The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2422: bargain

Two four two two bargain

Time is rolling back a few interest rates, in the auction hall!

The tall demon and Ye Kong fought in the green mist. Their battle was fierce. Both of them launched a burning **** body, one sword and one sword, the light and shadow flickered, and the sword gas was opened and closed.

At first, the tall devil thought that the opponent's cultivation was definitely inferior to himself, so he tried to fight the gods and madly fight with Ye Kong! Moreover, looking at the other side is also physically exhausted, stepping back.

However, the tall devil did not rejoice for a long time, and the more he fought, the more he frightened, and the more he fought, the harder he was!

Because he found that the other party had not felt that the body was not enough, but he already needed to take the elixir!

"No, this guy seems to be playing slowly and slowly, but his stamina is enough. Is his spirit strong, and I'm fighting against him, isn't it my fault?" The tall devil scolded the man for deceit, he threw it into his mouth A few elixir.

"God is thirty-three percent, and he can't fight anymore! Retreat!" The tall demon wanted to retreat.

But he wants to go easy, but he wants to retreat!

Ye Kong, who has been moving slowly, saw that he gave up, and the golden Regal Sword in his hand was cut out one after another. The speed suddenly increased several times, and the combat power was fully opened! Not only that, but every blade of Ye Kong was cut off, even with the momentum of the sword of war, it was daunting!

"Sure enough, he is a trick to seduce the enemy!" Even the stupid demon knows that he is a puppet, and more than 60% of his deities are all in vain!

"Huh, boy, there is a kind of fight with us!" The tall devil reluctantly resisted and stepped back. The auction hall said it was not big, he believed he could retreat to the young master in time to seek asylum.

But what he didn't expect was that the black man in the opposite face suddenly burst out from his right eye with a dark golden character he didn't know, and the character exploded in front of him!

Then he was surprised to find that he was locked all over!

"This is the law of space!" The tall demon's eyes were terrified, and unbelievable!

You know, this is the God Realm, not the Immortal Realm!

There are stronger requirements for using the law in the Divine Realm! Unlike in the fairy world, a god-man can use the laws of space and time, but not in the **** world!

Only the gods of space and some powerful deities can use the laws of space! The law of time is the same! In the Divine Realm, all the gods in the middle and lower parts cannot call the law! Partial gods and master gods can only invoke some of the rules that they feel are compatible with their godheads!

Therefore, when seeing Ye Kong using a spell similar to the law of space, the tall devil was shocked!

Ye Kong certainly wouldn't explain anything to him. Immediately after he settled on the Tall Devil, he immediately saw the killing in his eyes and raised his hand, "Jingwei sword, cut!"

"Don't!" The Tall Devil didn't even have a chance to escape, and the entire **** body was burst by this sword!

哐 Dang!

In the crisp sound, something fell on the ground!

The tall demon **** body was destroyed once, and all the treasures in the body were too late to be put into the portable space.

Five-color magic mirror, jagged scimitar, seven or eight gods, a dozen storage rings ...

Ye Kong's eyes were happy, the black armor flashed, swept away, and all those treasures were brought into portable space!

The body of the tall demon over there quickly condensed and was exploded once, and his body quickly dropped to 11%!

"Not good, this time it's dangerous!" The **** body was greatly damaged, and the tall demon finally felt the danger. He didn't dare to get his own things again. While Ye Kong was picking up treasures, he ran into the box where Ling Peng was.

In the box, Aquamarine and Huo Ruiqi are at a critical moment.

Aquamarine's original attack was not strong, she was strong in supporting. Most importantly, Xun Lingpeng even sacrificed the poison spirit of the genuine poison **** ...

So she and Huo Ruiqi are helpless!

But at this time, there were amazing changes!

The aquamarine, who had nowhere to stand in the poisonous mist, suddenly looked up. Her touching blue eyes clearly saw a black armor **** man wearing black armor with a snake-like vine rushing in. In the box, step down the foot of that Ling Ling Peng!

