The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2418: Take advantage of trouble

Twenty-four to eight while taking treasure

"The master of the Quartet City died like this!" Everyone present was stunned when they saw this scene, and realized for a moment that this poisonous **** is not kidding!

Everyone didn't believe it at all, and they didn't believe that poison yīn **** Ling Peng really dared to kill here! After all, this is the auction house of the Huang Family! There have never been any fighting incidents, say killings!

And now the young master of Sifang City is dying in front of him like that, these other people are worthless to mention!佘 Ling Peng dare to kill Xu Xiao, dare to kill everyone here!

So everyone was scared and stood still and didn't dare to run outside.

In the box, Ye Kong was also surprised. He wasn't scared, but surprised that the extinction magic was really no small matter! Overbearing! Although Xu Xiao was only a tadpole, he was already a partial god, and a partial divine body should be thick and thick ... But the mass extinction divine art was just one hit, and he took his life!

Too powerful, good thing! But he couldn't get it ... Ye Kong was a little annoyed.

Outside, the poisonous **** yīn who exerted great power shook his head dissatisfied, and said, "The power is still lacking. If you wait for me to refine the extermination divinity into the extinction **** ... hmm, you all must die!"

This yīn cold sentence made the cold of Song Zhumei's three old men behind!

The Sifangcheng partial god, now finally understand, Song Zhumei Sanlao was also afraid. He saw that his nephew was hanging, and his heart was furious, and he roared, "Three old bamboo trees, why don't you stop them!"

In fact, the three old men of Songzhumei could have stopped it, but the old man was also afraid. He was afraid of catching fire. As soon as he hesitated in his heart, he couldn't make a shot.

The Quartet's partial eyes were completely blank, and roared, "I'm here to control the mist of poison! Why don't you take the shot!"

Song He's face was awkward, and he said, "This matter, wait for the fire spirit Shinto friends and the senior Huang family to come and talk."

This poison yīn **** is extremely powerful, and only the powerful fire spirit **** can surrender him. But Lu Lingpeng is not stupid, how can he wait for the fire **** to appear willingly?

When Xu Xiao was killed, he raised his hand and recruited the piece of jade card and put it away. At the same time he was attracted by Xu Xiao's quasi-partial personality!

"Go get me the traitor!" Ling Peng raised his hand and pointed at a humble corner of the hall. It turned out that when Ling Lingpeng was in the box, he had already observed the seller who had entrusted the extermination magic art.

The man who was hiding in the crowd holding the messaging token was frightened and ran away, but the demon man under Ling Lingpeng had a large wingspan and flew directly to capture the person.

The three old men of Songzhumei probably really counseled, watching the poisonous god, but just roared, "You can't escape, Lingping Peng! The sea of ​​clouds around Weizhou City is extremely dangerous! We have notified to close all teleportation arrays, hum, Even if you kill us, you have no time to leave! "

"Haha ..." Ling Peng laughed and said, "Since I can come, there is a way to leave!" After he said, he held Xu Xiao's godhead in his hand and laughed, "A quasi partial godhead, haha, I don't think of me not only Recovering lost things, but also picking cheap! "

After he said it, he smiled at the Quartet who was controlling the poisonous mist. "Go back and say a word to your family, thank you, and welcome him to seek revenge at any time in the green northern kingdom of the sea of ​​clouds, haha ​​..."

The Quartet partial **** was also unbearable, and roared, "Ling Lingpeng, I fight with you!" During the talk, he suddenly withdrew the Quartet, took out a long sword, and rushed to Ling Lingpeng.

"Only for you, do you want my young master to take the shot?" The woman next to God yīn immediately rushed to catch the Quartet partial god.

This time, no one managed the poisonous mist! As soon as the Quartet was closed, they heard a loud noise, and the poisonous fog burst suddenly! Suddenly, the entire hall was shrouded in poisonous mist!

