The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2136: The taste of book fairies

The taste of the book monster

The taste of the book monster

In the 100,000 days of Taoism, the prohibition set by the fairyland Bai Xiaosheng that year was completely collapsed and disappeared. This scripture, which has existed for hundreds of millions of years, finally has life, real life!

In such a long time, this book does not know how many powerful and violent hún souls appeared. However, those are just hún souls, and cannot be said to be life, because they can never control their own being.

But Hong Mengni is different. When the restraint collapsed, the body of the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist scriptures was completely under her control. She was the scriptures, and the scriptures were hers. Combined into one, she could completely control her life!

Of course, what she didn't know was that she also had a powerful fighting ability.

However, at this moment she ushered in another "fight." On the top of the ancestral mountain of Xujia, on the millstone stone illuminated by the moon, and under the old pine, the hundred thousand heavenly path of Yin Sè slowly twisted and deformed. It was first elongated, and then began to be full.

In the moonlight, the clear and straight tutuer is shining like a jade, reflecting the quiet haze, touching the heart ...

Then came the upper body, the white body, the full peaks and peaks, like a fat sheep. The waist and thigh also appeared. The most eye-catching thing was three inches below the umbilicus ... The grass is delicious and colorful.

The last thing that appeared was Hong Mengni's hair, with hair like a cloud, scattered on the rocks, a peach face that should be suitable, and appeared in front of Ye Kong. A beautiful scene of a beautiful lady in the side nest appeared on the stone.

From this moment on, the 100,000 Heavenly Taoist Classics is no longer a scripture book. She has real life and can dominate her own life! Of course, she also has the one she loves!

"Ah!" Hong Mengni found out that when she first came out, she changed her body for the first time and was undressed!

The monsters get life and become humanoids. For the first time, they are all undressed. However, ordinary monsters first became human and didn't know the shame. They only put on clothes when they gradually understood.

But Hong Mengni is not the same. She has been living in the world for thousands of years with dreams, and of course she knows shame. At this moment, she found that she appeared in front of Ye Kong without any trace, and she was astonished to change back to the scriptures themselves.

"It's okay, I'll bring you clothes." Ye Kong raised his hand and wiped away the storage ring, and a white, large woman's gown covered Hong Mengni.

This dress was exactly what Hong Mengni wore on Guoer Guoshan that day. Ye Kong kept it carefully to commemorate Hong Mengni, so she just took it out at this moment. Hong Mengni was very happy to see her clothes that day, she blushed, and quickly put on her big clothes.

However, the robe was very loose. After wearing it, there were still a lot of leaks. The tutu and neck were so white ...

Hong Mengni looked up and saw someone's straight eyes. She bowed her head with shame and blushed, "Brother Ye ..."

Ye Kong has been unable to bear it. After so many years, life and death, love is surging. At this moment, the beauty is ahead. Where can I wait for a moment.

"Meng Ni, you are so beautiful ..."

"Don't! Brother Ye, I'm just a book turned into a demon."

"Yeah, I haven't tasted a book."

"Brother Ye, you are so good."

Under the moon light, the millstone is as bright as daylight, looking far away, and surrounded by darkness and quietness, and there are the last few belated stars in the sky, like snowflakes, fluttering dàngdàng ...

In such a beautiful night scene, on the mirror-shaped grinding stone, the two figures overlapped, and from a distance, you can see the clothes thrown aside.

"Brother Ye, people have just dressed ..."

In Hong Mengni's shameful faint voice, the camera slowly blurred.


Overnight, Gen Saturn turned from a deserted planet into a great place for cultivating immortality, and many immortals and fairy beasts who had been bottlenecked for many years broke through.

All the immortals on the planet have felt that all these changes originated from the Xu family ancestral mountain! The Xu family below the zu mountain have benefited a lot. Overnight, more than 300 people broke through the realm, more than 5,000. People obviously feel that the repair is increasing, and eight people feel that Xiaoxianjie will arrive in six months!

This is simply the most celebrateable joyous event in Xu's million-year history. Xu Zeyin knew that this was brought to them by the senior, so that night, Xu Zeyin came to Xu Shubo Cave and said that he would prepare some gifts to thank the senior.

But who knows that Xu Shubo scolded stupidly. But think about it right, people can change a planet on their own, and what **** gift do you care about? People have already said that Zushan and the sky are forbidden for thousands of miles in the sky. That is to prevent people from disturbing you. You still have to disturb them. Are you trying to die?

Besides, there is another place on the planet.

Although the whole planet was excited by the increase of fairy spirits this night, there was also a skinny old man frowning somewhere. This thin old man was the same day with the huge master and several small family ancestors who wanted to compete for the Xu family ancestor Jin.

The skinny old man with the last name Jin thought to himself: I did not think that the alien immortal who claimed to be Ye had a lot of ability, and was able to change the immortality of the planet. Obviously, this is not something that can be achieved by manpower. Correct! Only some powerful ancient treasures or strange treasures generated from heaven and earth have this ability! Now it seems that what this person said to save people was probably false, and the treasure digging was true.

The surname Jin suspected Ye Kong to dig treasures in Xujiazushan, but his strength was not Ye Kong's opponent. Thinking for a moment, he sneered, "You surname Ye, you are more powerful. Can you have an angel of the imperial palace? A Taoist denominator will kill you! I might as well tell this news to the angel of the imperial palace of this star domain, hum Hum, when that messenger gets the treasure, I will become the ruler on this planet, that's also good! "

So that night, the old man surnamed Jin left Saturn ~ ~ and went straight to the imperial palace in the void to report.

The sun rises, sweeping away the haze, the sky and the ground, a bright scene.

On the millstone, the two figures were separated, so they spent the night, the husband and wife were loving, I do n’t know how many words, I did n’t say clearly, but I believe that there are many opportunities for narration in the future.

Hong Mengni dressed well and said shamefully, "It's all dawn, Brother Ye, don't let it break."

Ye Kong laughed and said, "Well, let's do something serious."

It turned out that Ye Kong had been working hard for Hong Mengni's affairs, and there was another thing in his heart, and there was no time to get it. Now Hong Mengni was stable, and he decided to get that thing done before leaving.

Thinking of this, Ye Kongkong read a movement, a rough sword with a very rough shape was released from the pipa beads on the flat millstone. At that moment, the sword was still quite huge, much taller than Ye Kong's figure, lying flat. On the stone, don't move.

Ye Kong sighed coldly, "Giant sword, shrink!" @.

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