The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2414: Exactly what i want

Two four one four is exactly what I want

Dongsheng God Kingdom was originally the head of the fire and water systems. && Vulcan is the lord of the kingdom, that is, the emperor. The current owner is the Fire God, and the Fire God is also a well-known deity of the Fire House. His power is quite powerful!

As for the daughter of the Fire God, known as Miss Ruiqi, she is the little overlord of Weizhou City. She is usually lawless in the city, so she speaks publicly to ridicule Master. Now that Miss Ruiqi has been ridiculed in public, she will certainly not give up.

The three old Songzhumei looked at each other. They had a list in their hands, and who was sitting in which box. But the only exception was the box of the yin and yang man, which was not recorded in the record.

But even so, as the famous city of Weizhou City, they decided to stand by Miss Ruiqi.

Another Songhe **** stood up and just opened his mouth. But someone came out first.

Not far from the box where Miss Richie is located, there is also a box. At this moment, seeing Miss Ricky angry, a handsome man shaking a fan came out of it. As soon as the handsome boy stepped out, the gods and men outside immediately shot envious eyes with jealousy and hatred, whispering in their mouths: "quasi partial! Another rich man! Huh!"

"Quasi-biased?" Ye, who was also watching a movie in a box, was the first to hear about this quasi-biased concept. He looked at it, and saw that the boy's eyebrows that came out were a circle of chaotic air masses. That position is clearly a godhead, but it is neither diamond-shaped nor fixed.

Zhou Xiaozhong didn't understand Ye Kong when he saw it, and explained, "Ye Tianshen, this quasi-partial godhead is a very rare and precious thing! It can be said that this is a godhead without a certain **** name. After obtaining this godhead , It will become partial, but I do n’t know what kind of partial. For the final decision, it depends on the cultivation direction of the practitioner! "

"This kind of godhead ..." Ye Kongkong said that the quasi-partial godhead is similar to his colorful godheads, all of which are growing, and until the end, I don't know what kind of **** it becomes.

However, when I think about it again, the godhead of the partial **** is far worse than the colorful godhead of Ye Kong. Why, the colorful godhead is why the original godhead is so valuable. That is because this godhead is finally determined to be the main god! Have a chance to become a creation god!

The quasi partiality of God is not the same, the thing is definitely partial! In other words, if he cultivates and is determined in the end, he will be partial! Never become a creation god! And the concept of the creation **** does not exist, there is only one!

So this difference is very different.

Of course, although the quasi-partial goddess is better than the colorful goddess that is not Yekong, it is also better than the less powerful main god. However, it is a partial godhead. It is relatively expensive and valuable. It is extremely valuable. Only rich people have a large background can they have!

When Ye Kong understood all this, the drama outside was still being performed. Then I saw the big-sworded man walking out of the fan, and in the gloom of envy, stood in front of the box where Miss Ricky was standing, and said, "Why is Miss Ricky angry at these beaming clowns? , Xu Xiao, the master of the Xu family in Xiafang City, is willing to guard the door for Miss Ruiqi! ​​"

Having said that, I was really ordered to bring a large chair and sit at the door of the box.

The sitting gods whispered, "What is the origin of the Xu Family in the Quartet City?"

"You don't know, really, the owner of the Xu Family in the Sifang City is the Lord God of the Quartet! The forces are extraordinary, and they are counted in the Dongsheng Kingdom!"

"So it ’s no wonder that Xu Xiao has such a costly quasi-partial godhead. Although the Xu family owner is the main god, he is still not as good as the fire family, so this Xu Xiao wants to nod the daughter of the fire spirit and strengthen him Xu's capital! "

"Yeah, yeah. One is the young lady of the fire family, the other is the young master of the Xu family ... the mysterious figure in the box, I'm afraid this time it will be unlucky."

Sure enough, even the three old people of Songzhumei on the stage said openly: "The road in the 15th box, this Weizhou city, this Huangjia auction house, is not a place where you can spread wild! You now have two choices. One is to get out immediately, and the other is to apologize to Miss Ruiqi in public! "

Everyone said, Fortunately, the three old people of Songzhumei gave a step to the mysterious person, so long as they apologized. After all, no one knows who he is, what's under the apology?

But the yin and yang voice continued to sound, "Why should I apologize? It is obviously your young lady who first mocked the auctioneer loudly. If the young lady apologizes to the unknown auctioneer, I can consider your proposal."

After the man's words were over, there was a sudden uproar. Although everyone knows what this person said, they are thinking that this person has no steps, and he really doesn't give face.

The three old pine bamboo plums were really furious, and said, "Dao, then we only have to follow the rules of the auction house, please go out!"

Just then, the box's tent curtain went out and an old man emerged.

When the people in the hall waited, they all whispered: "Partial! No wonder it is so bold, it turned out to be a strong one!"

But to everyone's surprise, the old man just came out and came out of a tall devil, which turned out to be partial!

Everyone said, is the yin and yang strange voice just now the old man or the devil?

At this time, a charming and charming woman out of the box turned out to be partial!

The woman came out with her arms folded and said, "I want to ask our master to leave ... you, I'm afraid that I'm not qualified!"

When the woman said this, everyone present was astonished. Unexpectedly, none of the three came out of the Lord! How powerful can these three partial gods be called masters?

As soon as the three of them came out, the three old men of Songzhumei could not help but start to consider the strength of the other party. With the power of the three of them, I'm afraid it wasn't the opponent's five opponents.

At this embarrassing time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Okay, okay, everyone who came to buy things was not arguing. Besides, it was not because of a dispute over buying things. I apologized to such a buyer for Ruiqi, and the matter was so exposed."

The woman's voice came from Miss Ruiqi's box.

Ye Kong in the box was shocked, "It's that goddess!"

At that time, Ye Kong was in the Flying Ascension Pool, and a goddess passed it on to him, and gave him a lot of help. If it weren't for that goddess, Ye Kong would have left Feishengchi early ~ ~ would not have so many opportunities.

Ye Kong always wanted to thank him in person. But think about it, Ye Kong's fiery eyes dim again. People must be powerful deities, and they don't need the gratitude of such a small miscellaneous fish at all.

The goddess with a nice voice seemed to have a magic power, and the situation in which the tit-for-tat situation was eased in the voice. The auction continued, and three men of the mysterious man entered the box. But Xu Xiao from the Quartet City was so stubborn that he had to sit at the door of Miss Ruiqi's box.

With what just happened, everyone was also very careful when they auctioned, and some people who bought things started to leave. But many people are still here.

A few more items followed, but the mysterious man remained silent. Until an item appears ...

"Underneath, there is an item provided by a mysterious Tao. I think everyone present must be very interested." In the middle of the auction house, the beautiful female auctioneer picked up a piece of jade and said: In this jade-card, there is a very powerful divine technique called the Great Extinction Divine Technique! "

Hearing here, there was a humming noise below. In the box, Ye Kong was also binocular, "Exactly what I want!"

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