The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2421: Your grandpa is here

Two four two one your grandpa is here

"Ricky!" After listening to Huo Ruiqi saying that he was the woman of the Fire Spirit, the Aqua God snorted slightly.

In fact, the Aqua Blue God is just ashamed, embarrassed by the normal reaction. But the poison yīn **** didn't need to hear it in his ears. He suddenly felt a joy in his heart and secretly said: I thought that the fire spirit **** had already succeeded. Now it seems that this woman is still pure and clean!

"It's so beautiful and clean and clean! Such a woman wouldn't take it home, but she would lose her life!" The poisoned yīn shrine Ling Peng flashed excitement, and finally looked up at the Aqua God and greedily said, Below is Ling Peng, the young master of Luhuang God Kingdom. Would you like to invite Dao You to go to China to watch amusement, don't know if you would like to enjoy your face? "

The blue-haired woman standing behind shook her head and said, "I'm currently studying in Dongsheng Kingdom. I don't have time. I might go some time later when I have time."

To say that the Aqua Blue God is a bit old-fashioned, knowing that this Ling Peng is not easy to deal with, so he uses a slowing down strategy. Want to get rid of Ling Peng first, wait for Ling Ling Peng to leave, if he doesn't go, what can he do to me?

However, Xun Lingpeng did not come out on the first day, besides, he has long been sèmí. If it wasn't too late, he would have liked to press the Aqua God on the spot, wantonly.

"Taoyou, next time? I'm afraid I can't wait! It's better to hit the day than to choose the day, hey, today you have to leave if you want to, and you have to leave if you don't want to!" Poison yīn, with his hands waving, a mist of poison Suddenly surged.

The yellow poisonous mist in the green is obviously more vicious than the pure green poisonous mist outside! The poisonous mist surrounded Shui Lanshen and Rui Qi at once, and the poisonous mist seemed to surround the two with a spirit.

Outside of the poisonous fog, Ling Lingpeng sneered, "This poisonous fog is the most poisonous hilltop metaphysical fog of my Luhuang Divine Kingdom. It has been illuminated by hundreds of millions of years of divine light at the top of Luhuang Mountain. , I like to drill in from the seven tricks of a person, and enter the body, heart, abdomen and limbs of the human body, which is extremely painful! And after death, the looks are ugly! The whole body is swollen and the face is festering! "

Hearing this sentence, Miss Ricky and the Aqua God both changed! Women are born to love beauty, and they are so scared and ugly when they die. They are all scared.

Huo Ruiqi insisted, "Yi Lingpeng, aren't you really afraid of my father? Huh, even if I'm not afraid of my father, and my uncle, and my grandpa!"

佘 Ling Peng haha ​​laughed, "Afraid! Fire spirit, fire anger, fire **** ... Wow, the fire department is all overbearing, of course, I am afraid! But my green kingdom is in the northernmost sea of ​​clouds in the **** world. , Far away, not a local, you can't find it! "

Having said that, he smiled evil again and said, "By then, I have become the son-in-law of the Fire Spirit God, haha, he wants to shoot at me ... I'm afraid he can't bear it!"

"You ..." Huo Ruiqi was furious, but was surrounded by green mist, just anxious to jump in it.

In the end, the water blue **** is a partial god. As soon as the jade hand is lifted, the tricks in the hand are stunned, a faint blue stream appears, impacting the green mist that surrounds them.

"Merge me!" The aquamarine's divine power is also good. The water gushes everywhere, and the green mist is immediately melted into the water. Then, the blue **** of God moved her eyes, raised her hand and pointed at the stream that had changed, and drank four words in her mouth again, "Divinity, purification!"

Suddenly, the powder of green and yellow color was precipitated in the stream and fell to the ground. Although those poisonous mists have turned into poisonous powders, poisonous xìng is still there, but it has no effect on the Aqua Blue God and Huo Ruiqi!

The poison yīn knows that the fire spirit **** and the lord of the yellow family will come soon, and dare not to delay time. He is now manipulating the yellow-green poisonous mist and swooping towards the fire qi and the water-blue god.

