The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2135: Prohibition of broken beauty out

Four years have passed, and under the numerous star point attacks, the prohibition in the 100,000 days of Taoism has been broken! The city wall cage that surrounded Hong Mengni was basically damaged!

But despite this, Hong Mengni was still unable to leave the cage, because the broken restraint still caused her huge injuries! Therefore, she only has to wait, wait for the star point to continue the attack, and lift the ban completely, she can become a fairy like other fairy gods, with a beautiful body!

But reality is so cruel! Seeing that at the end, it was a little bit worse, and the ban could be completely broken.

But the star point is gone!

For half a month, no star point appeared. This has never happened before, so Ye Kong can't help but suffer. If there is no star point, it is because of this last point that Hong Kongi has been trapped for a long time. This is really Ye Kong's unwillingness.

At this moment, the moonlight was cold, and there was a silver glow on the sprinkled millstone. Ye Kongpantu was sitting, looking up at the sky unwillingly.

"Even if there is one, it means that there is no complete end ..." Ye Kong thought like this.

"Brother Ye, it's okay, even if I can't come out, I'm very satisfied." In the hundred thousand days of Tao Jing, Hong Mengni's light voice came, because she was just a hún soul, so she could only imitate a face of Hong Mengni. . She said softly: "I wanted to use my own power in exchange for 100,000 days to help you through difficulties. Now you have got 100,000 days to get through the difficulties, and I escaped. It ’s already a big joy ... As for whether we can get out of trouble, it is what we earn and what we ca n’t earn, we do n’t need to be so greedy as human beings. ”

Although Hong Mengni was soft and consoling, Ye Kongzhong was unwilling. In other words, at the sight of the long march, the final step was short. At this time, it was said that it had failed.

Ye Kong nodded and said, "You're right, you can't be too greedy. But I think that you have experienced so much suffering and deserve a good future ... at least, you should have a beautiful body!"

After Ye Kong finished speaking, Hong Mengni in the scripture was suddenly ashamed. You know, she was the body of a dream at the beginning, in order to pass the 100,000 Heavenly Path Sutras, she and Shuang Xiu in the dream.

That dream may be just a dream to Ye Kong. However, for Hongmeng Meng, it is exactly the same as the real one, so when Ye Kong talks about her body, she will inevitably make her think of the scene and feeling of the day ...

Ye Kong saw her blushing, and of course understood what was going on. In fact, Ye Kong was still interested in that dream, but hated not the real feeling. He smiled at the moment and said, "Meng Ni, when you have a real body, you should take the initiative as you did last time."

Hong Mengni was forced by the situation at first. In fact, she is also a young girl, but she has a thick skin, and Ye Kong feels so funny, suddenly she is even more ashamed, and there is boundless water flowing in her eyes. But unfortunately, she is just a face formed by light and shadow, not as real as a real woman.

Hong Mengni said: "Brother Ye, don't make fun of me." She lowered his head and hesitated, and said, "Brother Ye, you are a fairy immortal, and I am just a demon fairy. To be more direct, my body is Just a book! I'm afraid Brother Ye ... you will have obstacles in your heart. "

Ye Kong laughed aloud and said, "This world is vast and billions of miles away. There are **** realms and mortal realms outside the world. There are dark circles, demon circles, demon circles, buddhist circles and so on. There are so many worlds. It ’s so colorful, and I do n’t know how many different races ... In fact, all races were originally equal, but because of strength, because of prejudice, and because of some people ’s hearts, this has caused mutual discrimination. In fact, In my opinion, everyone is equal. As long as there is life, that is a recognized race, and it should be respected, and you are just one of those billions of special lives, you have the right to love and be loved. "

Hong Mengni chuckled softly: "Did Brother Ye mean that in the future, if you meet a woman as big as the deity of the Taoist god, then you might fall in love with me."

Ye Kong wanted to say, the key is not that big XX. But in the face of the girl Hong Mengni, she was embarrassed to say it, but smiled: "It's impossible to say, but when she gets angry, I can't take it anymore."

Ye Kong finished, both of them laughed.

But at this moment, Ye Kong's eyebrows were raised sharply, and he looked up suddenly ... I saw a star point in the dark and dark sky, as if it were a firefly, and like a glacial snow and ice!

It turned out that this was a planet from the northern barbaric star field in the northernmost part of the fairyland, north of the heaven, so it took a long time to imagine. At the same time, it also shows that the number of people Hong Mengni has helped, as wide as it is distributed, is hard to imagine!

Qinghui's millstone, green long-lived pine, and stars falling like snow flakes ... Ye Kong found that at this moment not in ecstasy, but in that quiet smile. This night is really beautiful.

There are a lot of star spots in this last piece. Enough to destroy the last ban! There is even more! In fact, the fairyland Bai Xiaosheng has set a very large number, and it is impossible to do this without really helping others!

In the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras, all the bans were at that moment, and finally, the ash was gone!

And at the moment when the powerful prohibition of gray flying extinguished smoke, a circle of colorful light patterns, centering on the Xujiazu Mountain, exploded to the Quartet! This is the complete destruction of the ban imposed by the fairyland Bai Xiaosheng, which contains the release of fairy power!

Bai Xiaosheng of the immortal world can create a 100,000-day Taoist scripture on his own. What a powerful existence and an extraordinary character! Even Ziwei Tiandi ~ ~ Tianji Emperor and other famous monarchs in history, they are only equipped with straw shoes!

This is definitely not bragging. Ask Ziwei Tiandi and others, leaving at most one or two pieces of fairy wares, or one or two formations. Who, like Bai Xiaosheng of the immortal world, left this one hundred thousand heavenly Taoist scriptures that are ancient and unprecedented?

Therefore, Bai Xiaosheng of the immortal world is powerful, and the prohibition he set is also powerful. Even the magical power used in his prohibition is still so amazing after hundreds of millions of years!

When these magical magical powers overflowed, Saturn suddenly changed its appearance. Those dry grasslands suddenly became dense and immortal. Those immortal grasses and trees were immediately rejuvenated, and the branches sprouted. Those dug pits were instantly filled with an invisible force, and there was a thick immortal. The air drill in it seemed to take root and sprout; in the atmosphere, the gap that leaked the immortal was also repaired, and the air was filled with powerful immortals. The immortals and immortals still on the planet, at this moment, billions All living beings took a deep breath of sigh, and sighed, "I haven't sucked such a strong breath for many years!"

On the millstone, Ye also drooled at a tulle beauty ...

"His ancestors were stingy. Is that ... successful?" @.

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