The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2159: Cowardly desperate

2159 Coward also desperately

"No, you want!" Although Jing Jing's slender neck was pinched tightly, Tang Jing still struggled and shouted, her eyes showing a terrible plea.

However, the Golden Bone Demon is an old demon who has entered the fairyland for tens of thousands of years. How can he be so soft-hearted? His bloodshot eyes greedily looked at those Tang families, secretly in his heart: As long as I absorbed the blood of more than 20,000 ancient gods, then I would be able to achieve a jade-bone demon. This brute little girl is not me Opponents, when the time comes, hum, even more can't let them leave!

"Hurry up! Sprinkle the bone meal, and sprinkle all the blood of the ancient gods here!" The Golden Bone Demon loudly arranged for his incarnation.

At this moment, in the cave, the descendants of the Tang family who had been sprayed with bone meal had fallen to the ground, and obviously the bone meal had begun to take effect. The incarnation of the Bone Demon tore up Tang Jing's Jinpa, and began to spray the white powder on other Tang family descendants who did not succeed!

"Enough, old devil, your death is here!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded above everyone's heads.

See you. I don't know when the top of the karst cave has been lined with a canyon that leads directly to the surface of the planet. At the bottom of the canyon, a colorful cloud carries several people, and there is a flaming phoenix on the side of Caiyun. The most eye-catching, of course, was the man in Tsing Yi who was standing in front of Yuntou. He also gave the cold drink just now.

When I saw this person, Yuanyuan's small face was full of sad jade, and she suddenly surprised her eyes, and blurted out, "My son!"

Tang Jing, who was stuck in his neck by the Bone Demon, also glowed brightly in his eyes.

At the moment, the Golden Bone Demon also guessed who was coming. He said to his mind, Xiandi, in fact, is not just a fairy king with some strength and power? Huh, I'm also a well-known immortal on the wild planet, why should I be afraid of you? Besides, it is said that the Chinese immortal emperor came to the immortal world for less than 500 years, and he was named emperor only for decades.

How much can he cultivate, what are he afraid of?

The Golden Bone Demon thought about it, flashed in his eyes, raised the golden skull, "Are you the middle emperor Ye Kong? It really is better to meet, I think you are just like this!" The Golden Bone Demon laughed two The voice again said: "Now your daughter is in my hands, this child doesn't understand the rules, I learned a little, if you understand the rules, I will pay them back. But if you don't understand the rules, hum Humph……"

In the sneer of the golden bone demon, the threat is self-evident.

However, Ye Kong, who stood in the colorful clouds in the air, shook his head slightly, "Ye Kong, when I was a little monk in the Nether, said that Ye would never accept anything!"

"Haha, is that right?" There was a faint flash of light in the Bone Man's eyes, and he said to Tang Jing in his hand, "Little girl, I didn't expect your father didn't understand the rules, so I can only teach you first!"

The Golden Bone Demon immediately exerted strength in his hands, and the golden knuckles tightened, trying to give Tang Jing a bitter headache.

With the hands of the Golden Bone Demon's phalanx tightening, Tang Jing's face could not help but change color. Although the fairy doesn't breathe, it's okay, but the neck seems to be choked, it is still so painful and scary!

Although Ye Kong said that he would not be threatened, he was still very worried. Of course, he already has a solution. In fact, just now, he has released the soul trembling!

But at this moment, the ground suddenly jumped into a dark shadow!

Turned out to be Li Chao!

Seeing Tang Jing suffering not far from his head, the timid plum Chao jumped up! Crazy at the Bone Man!

In fact, the Golden Bone Demon had felt him awake long ago, but in the view of the Golden Bone Demon, this is a timid guy! He was fainted by his skull face, and there are few such fairy people in the fairyland.

However, the Bone Demon did not expect that the power of love can also make people crazy, and it can give people courage!

"Asshole, you die for me!" Li Zichao jumped up suddenly, letting the Bone Man be caught off guard. Moreover, Li Zichao knows that this guy's body is harder than the fairy, so after Li Chao leaps up, he directly inserts the dagger fairy in his hand and inserts it into the horrible eyeball of the Golden Bones!