"Auntie! Here!" Although Rui Qi is the daughter of the Fire Spirit God, her cultivation is not high, it is only the upper god. Therefore, although she used the Flame Sword to cut a wall of fire, she still could not stop the invasion of the yellow-green poisonous mist!

"Come here!" If the aquamarine would protect herself, she could barely support it in the poisonous mist. But if you want to protect Ruiqi, you will inevitably lose sight of it!

The outer poison yīn **** Ling Peng is extremely yīn poisonous. At a glance, he sees the weakness of the Aqua Blue God. Not only does he attack Huo Ruiqi fully, he also takes out a small porcelain bottle and sneers. My drug system has a certain suppressive effect. And I pity Xiangxiang and jade, I can't bear to start with the two girls, so ... "

佘 Lingpeng yīn laughed, took off the bottle cap, and said, "I have to give me what my ancestor poison **** gave me, poison spirit!"

His voice did not fall, and in the bottle, a luminous body wrapped in a green mist.

Huo Ruiqi didn't know how powerful this thing was, and chuckled, "So a large piece of poisonous mist can't help us. What little effect does this little poisonous mist have? I urge you to take care of yourself!"

But Ling Lingpeng looked at the green light, but it was a jealous thing in his eyes! Even his poisonous gods are afraid of poisoning this thing!

"The world is full of poison, the most poisonous spirit!" Wu Lingpeng said silently, and then commanded, "Poison, go and warn the two little girls, try not to take them as soon as xìn poison comes out, even Ling Peng himself is a bit unable. Control the consequences!

The green mist of light seemed to understand people, and when he turned his head, he rushed into the poisonous mist surrounded by the second daughter!

As the poisonous spirit rushed in, the poisonous mist seemed to have beaten chicken blood and ate Viagra. Increased virulence several times! The will formed by the poisonous mist is even more fierce!

"Divine magic, fusion! Purification!" Seeing the poisonous mist strengthened several times by the poisonous spirit, the Aqua Blue God once again exerted her purification magic.

In the water stream she released, less and less poisonous powder could be discharged, but the water stream began to change from blue to green!

"Not good, this poisonous spirit is really poisonous!" Shui Lanshen panicked, but her eyes were firm, "Never let this poison be partial to God's captives, or the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Burning **** body!" The blue sè water-like emblem of Aquamarine's brows brightened sharply! Her strength increased greatly, and she twirled her fingers and drank crisply, "Divine Art, Supreme Purification!"

I saw that the stream of water was also brightened suddenly, and all the poisonous mist absorbed in it was turned into poisonous powder and scattered.

But seeing the Aqua God slightly regaining the advantage, Ling Peng was not nervous at all! Because he knew that even if the aquamarine burns the **** body, it is not enough to want to restrain the poisonous spirit!

Sure enough, just as the water flow of the water blue **** was cleared, suddenly, there was a green awn, as if a steel needle, one end got into the water flow controlled by the water blue god!

That green awn is not broken down by the water like other poisonous mists, but it is still the same needle awn, penetrates the water, and pounces on the blue **** at the other end of the water!

"Is this the poisonous spirit?" Shui Lan Shen was shocked, and suddenly drank again, "Divinity ~ ~ Supreme Purification!"

However, she was useless this time! The poisonous spirit is a ray of poisonous spirit made by the genuine master poisonous god. It is not that she can resolve it with a partial god!

"No way! Only let go!" Shui Lan Shen suddenly let go of the water in his hand, and banged, the water suddenly turned into countless crystals and collapsed!

When he saw the Aqua God, he would lose, and Ling Peng quickly shouted, "Predecessors of poisonous spirits, don't kill them! Just surround them and tie their hands and feet." During talking, Ling Lingpeng took out a bundle of **** ropes, just like binding Live these two women.

But just now.

The curtain of the box was opened suddenly, a tall demon covered with blood, rushing into!

Xu Lingpeng, who was about to start with Aqua Blue God and Huo Ruiqi, was surprised, and asked, "What's wrong? Could it be the Fire God!"

The demon **** couldn't talk, he was kicked by one person behind, and a black armor figure appeared in the dust!

"The fire spirit is not here, your grandpa is here!" .

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