The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2158: Groundbreaking power

Two One Five Eight Breakthrough Power

"Oh!" Huo Feng's tweet sounded with joy of rebirth. !.

Not only rebirth. And because of the elemental fire that Ye Kong bestowed on him, its strength is far superior to the original! The fire of these fire elements is not an ordinary fire element, but the kind of fire that burns the entire planet!

Although this fire does not burn the fire of the sky, it can also be called the fire of the earth!

The fire that burns the heavens and the earth is infinitely more powerful than before!

This can be seen from the size of the current fire phoenix. The size of the original fire phoenix was only ten feet at its maximum, which was more than thirty meters. Now, with the big wings spread, a pair of flame wings can be enlarged to 100 meters!

The legendary beast Suzaku, but that's it!

What's more, Fire Phoenix is ​​excited that the blood of the ancient **** is also fused in its body! The immortals of these things are now unable to endure, but the ancient creatures such as fire phoenix can still bear its power. With the blood of these ancient gods, the flames from the fire phoenix will be stronger and more durable!

In the distance, thousands of miles away.

In the speeding car, Li Jiazhong servant saw that the flame of the planet had disappeared again, and then put down his heart. But don't worry. He hurriedly sent Li Zichao a fairy sword pass, but Li Zichao is now fainted. How can I have time to return to the sword pass?

So before waiting for the Legend of the Sword, Li Jiazhong servant only ordered: "Fly over there, get closer!"

Theirs are just ordinary transport speeders, which are not fast. Miles away, it takes a little time.

On the other side of the planet, the reborn fire phoenix swirled around the top of Ye Kong's head twice, and after a few pleasant tweets, he would speak.

But Ye Kong waved his hand and said, "I already know that, and I'll go with it."

Colorful cloud head, Ye Kong long sleeves fluttering, raised his hand with one finger below the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Power to break the ground!"

I know a lot of the power of heaven, that's definitely good. As it is now, Ye Kong doesn't need any psychic mother, nor does he need to teleport arrays, he just uses the power of breaking the ground!

It's as if there are water beads, fire beads and so on. There is a kind of treasure in the fairyland called the earth bead!

Just hold this dodging bead, the rock and dirt on the ground, and immediately separate! It's like holding the beads of water into the water and splitting it into two pieces.

And that earth bead contains the power of breaking the earth! Avoid the water beads, called the power of breaking waves!

Ye Kong sacrifice the power of breaking the earth at this moment, it feels as if he is holding a bead of avoiding earth in his hand. Where Ye Kong points with his right hand, the ground soil layer is pulled over by a ploughshare, and the soil and rocks are separated to the sides! A gap of more than ten meters wide was exposed in the middle, so that Ye Kong drove the clouds and flew down the gap!

Because this is an abandoned planet, there is no atmosphere. Therefore, those opened soil layers and stones were immediately blown into the turmoil by the cosmic wind and could never be recovered! So in the future, a grand canyon will form here.

Exist forever! Recording this history!

Ye Konghuo burned the abandoned star and broke down again. These things are still unknown in the caves below a thousand feet.

In the cave, the golden bone monster is laughing out loud! His deity turned into countless broken bones, enclosing Dayu, trapping Dayu in it. What's more critical is that his two bones are transformed into avatars, one of which sprinkles cartilage powder into the Tang family! The other is to pounce on Tang Jing!

The bone replacement method described in Yulu's Soul Replacement Method has been lost. Therefore, the Golden Bone Demon thought about it for many years before he figured out a way to **** people's bones. You think, human bones are solid and hard. How do you suck? The Golden Bone Demon has developed Baibosan. When people drink Baibosan, the bones are soft and liquid for a moment, and they can be inhaled safely.

But sometimes if there is no white boiling powder, is it too late to cook? The Golden Bone Demon has developed a bone meal! This is a more powerful, powerful, time-saving, and portable bone-saving medicine!

