The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2107: Hong Mengni's birthday

Hong Mengni's Birthday

Hong Mengni's Birthday

The flowers were fiery, and it was just a flower blooming on the Xiaoer Guoshan. In the pipa beads, on the thick Saturn planet, at this moment is a spring morning.

Coming here from a place where yīn Shen is cold and not seeing the battle in the sky, Ye Kong suddenly shines, even if Ye Lao Mo, who has lived for thousands of years, cannot be affected by the mood.

The mountain is like its name. There is no mixed tree on Xiaoerguo Mountain. All of them are pediatric fruit. This fruit has flowers in four seasons, and the fruit of the four seasons. At this moment, it is full of red flowers. Faces of children.

Ye Kong just appeared under the mountain, and there was a crisp snoring, "Eat me, eat me, I am the sweetest."

"Eat me, I promise you the longer you look, the more handsome you are."

"I can also repair it after eating it."

Looking at such a cute child fruit, Ye Kong temporarily let go of his tangled heart, and couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's all taught by the girl Meng Ni. I find that you know more and more."

Some of the fruits called, "It ’s delicious to know more. Eat me quickly."

Some fruits also said, "Don't make any noise, don't make any noise. He's here to find his sister, who is on the top of the mountain."

Hong Mengni likes Xiaoguo, so she likes to play here when she is fine. The fruits on the mountain are called her sister.

Ye Kong smiled slightly, stepped up the mountain path, looked at the fire tree safflowers on both sides, and listened to the noisy children, Ye Kong really let go of his troubles and forgot to be in danger.

Xiaoer Guoshan is not high, but a mother tree of pediatric fruit grows in the middle of the mountain top. After many years, it has grown into a single tree. This is a tree on a hill, and the mother tree has grown very large. Above, the branches and leaves are as big as a crown, like a red cloud, covering the mountain bag.

Ye Kong walked up to the top of the mountain, and saw the colorful trees under the giant tree. The flowers and leaves of children's fruit are very bright and hard to rot. The ground looks like a carpet of flowers.

And on such a ground, there is a white curtain. In the center of the curtain, there are various fruits, cured meats, and a fruit wine made by the Tu people. It looks like a scene of preparing a picnic.

Looking at the side of the curtain, Hong Mengni was lying lazily. She was wearing a white loose gown. At this moment, her long black hair slanted like a waterfall. Her body is slanted, Ye Kong can only see her hair, and the other can be seen in the loose neckline of her loose gown, and she can see Hong Mengni's pink neck and half of her moving shoulder. ...

When Ye Kong saw this scene, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Then he strode forward and laughed, "Why, is there any good day today?"

"Brother Ye, you're here." Hong Mengni raised her head, her eyes bright and beautiful, extremely beautiful. Ye Kong noticed that she had a child fruit in her hand, and she was talking to a child fruit just now.

Hong Mengni laughed, "Brother Ye is right, but today is my birthday."

"Oh, yes." Ye Kong walked over and sat down. The immortals of the immortal world are immensely old. Many people do n’t know how old they are. It ’s even impossible to talk about their birthdays, because there are so many planets in all circles. different.

However, Hong Mengni said that Ye Kong wouldn't be so shameful. Even at the moment of life and death, even if the next thing is the broken body, it is worthwhile to enjoy a moment of warmth and give Hong Mengni a perfect birthday.

So Ye Kong no longer thinks about outside things. Pantuǐ sat opposite Hong Mengni and picked up the wine glass and said, "Of course we should celebrate. In my hometown, I eat cakes for my birthday."

"Cake?" Hong Mengni's eyes widened suddenly, curious, "What is a cake?"

Ye Kong gestured with a smile, "It's a dough cake underneath, very soft, round, with a layer of cream on top ..." Ye Kong talked with Hong Mengni, and she was in a good mood, even though she was not afraid to delay time, and tried to make cakes taste and taste I talked about it in detail and even sang a birthday song to Hong Mengni.

Hong Mengni laughed constantly, waiting for Ye Kong to sing, and two moving red clouds floated on her powdery face, closing her hair like black satin, and autumn eyes looked at Ye Kongdao, "Brother Ye, this It was Meng Ni's happiest day in my life. I thought ... one day, I went to Brother Ye's hometown, ate cake together, celebrated birthday, and sang birthday songs. "

Ye Kongrou whispered, "Relax, Meng Ni, I have a chance ..."

Speaking of which, both of them stopped talking but just stared at each other. Even the noisy child fruit all closed their mouths consciously at this moment. There was a slight breeze flowing between the red flowers of the fire tree, and the two young faces were slowly stuck together on the white curtain. ...

When the four chún met, Hong Mengni could not help but tremble a little, and the water mist in her eyes seemed to melt all the ice in the world.

Ye Kong looked at her touching eyes, and wěn steadfastly!

Everything seemed to stagnate here. Hong Mengni lived for hundreds of years. For the first time and only time, she tasted the taste of pro-wěn. She couldn't help herself.

When she was awake from the mí mushes and shudders, she was somewhat shy to find out that I don't know when, Brother Ye had been pressed on her body.

"Brother Ye ..." Hong Mengni humped her face and whispered, "How come you come to me?"

Ye Kong grinned and said shamelessly, "It's not that I want to come here, it's because you have too much suction."

Hong Mengni's face was flushed, and she said, "Brother Ye has a lot of attraction for people who like to make fun of people?"

"No?" Ye Kong looked strangely, then smirked. "Let me try again."

Hong Mengni's beautiful face, gentle xìng frame, soft and slender figure, and subtle fragrance lingering hair, have left Ye empty mí. What battles, what dangers, what kind of immortal king, all disappeared, Ye hollow thought, just here to push Hong Mengni down ~ ~ But just Ye Kong want to suppress again, to get a real one At that time, Hong Mengni pushed away Ye Kongdao, "Brother Ye, this is not the case."

Ye Kong froze for a moment, and wondered, "What's that like?"

I saw Hong Mengni push her hand, her body turned over, and she pushed Ye Kong backwards, pressing Ye Laomo on the white curtain, and she rode on Ye empty stomach very wildly! This posture, wild movements, míli's eyes, and black hair all made Ye Kong look straight.

Later, Hong Mengni bit her red chún with a bang, and banged, loosening her loose white robe with both hands!

Ye Laomao's eyes were straight and drooling, and the Aries-like body appeared in front of him.

At the moment of his drooling, Hong Mengni leaned down, and two crystal arms pushed Ye Kong slowly over Bai Sè's curtain. Ye Kong only felt that mímí was muddy, so he was pushed down ...

On the children's Guoshan, the safflowers are still bleak, and a white shirt turns into a white butterfly wings, covering Ye Kong's body, but Hong Mengni disappears. @。

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