"Dang!" What Li Zichao didn't expect is that the eyes of the Golden Bone Demon are also hard like a fairy! Li Zichao's dagger stabbed him in the eyeball and couldn't stab it!

This unexpectedly surprised Li Zichao, and he was suddenly stunned. When the madness reappeared in his eyes and he wanted to stab madly again, the other hand of the golden bone monster had gripped his neck from behind and pulled him away.

"You want to hurt me, don't even think about it! What kind of thing do you want, I want you to die now!" The bone bone man's eyeball was not injured, but it was very painful, and his heart was furious!

At this moment, Ye Kong no longer waited, his heart commanded, soul trembling ,!

A completely transparent light and shadow, invincible, got into the golden skull of the golden bone monster!

In the skull, deep in the soul, a group of white lights looked at the lion and tiger beast in front of him in horror. When he was about to speak, he saw that the lion and tiger beast was already impatient and flung away! Hey, hey, hey! The soul snarled, biting the soul of the Bone Man, just a crazy tear!

In the blink of an eye, the white light group has become a piece of debris!

And Soul licked slowly into the mouth one by one.

This Golden Bone Demon is actually just an incarnation of a bone of a Golden Bone Demon. After its soul is devoured by the soul, it is like a dead body. Moreover, this incarnation was quickly controlled by the soul chant and became Ye Kong's chant.

The incarnation controlled by the soul eater immediately confronted Ye Kong and threw two people in his hands.

Ye Kong's standing on Yuntou's head was just an understatement. He seemed to have an invisible hand and pulled Tang Jing and Li Chao to the colorful clouds.

Tang Jing stood in front of Ye Kong and wanted to shout Dad. Although she had no hatred for Ye Kong in her heart, she felt embarrassed at the critical moment and could not shout out! Had to lower his head and snorted softly, I do not know if he was the father.

Ye Kongzhong smiled slightly. The child's personality really looked like him. At first he saw how hard Ye Haoran was and called out a father.

However, Ye Kong believes that sooner or later he will hear her call dad.

Tang Jing was not embarrassed for too long, because the fire wind had shrunk, converging the flames, flying to her, hovering to show its beauty.

Tang Jing looked at the fire phoenix stronger than before, and raised his hand to take out the golden magpie, only to be surprised to discover that with the sharp improvement of the phoenix, this golden magpie has even become a ten-pin fairy!

But at the moment, Li Chao, who was over there, was in a state of panic and panic. At the beginning, a little fairy he despised in Xianguang City, at this moment turned out to be already a party emperor! So powerful, one finger can destroy him!

The most important thing is that if this guy knew his own idea of ​​hitting her daughter ... Li Zichao couldn't help but get cold. At first he seduced the women in the city in Xianguang City, which was what this guy saw with his own eyes! Gosh! Li Zichao suddenly felt that being rescued by Ye Kong was not a very lucky thing.

Colorful clouds, everyone has ideas in their hearts.

However, the situation below is also changing instantly ~ ~ The deity of the golden bone demon, of course, will not allow his incarnation to be occupied by the soul lord. Fortunately, that incarnation is just a bone!

"Give me back!" The demon of the Bone Demon roared, raised his hand in such a way, and the two incarnations released at the same time turned into a small bone, Jin Chancan, turned out to be the two bone segments of the little finger of his left hand!

The Golden Bone Demon raised his hand again, two sections of bone turned into golden light, flew back, and quasi-embedded in his little finger.

"Go!" The Golden Bone Demon slammed his right hand against the little finger of his left hand, and entered with a mighty force.

"Oh!" Hyun-chan was still unwilling to fail, howling again and trying to get into the brain of the Bone Demon.

The Golden Bone Demon stared at it and snorted coldly: "He Fang Yaowu, this little eagle worm trick also wants to hurt me? Tell you, the soul of this deity is also a super-super fairy condensed by Yulu's bone-changing fairy trick. You Stop dreaming! "

After that, the eyes of the Golden Bone Demon swept at the descendants of the Tang family who had been sprinkled with bone powder, raised his hand, grabbed his mouth and said, "Suck me!"

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