Seeing those are the blood of ancient gods. The Golden Bone Demon has lost sight of the precious and difficult to make bone meal. The horse is about to understand the rules, and still care what these outside things do? use! Use his mother's!

An incarnation of the Bone Ghost flew in midair, and spattered the bone meal downwards. The other is to Tang Jing, for fear of Tang Jing running away!

But seeing that the Tang family will be sucked bones alive! How can Tang Jing leave? I saw that she did not run away, nor did she protect herself with treasures, but raised her hand to release a handkerchief!

"Big!" Tang Jingmei's eyes were full of concern!

At the beginning, Xiangwei took her young and the ugly Phoenix Princess, and escaped! Pursued by the foolish immortal of that wild planet and the enemy of Nandifu, they fled into the fairyland. It was the Tang family who accepted them! Although the Tang family only wanted to recruit talents and retain them, Tang Jing felt that he was like the Tang family during all these years.

With apologies in her heart, she is not protecting herself at this moment, but she is releasing the Jinpaxian to keep the Tang family sleeping underneath!

I saw that the Jinpa instantly became larger, covering all the Tang family, including the sleeping Tang Zhongtian, and others. At the same time, it also blocked the incarnation of the Golden Bone Demon and continued to drop the bone meal.

The Bone Man's heart was furious, and he yelled, "You look for death!"

The approaching golden-bone man demonized into a black wind, and wrapped it in red jacket Tang Jing at once. Suddenly, when the black wind disappeared, Tang Jing appeared in front of a golden-bone man's hand, and that hand caught Tang Jing's throat.

"Give me your Jinpa!" The Golden Bone Demon stared at Tang Jing fiercely, his big eyes were the big eyes that successfully scared Li Zichao!

However, to this day, Tang Jing, the girl's family, was not scared, but spit into the face of the Golden Bone Demon, and exclaimed: "I will not accept it!"

The Bone Demon didn't get angry for the first time. To be honest, he didn't expect such a beautiful girl to spit in such an indecent gesture. However, after all, Tang Jing is Ye Kong's daughter. To spit saliva is a piece of cake for her.

The Golden Bone Man froze for a moment, and finally was still furious. The golden phalanges tightened violently, holding Tang Jing's slender neck tightly, and roaring in his mouth, "You know how my gold bones were made? How much time did it take me? How many souls did I suck! You know how honorable I am!

The angry Bone Goblin also forgot to accept Tang Jing to make a furnace tripod, and he couldn't wait to pinch this abominable woman.

But at this moment, I heard a loud noise in front of me! Looking up, I saw that the hundreds of golden bones that surrounded Dayu had disappeared, and a golden bone monster had fallen out of it!

The figure of Dayu holding a small fist came out.

Trapped, broken!

The Golden Bone Demon didn't expect that the sleepy array he set up was so easy to be defeated with brute force by this little girl! This is too powerful. This girl is now waiting for Luo Tianxian. If she reaches Xianjun, how powerful and powerful it should be!

Dayu came out ~ ~ Two powdered iron fists banged hard and said to the golden bone demon: "Well, old devil. You can now fulfill your promise!"

The Golden Bone Man froze for a while before he understood. He just said that as long as Dayu breaks this move, he will turn around and leave!

He chuckled a little, and temporarily stopped the action of killing Tang Jing. Instead, he held Tang Jing and smiled at Dayu: "Do you think I need to fulfill any promise now? Haha, jailer of Tieyushan, you dare Come here, I'll strangle this woman first! "

The most unwilling thing happened in Dayu's heart, a pair of big round eyes full of hate, two iron fists clenched tightly, and she groaned again, "Dare you touch her, I want you to die terribly!"

The Bone Man Devil laughed, "Rest assured, I won't touch her ... but, those ancient **** bloodlines ... haha."

In the strange laughter, the incarnation of the Golden Bone Demon has suddenly grasped the Jinpaxian and pulled it hard.

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