The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2429: Eat black

Two four two nine black eat black

"Hey! You let me go!"

"Asshole! Why did you pull me down! Asshole!"

"Hey, you bastard, where have you been! Don't leave me! You will appear soon! I'm afraid ..."

The sea of ​​clouds is vast. I do n’t know where the sea of ​​clouds from time to time shouts and shouts. Obviously this voice comes from the girl named Leer.

Le'er begged on the street from an early age, but he was also accustomed to it, and he couldn't afford it. So after being taken a few times by Ye Kong, he finally pushed Ye Kong off the platform. But who did not expect Ye Kong to be a fuel-saving lamp, he released the chaotic lotus seedlings, dragging Leer down.

Apparently, the platform was a cliff, Ye Kong and Le'er stumbled and fell, rolled over, and finally fell to an unknown location.

Ye Kong ignored the music and began to observe this area.

"Is this the sea of ​​clouds?" Ye Kong found, and indeed there are various restrictions in the sea of ​​clouds!

Vision is blocked, you can only see the inch below the feet; Divine knowledge is blocked, and you can't detect it half a meter away; Flying God is blocked, and you ca n’t fly in it. It seems that you must fly in the sea of ​​clouds!

These bans are not artificially set, but are caused by the characteristics of this sea of ​​clouds, so they are very strong and the scope is very wide. So in them, people are no different from blind people, so it is easy to lose!

"There is a stone on the ground, it may be a mountain in the sea of ​​clouds." Ye Kong lay on the ground, looked at the ground, and was upset in his heart. Although he had somebody who seemed to have taken refuge in the sea of ​​clouds, he was lucky. Well now, fall into the sea of ​​clouds, can't get out.

Not far away, Le'er was lying on the ground, thinking that he might not be able to get out. In case of encountering any monster or the legendary mí loser, he might be dead!

Although Ye Kong was not far away, he didn't say a word. Le'er couldn't see him either. The more he wanted to get scared in his heart, and after crying at the beginning, he couldn't help crying. "No wonder people say men can't be trusted, you asshole! Hooligans! Beasts! You drag me down and run away Now! You leave after you take advantage, you are not a man ... "

Le'er cried for a long time, but she still didn't hear the sound! This time she was really scared. She turned out to be just crying!

"Hello! Bastard, you don't talk anymore, I'm gone by myself!" Le'er was afraid, and decided to try it in the direction of falling down in her memory.

But as soon as she got up, she heard a sound not far away, "Go and walk away, noisy! No wonder my old family said that a woman has five hundred ducks!"

In the sea of ​​clouds, the sound can be transmitted normally.

When Le'er heard Ye Kong's voice, her heart was loose, and she quickly walked over and said in the mouth, "Since you are too noisy, then I will go! I will noisy you!"

Ye Kong was lying on the ground and studying the ground. She came over and tripped on Ye Kong's body, and the two fell together again!

In the depths of Bai Yun, there was another quarrel, "Asshole! You take advantage of me again!"

"Our ancestors are stubborn. If you touch your arm, you will take advantage of yourself. How can you be so cheap?"

"Not here, but below! There is something ... against me! You are shameless!"

"Nima, that's my magic sword! What do you think you are, can I react to a dirty little monkey like you?"

The two finally separated after quarreling and scolding, but just after they separated, Ye Kong felt a small hand clenching his clothes again.

Ye Kong angered, "Why are you holding me! You are not afraid that I will take advantage of you!"

Changle stopped talking this time.

Ye Kong said again, "I'll cut this out."

In the middle of the white, another hand grabbed Ye Kong's other clothes.

Ye Kong shouted again, "Then I take off my clothes, no one sees me anyway! See how you catch them!"

This time, Le Er released his hand, and the voice came, "Okay, okay, I won't catch it, you go! Let me die as a lonely little girl here, anyway, no one hurts from below, just An orphan, who has just grown up and is a thief, is beaten every day! Now he is dead here, bitten by a monster in the sea of ​​clouds, eaten piece by piece, the flesh is blurred ... "

Before she finished, she said over there, "Okay, let's catch it, but don't make a noise, I will spend time doing something!"

What Ye Kong said was to look at the loot! See if anything works.

Ye Kongpan tuǐ sat down and let Le'er pull his clothes, he began to count the booty.

First of all, the greatest gain of this battle was the extermination magic, which Ye Kong exchanged in the danger of violence. However, the power of this magic is amazing, Ye Kong thinks it is worth it! But this is obviously not the time to practice that thing.

Secondly, it is the weapon obtained by killing the tall demon. It is a large serrated knife. Although it is only a top-quality artifact, it is poisonous! If the flesh is cut by him, the **** body will be damaged by the venom! Be regarded as a good top-quality artifact.

Again, it is the godhead. A total of nine gods were obtained in this battle! There is one godhead, three godheads and five godheads in the middle! Ye Kong secretly said that he was still worried that his basic deity was not full, but it seems that this is not the case at all! It is extremely difficult to get a godhead in the Nether! However, in the realm of God, you can get so many gods!

But Ye Kong is still a little dissatisfied! Because Xiao Ling, the master of Sifang City, was taken by Ling Peng Peng. If Ye Kong threatened Ling Peng Peng at that time, forcing him to surrender the quasi-partial **** ... Maybe he could send a sum.

"Well, time is tight, I didn't expect it at the time, I lost ..." Ye Kong could not help but sigh. But if his idea is known to the next side, she will definitely yell, "You've made so much money! You also said you lost, aren't you too unscrupulous!"

In fact, Ye Kong also knew that he was the biggest winner in the first battle of the auction house, but if he could get it, he still had some unwillingness.

When Ye Kong counted those items, he didn't need to take them out. As long as the mind communicates with the portable space, it can be seen and accessed.

But to count those eight storage rings, you must take out the rings! Because Ye Kong's portable space does not have the function of opening space in space.

"These eight storage rings are all from the central gods and upper gods who participated in the auction. They walked out all the year round, maybe they could have a special Shenzhou in the sea of ​​clouds."

Ye Kong was full of confidence, took out a storage ring, and looked into the gods ... Shen Dan, repair the elixir to improve the godhead! Unexpectedly, Master, he worked hard to help Zhang Mengxun buy the elixir, I got nothing for nothing! Sure enough, it is a gold belt for killing and setting fire, but this thing, my godhead does not need to be improved, it is not necessary!

Then ~ ~ There are Chinese artifacts, **** crystals, and some magic tricks. However, these jade and cambodians have been locked and locked! It seems that the various gods in the world are still very valued and confidential about their own magic, and the garbage magic is locked!

Ye Kong pours out the useful items in the storage ring and puts it in the portable space. As for the storage ring, it is thrown away. In the **** world, the storage ring is just like garbage. However, the chaotic lotus seedlings really love to eat that stuff, immediately protruding from the leaves empty sleeves, absorbing the power in the storage ring.

"The next ring." Ye Kong took out another ring, but this time it was a poor ghost's ring. There was nothing but a few gods to nourish the gods inside.

"Garbage." Ye Kong threw it back to Chaos Lotus to devour, and took out a storage ring. This time, when the consciousness was put in, Ye Kong suddenly felt happy. ! "

However, as soon as Ye Kongnian moved, he saw that the three star rock crystals in the storage ring suddenly lost one.

"Your ancestors are stingy, you steal me!"

"Why! You're not a good person either, otherwise where do you get so many stored rings!"! .

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