The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2413: Gods auction

Twenty Four One Three Gods Auction

In fact, Feishengchi and Weizhou City are still some distance away, so it is a bizarre thing to meet Master in Weizhou City.

After the last incident, Master Ye also had a special stubbornness towards Ye Kong. "I came to Weizhou City this time, and that was to participate in the auction meeting of Weizhou Huang Family! You don't know, the mid-level auction will be held today, but I have invited Yuzhan."

Ye Kong didn't know what the middle-level auction was, but Zhou Xiaozhong knew it and was surprised, "Is this the middle-level auction of the Huangzhou Huangzhou every 100 years?"

The master laughed, "That's for sure!"

Ye Kong didn't know what they said, and asked quickly.

Zhou Xiaozhong said, "The Weizhou Huang Family is a well-known merchant family in Weizhou City and even the Dongsheng Divine Kingdom. They hold a bottom-level auction of the central gods and people every ten years, and a middle-level auction of the upper gods and partial gods every 100 years. , A high-level auction with the participation of the Lord God every millennium! "

The master said, "Like this type of middle-level auction, only upper gods and partial gods can enter! I was originally not qualified to enter, but my home guard is that the great **** Zhang Mengxun asked me to buy some elixir for me. Opportunity. Just one jade Cambodia can take two people, you ... "

Of course Zhou Xiaozhong wants to go, not to mention Ye Kong. For all the gods in this world, the treasure of yòuhuò is always greater than the beauty.

Looking at Zhou Xiaozhong's begging eyes, Ye Kong laughed, "Then there is Master Lao. Actually, I want to go and see, just because I want to buy something."

Therefore, everyone put down Huashenlou temporarily and went to the Huangjia firm first.

Before long, came to the Huangjia firm. The Huangjia firm was really imposing. In the most prominent position in the city, there was a high tower, which could be seen across the distance.

After presenting Yu-Chan, he had a tall and beautiful woman and took them all upstairs. To say that this Huang family is indeed a rich business, the women who lead the way are the cultivation of the lower gods, and their appearance is not bad.

Although Zhang Mengxun is not partial, but he is also a VIP because he is in control of the Ascension Pond! Instead of trading in the lobby, there are special boxes!

Entering the box, looking out through the curtains, I saw quite a few hundred or thousands of gods. Most of these are middle gods, and there are a few lower gods. But those who are partial or rich and powerful are hiding in boxes around the sky and in the sky.

Ye Kong, they drank tea, waited for a while, and finally heard a gong, three old men in grey clothes came out. These three old men are all partial, and look very powerful.

It seems that this is not the first time that the master who participated in the auction whispered, "According to the rules of the Huangjia auction, there will be a corresponding strong person sitting at each auction. The three old men invited today are the highly regarded Songzhu Meisan of Weizhou City Being partial, not only is he superb, but also very popular in Weizhou City. "

Zhou Xiaozhong nodded, "I have heard of them, and it seems that this auction is very reassuring."

Ye Kong nodded. For the auction, the first lecture is credibility. There must be no fakes. The second lecture is safety. If the treasure is in a dangerous state, who dares to take pictures of you with confidence?

Sure enough, I heard the leaders of the three elders say, "I am the God of Songhe and the two brothers sitting in this auction today. Please give me face and follow the rules! If not, do n’t blame us for asking Get out! "

These three old men had some fame. When they spoke, they were silent. Subsequently, the three old men sat behind the rostrum.

Then, with a female auctioneer taking the light steps, the auction officially began.

"The first lot is that the gods in the lower and middle parts can nourish the deities after taking them. One bottle of ten dragon spirits and ten capsules are made by the apprentice of the master alchemist Dan Devil to make Dan Deities. The reserve price is 120."

"This is cheap!" Zhou Xiaozhong came to the auction of this specification for the first time, and he also saved some crystals, which could not help but hold a sign.

"One hundred and two!"

"One hundred twenty!"


After several rounds, this bottle of Shen Dan has reached the height of 800 Hundred Gods, and Zhou Xiaozhong can't stand it.

The master advised, "Don't argue, this thing is not worth it. You give me 820, and I can take you to the Feishengchi for half a month for healing. How many gods can the bottle of elixir replenish?"

Zhou Xiaozhong was right to think about it and stopped raising prices.

The elixir was used urgently during the battle, and it ended up costing 1,500 yuan.

Then, several artifacts and refined materials were auctioned, all of which were bought.

Ye Kong does not need any treasures, and the various magical methods he needs have not been found yet. But Ye Kong also has something to sell, and that is a tentacle of this fairy king! But not many people knew that thing, and Ye Kong didn't want to take it out to replace Shenjing.

After a while, Zhou Xiaozhong finally took two hundred Shenjing to take a flower-shaped umbrella artifact, which is said to be able to resist at least ten upper-level man-level attacks, and he was very satisfied.

But this thing, Master is inconspicuous, smirking for a few words. At this moment, the real auction begins, and those are the things of the upper gods.

"The next item is the inferior supplementary god. The chance of nourishing the godhead is 100%! Promoting the transformation of the godhead may increase by 1%! The reserve price, five thousand **** crystals!"

"You can make God's personality change and improve! This elixir has such a magical effect?" Even Ye Kong heard the efficacy of this elixir and was surprised.

Similarly, all the upper gods and men on the field are shining in their eyes, and there is a lot of discussion.

At this moment, the master finally made a bid. It turned out that he came on behalf of Zhang Mengxun to shoot this elixir!

Due to the large number of people who need this elixir, the price is constantly rising.

The master is also constantly watching the messaging token in his hand, and it seems that he is constantly communicating with Zhang Mengxun.

To say that this Meng Xun really made a lot of money in Feishengchi, until he reached 80,000 gods, he didn't even stop!

You know, one of the most garbage gods is only five million gods.

However, it is said that Zhang Mengxun is the godhead of the upper god-man. If Yan goes further, the price necessary to pay will not be small.

Finally, the master successfully photographed the **** of pride with 95,000 gods.

When the beautiful auctioneer on the stage announced that the box was successfully photographed here, the master could not help being complacent. But at this moment, a woman's cold hum came from a box diagonally opposite.

"Huh, it took almost 100,000 gods to buy this goddam, which is only one percent possible. It's really stupid for money! It's ridiculous!"

Hearing the woman's sarcasm, Master felt annoyed and wanted to say a few words back to her.

However, at this time, a yīn eccentric man voice came from another box in the distance ~ ~ The young lady of the Fire Spirit God's House, of course you don't lack these elixir. But those of us who live outside, even if it is a grass by the road, must be bought by Shenjing. "

"Miss!" The master heard this, startled. You know, Zhang Mengxun is working under the fire spirit god. If you let the young lady know that Zhang Mengxun spent close to one hundred thousand **** crystals to buy goddange, then the consequences are definitely not good.

"Ye Tianshen, what I have to do is finished. Will you leave with me or will you continue here?"

Ye Kong really wanted to see what magic skills could be cultivated, and he was reluctant to leave for a while. "Master, if you have something to go, let's go, we have to see it again."

The master nodded and hurriedly took Shendan and left, while Ye Kong and Zhou Xiaozhong stayed to participate in the auction, but they did not expect that a series of major events would happen in this stay!

The dialogue between the two boxes outside the box, a man and a woman, was jīlie, and the identity of the lady, who had been broken down, suddenly became furious. "How do you know who I am, and what do you do?"

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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