The green smoke is vast, and I can't see people at all. The green smoke doesn't know that it is various poisonous mists. Just listen to the roar of the gods and gods, "Help! My body is festering, and my body is also corroded! Help! "

"Shouguang Shenguang." Songzhumei Sanlao had some means. The first time he turned on the sacred light of the body, the three elders transmitted their voices to each other.

"Not good, then Ling Peng is fierce and poisonous, and more importantly, they will retaliate against my family, this matter ..."

"Hearing his tone, he is afraid that there is a treasure to be transmitted. We may not be able to do so if we want to delay him."

"That way, let's go out and call people, and by the way meet the Fire God!"

The three old men made an excuse and got out of the mist, escaped!

"Coward! Dongsheng God Kingdom is such a timid self!" In the poisonous mist, Ling Lingpeng could see clearly.

The old man around him opened his mind and reminded, "Young Master, it's almost time. If the Fire Spirit God or the Huangjia Town Owner God rushes back, we are afraid we can't retreat!"

Another partial demon **** who was holding Luhuang's traitor was sticking his tongue out and greedily, "It's too late! Let's rob it here and leave again! Anyway, our kingdom of Luhuang is far from here ..."

Poison yīn shook his head and said, "The garbage gods in this hall can be robbed, but don't move in the boxes! Those boxes are likely to have strength and power! They must not offend us, and we must not offend them!"

"What can the garbage in the lobby have, don't take it for nothing!" The demon handed the traitor to the old man and plunged into the poisonous mist.

Lao Tzu urged, "Hurry up!" He turned to Poison Yīn again and asked, "Young Master, you ..."

"I'll go and see in the box over there ..." There was a wicked smile on Lü Lingpeng's face. He went to Miss Ruiqi's room.

The same smile appeared on the old man's face, and Haha laughed, "The young master is really bright. It seems that this time we not only recovered the divine art, we were really rewarded!"

"Haha ..." Ling Peng smiled proudly and said to the box, "The red-haired girl of the Huo family, go back to the kingdom of Luhuang with the elder brother!"

In a box opposite, a man in Tsing Yi and a man with a golden armour were blocked in the box by poisonous smoke and could not escape.

"How is this good? If there is a scream outside, if the poisonous mist comes in ..." Zhou Xiaozhong face was bitter, and the master who returned them had been scolded countless times!

But Ye Kong saw the chaos outside, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes!

"The poisonous mist is concentrated in the lobby. Obviously, the poisonous **** is a master of drug control, and he does not want to offend the great gods in the box!" Ye Kongzhong thought of this, but slowly shook his head. "I Ye Kong must not be stuck here waiting, chaos outside, if you can grab the mass extinction magic ... Regardless of him, it is good luck!"

Ye Kong was originally an adventurous person, and said at the moment, "Brother Zhou Xiaozhong, if you stay here, you may have endless troubles even if you are not dead ~ ~ I have a way to leave, would you like to follow me?"

Zhou Xiaozhong is of course willing. Those upper gods are rotten to death in the poisonous mist. If he is a lower god, he can scare him!

Ye Kong asked him to take out a porcelain bottle. The porcelain bottle was originally owned by Huang Yiming. Huang Yiming received the young boy's bottle outside the mother star, and now Ye Kong can use it.

Ye Kong stowed Zhou Xiaozhong with a bottle, and then he transformed himself into a demon wearing black armor and a large number of black and black vines.

The tent curtain of the box was lifted, and a black and black rattan was drilled out. Sensing the poisonous mist from the outside, I found that Ninja Armor was completely resistant.

On the side of the hall where the poisonous mist spread, the curtain of a box was lifted again, and a black armour figure penetrated into the hall!

Ye Kong drilled into the hall and found that the poisonous mist was really strong. Although the king of armor could resist the poisonous mist, Ye Kong's consciousness could not be let go.

"That poisonous mist can corrode God's consciousness! Sure enough! But the hall is so big, mō Hei is looking for poison yīn God is ..."! .

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