The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2419: 2 shots

Two Four One Nineteen Capture the Mirror

"Unexpectedly, these Dongsheng God Kingdom guys are rich, unlike our Luhuang God Kingdom, which is remote and very poor!"

In the green mist, a tall demon figure is searching for the storage device of the deceased in the dense mist hall! This demon is under the control of Poison God, who is unaffected in the Poison Fog.

At first he felt that there were upper gods in the hall, I am afraid there is no oil or water! But he was wrong! It is not necessarily Dong Sheng's wealth and prosperity. The key is to come to the auction, all with some money.

So after some searching, it was a good harvest!

Not only did I get a lot of storage rings, but I also dug a few gods! Those are the gods of the upper god-man! The value varies depending on the face!

The Tall Demon continued to move forward. Although he was not harmed in the green mist, his sight and consciousness were still affected! Therefore, he can only see a small area in front of his eyes.

"That's ..." The tall demon stepped forward a few more steps, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

I saw a dead body lying on the two steps ahead. Although the corpse was poisoned, it suddenly appeared that it was a moving beautiful woman when she was alive!

"It's that auctioneer!" The Tall Devil immediately rejoiced and jumped forward! Of course, the tall demon is not trying to do something to the corpse, his purpose is something else!

"Bang!" The tall demon stepped up and kicked the female corpse, lù out of a round object on the ground!

"Sure enough, here!" The tall devil shot suddenly and excitedly in his eyes!

And at this moment, coincidence can't be coincidence. A figure wearing a black armor is also stepping into this area!

"Five light mirrors!" Ye Kong's eyes hidden behind the blindfold of the red helmet light up suddenly!

It turned out that Xu Xiao had previously traded at the auction site and changed the five mirrors of God's light to the jade invitation of the great extinction. Everyone paid attention to the extinction art, but forgot that the five mirrors are still in the hands of the female auctioneer!

The tall demon saw this at almost the same time as Ye Kong! Sifang City exchanged this object for the extermination extinction, which shows that the value of this object is as high as the extinction extinction! It can be said that so many things that the tall demon just picked up are not as good as this partial artifact ...

Five sè Divine Light Mirror!

"No, this thing must be obtained!" Almost at the same time, Ye Kong and the tall devil made up their minds and rushed to the small mirror!

Speaking of which, the tall demon comes first, so he is closer to the mirror. Although Ye Kong is farther away, there is a way!

"Chaotic lotus seedlings! Come on!" It turned out that in addition to Ye Kong rushing forward, he raised his hand at the same time. An emerald whip, like a snake, shot out!

Ye Kong's speed is fast, Chaos Lotus is faster! It ’s almost fast! Later came first, but in a blink of an eye, the seedlings of Chaos Lotus had reached the front of the five mirrors.

If it were an ordinary god-man, Ye Kong might have been grabbed. But the other devil is also partial! Ye Kong wanted to grab something from partial gods, but it was still a bit difficult!

"Boy, we dare to grab the things of the Green God Kingdom!" The tall devil roared, and suddenly opened his mouth, even exhaling an extremely stinky smell!

The smell was even worse in the poisonous smoke! Although Ye Kong couldn't smell it, the chaotic lotus seedlings almost vomited blood from this mouthful, "Smelly!"

Just a moment between Chaos Lotus, the demon's fingers suddenly became very long, and suddenly entangled five light mirrors! I grabbed it first!

However, although the long five-finger entangled the miracle, but it was too late to be recovered, the chaotic lotus seedling entangled his five-finger. Chaos lotus seedling tightened his five fingers, tied them together, and tied a knot!

The two were in a temporary standoff!

The tall demon said angrily, "Where are the Taoists, you know that the kingdom of Luhuang can't be provoked! You must be careful of revenge!"

Ye Kong snorted coldly, "You know who I am! Revenge, you are bright and dark! I think you better get out of the way, otherwise watch out for my revenge!"

The Tall Devil suddenly became furious. He was always threatened by the kingdom of Luhuang, but today he is threatened by others. It's not taste!

"Hum, there is a way to find me in the kingdom of Luhuang!" The tall devil snorted coldly, his fingers snapped! Want to deadlift the mirror.

"Go to me!" Ye Kong raised his hand and let out the giant cock. The giant sword slammed, letting out all its strength, suppress it violently, and put it on the devil's finger!

"Kacha!" The demon's finger broke! The elongated fingers retracted like a rubber band!

"The finger is broken, and one percent of the **** body is damaged!" The tall devil saw Ye Kong stealing the mirror, and was anxious in his heart, yelling, "Burning **** body!"

Suddenly, the momentum of the tall demon surged! It can be clearly felt that the tall devil has become extremely powerful! Burn the **** body, let his strength increase several times in an instant!

When he burned the **** body, he already had a jagged top-quality artifact in his hand and chopped his head at Ye Kong!

"Boy! Give me to die!" Shangpin Artifact cut out a dazzling blade of light, forming a dazzling arc, chopped to Ye Kong!

Partial burning of the **** body, is a full force, and the power is amazing!

After all, Ye Kong is a lower-level god-man, dare not connect hard, and then retreat!

Huh! Daoguang swept outside Ye Kong's body! Although it was blocked by the King of Kings, the blade of light that had wiped Ye Kong had damaged Ye Kong's body!

Just wiped the knife light, damage Ye Kong's body! Ye Kong could not help but praise, "A strong blow! It is indeed a partial demon!"

Taking advantage of Ye Kong's retreat, the tall demon stepped forward, opened the giant sword with one foot, and took the five light mirrors in his hands. Hearing Ye Kong again, he sneered, "Knowing I'm terrible? I'm sorry now? It's too late!"

Although he couldn't see what the other side's cultivation was, but from the fight, the tall demon still clearly felt that the other's cultivation was not high! So, he decided to kill the killer and kill this little guy who wants to grab something with himself!

But before he took his shot, he listened to the black armor **** man on the opposite side, "You have damaged my **** body, but only damaged 0.1%! That is one ten thousandth!"

The tall demon heart said that I burned the full-strength blow from the **** body, even if it didn't hit you, at least one percent of your **** body could be damaged! One thousandth ... He yelled, "What awesome! You give me the same blow, I'm afraid it won't even hurt one hundredth!"

"Then you ... try, try, see!" Ye Kong's eyes narrowed, and he said the same thing in his mouth, "Burning God!"

"This ..." After seeing the black armour of the **** of **** burning on the opposite side ~ ~, the terrified look in the eyes of the tall demon, because he found that the guy in front of him, after burning the god, had that kind of power and oppression Feeling so powerful that he can't breathe!

"The strength he just showed is obviously much worse than mine! Why, the Burning God Body will become so strong in the future?" The Tall Demon almost stunned on the spot!

However, Ye Kong could not be stunned. He raised his hand again, and a large sword was already in his hand!

"Huh, my **** body has indeed been tempered strong enough. After burning the **** body, I have been reluctant to recognize the Lord ’s Sword of Regal and decisively recognize the Lord! That ’s good! The demon **** of the kingdom of Luhuang, now look at your sword damage How many gods! "

Ye Kong's body bounced sharply in the voice, the black armor and the whole body covered with blue vines, as if a looming Yan Luo!

The Regal Excalibur cut out a dazzling and dazzling golden brilliance, coming from the face!

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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