the Yunhai Shenzhou, you are too great!" Le Er was also overjoyed to see the small boat!

"Wait a minute, I'll refine it first." The master of the Yunhai Shenzhou had already hung up, and the godly knowledge above was very weak. Ye Kong just wiped with his hand gently, and then wiped away the god's consciousness, and then put on his consciousness, then raised his hand and drank, "Leave!"

The core boat immediately broke away from Ye Kong's palm, and grew larger and larger in front of Ye Kong and Le Er. After a while, it became a small boat of about seven or eight meters in length, with a round head and a brain, as if enlarged Small boat.

"It's great, finally I can go back." Leer was overjoyed and quickly jumped into the boat.

Ye Kong was also a joy on his face, and the figure of Tsing Yi followed, floating on the Shenzhou. When stepping on Shenzhou, Ye Kongkong read a movement, and a white light array spread out from the boat, pushing out the clouds in the boat, and Ye Kong's eyes brightened, and finally he saw the figure of Le'er Mud Monkey.

"I can't think of not seeing things with my eyes, it's really uncomfortable!" Ye Kong said with emotion, his mind and Xiaozhou communicated slightly, his eyebrows froze again.

It turned out that in this sea of ​​clouds, Shenzhou could not tell the direction. Therefore, the principle of Yunhai Shenzhou is that every time a place is reached, a mark is left there. There are more places to go and the marks are set up, so that it will not be mí in the place where you have been!

Or, enter the sea of ​​clouds from the platform, and return to the line along the route when encountering danger! This will not mí road!

However, neither of these two methods can be used by Ye Kong!

Obviously, this fruit core Shenzhou has not been to many places! There are not many places left to mark! And where Ye Kong is, there is no record on the fruit core Shenzhou!

Seeing Ye Kong not sailing, Le Er started to urge. Ye Kong talked about the trouble, and Le Er laughed, "How difficult is this? We are not trying to open a way back from the sea of ​​clouds, just let Shenzhou take We can go back to the upper platform. "

Ye Kong suddenly felt reasonable and nodded, "Yes, we can go back to the platform that fell down."

Ye Kong, they fell from the top and did not walk away after they got down. The platform should be not far above! Although this core Shenzhou did not have the ability to take them back, it was possible to find nearby mountains.

"Turn on the fog lights!" Ye Kong put Shenjing somewhere in the control room of the fruit core Shenzhou. Two white lights shot out in front of Shenzhou, and the two white lights illuminated two hundred meters.显 lù.

Although the visibility is only two hundred meters in front, this is enough! You can see where it is.

Originally, Ye Kong thought they had fallen into a mountainous area covered with rubble, but now it looks, not at all! This is a place like a square! The rubble on the ground is because it seems to have experienced extremely fierce battles here, and the stone slabs on the ground are all broken!

Not only the slate was broken, but even the ground was well raised or sunken, and the ground was undulating, showing that the fighting was fierce at the time!

"I don't know where it was at the time!" Ye Kong and Le'er looked at the scene in horror, and Ye Kong heard the voice of thirteen in his ears. "According to the God of Destiny I inherited The fog of the Divine Realm will change its position with the passage of time. Numerous epochs have passed. The seas and fields have been prosperous, but many of them have been buried in the mist. These places are generally visited by treasure hunters. local……"

Ye Kong nodded and smiled at Le'er, "Little girl thief, it is said that this is the lost ancient continent. Would you like to find treasure in it, or you might get rich."

"I don't want to, go back quickly! Maybe there is a beast the size of the mainland!" Leer said.

Ye Kong laughed, "Since that is the case, then we look for nearby benefits."

Although I could see two hundred meters ahead, but after searching for the fruit core Shenzhou, I found that there was a huge crooked statue near them!

Presumably, the platform without clouds is somewhere on the statue!

"A corner of this statue is hundreds of square meters, which is really huge!" Ye Kong could not help but be surprised.

Le Er shouted, "What a big thing, the statue of the **** king on Tianlang Mountain, then it stands up!"

Ye Kongqi said, "How do you know?"

"Listen to the legend, no!" Le Er gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't sailed yet, do you want to make any attempt here for me?"

Ye Kong laughed, "You are all mud like this, smelling bad, and have an attempt at you. When you blind me?"

"Cut, shameless! Indecent!" Le Er said with gritted teeth.

Deep in the thick white clouds, a small core Shenzhou, two white lights shot in front of it, flying higher and higher according to the huge statue. Finally, a platform appeared in front of Ye Kong.

"Here it is!" Le Er was immediately happy, but she was shocked again. "We don't know how much time we have fallen, even the sanctuary is gone!"

However, Ye Kong changed his face, and anger was shot in his eyes. "Sure enough, it has been searched! It is being tracked down! I think they are looking for it, not to be grateful, but to win the treasure! The **** of fire! You gods! Alas, there is no fundamental moral! "

Le Er shouted, "Neuropathy, when the Lord God does not need to preach morality, as long as he has strength! The only thing here is strength!"

After Le'er finished speaking, she jumped down from Shenzhou and came to a teleportation team. She suddenly changed her face and shouted, "No! The teleportation team was all destroyed! Then that, then how can we go back!"

Le Er quickly went to see other teleportation arrays, but no miracle happened. Obviously, all the teleportation arrays here have been artificially destroyed. Neither can they teleport over, nor can they teleport back!

Ye Kong also knew more clearly that these changes must be caused by him!

Although Ye Kong was very angry at this unethical behavior of the Fire Spirit God, but at this moment he had to consider, and hurried back.

In fact, Ye Kong thought about it, and practiced here. But thinking about it still doesn't work, Le'er has to go back, and Zhou Xiaozhong in his bottle can't stay in the bottle forever ... he still has to go back.

"Le'er, get on the ship! Looking at the size of this teleportation array, the teleportation distance should not be very long! We use the fruit core Shenzhou to look around ~ ~ we should be able to find the way back to Weizhou City!"

The next few days, the fruit core Shenzhou flew nearby, and every time it flew, the mark was put down in one place. After a few days, this square was clear by Ye Kong. There are 108 statues on the square. The strange thing is that on each statue's body, there is a platform that cannot be covered by the sea of ​​clouds. I don't know why.

In the center of the square, there is a huge stone gate. It is also very strange. There is neither a palace nor a house in the center of the square, and there is a large stone gate alone. This is a problem that Ye Kong can't figure out.

However, Ye Kong will not pay too much attention. What he needs now is the way back!

A few days later, the fruit core Shenzhou finally left Broken Square. Outside the square, there are ruins everywhere. Among the ruins covered by the sea of ​​clouds, there are many huge mushroom-like plants, but the thing has no attack power, Ye Kong ignores it, and continues to fly forward to find it.

Until one day, Leer shouted in surprise, "Retreat!"

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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