The most depressing is Ling Peng, who will succeed in the sight, but this one suddenly appeared.

He frowned, apparently not seeing Ye Kong's repairs. Since you do n’t know the other ’s cultivation behavior, you do n’t dare to offend easily, so the poisonous **** Ling Peng stared at Ye Kong and asked, “Who is coming?”

He originally wanted to be a soldier before the soldiers, but he didn't expect that the other person was abominable, and he actually cursed, "Your ancestors are stubborn! The ears are not good enough to learn to rob the auction house? I already said that your grandpa came Now! Who are you asking me ... your grandpa! "

"You ..." Wu Lingpeng said to this person who was crazy! Angrily, "My grandpa is the real master god! You are definitely not my grandpa!"

I didn't expect the other person to laugh and laughed, "Knowing that I'm definitely not your grandpa, you say so much, not only can't you make your ears hard, but your brain can't make it easy!"

To say that Ye Kong really has a word of anger, Qi Lingpeng said three words to him. His angry lungs were going to explode, and he yelled, "Boy, you humiliate me, I am the master of the drug system, I fight with you ! "

However, a demon who was stepped on by Ye Kong groaned, "Young Master, save me!"

佘 Ling Peng cast a mouse jealousy device and had to stop, angry, "Let me go!"

Ye Kong stepped on the deities, "You are not my grandson, why should I listen to you?"

"You ..." Wu Lingpeng looked at the demon, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Open a condition!"

Ye Kong hadn't said yet, Miss Rui Qi, who was trapped in the poisonous mist, shouted, "Hey, the black armored man with a tree, the condition is to let him out!"

Miss Ruiqi deliberately blinked her chest while speaking, showing her charm!

Looking at it, the black armored man nodded slightly and seemed to agree. Huo Ruiqi was proud of herself, and secretly said that she was still attractive.

But what she didn't expect was that the black armor **** man said, "On the condition, he exchanged the extermination magic art!"

Miss Ricky was furious and shouted, "Hey, you guy with a long tree, you are so hateful! You saved me, my dad is willing to give anything, even if you want to see the great dispel magic, my dad I'll try to show it to you! "

The man with the black armor was really a guy who opened his eyes to see the money, and only sighed when he saw the benefits. Hearing the words of Miss Ruiqi, he said again, "Okay, hand over the extinction and the two women!"

He said again, "Beauty with red hair, remember that you owe me a great ablation magic!"

Huo Ruiqi pouted and cursed, "When you see the money open, you care about it, and you are not very productive!"

They bargained here, and Ling Peng couldn't help laughing, and said, "Tao, I asked you to make a condition, which is an acceptable condition! Do you think I will use the extermination divine art and these two women for a **** body has been exhausted, almost Is the waste going to die? "

"Then I'm welcome." Ye Kong didn't expect him to agree, and snorted, "Brothers, eat!"

In the voice, Ye Kong ’s vines, like countless strange snakes, suddenly became excited. They really looked like snakes ~ ~ All tied down, wrapping the body of the devil, giving birth to sharp spikes, piercing His body sucked his blood crazy!

"Ah! Don't!" In the scream, the only remaining 6 deities of the Tall Demon were destroyed, gradually losing their voice, and the scene was terrifying.

"This guy is not a good guy either!" Huo Ruiqi cursed, dare not look at it.

Listening to that vine murmuring and drinking the blood of the demon god, even Ling Peng was frowning! Gritted his teeth in his mouth and said, "Boy, you will be retaliated against by Luhuang Kingdom!"

Ye Kong laughed, "You know who I am, you will avenge me?"

Ling Peng angered, "Who are you?"

Ye Kong laughed, "Stupid again, isn't it? I said you're your grandpa!"

"Giggle ..." Both the Aqua God and Huo Ruiqi, who were trapped in the poisonous mist, were amused.

To the reader:

Late and ...

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