The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2106: I will return

For a slow-paced exercise, Ye Kong certainly won't make this fairy king alive, definitely not a slow shake. I saw Ye Kong with one hand still holding the she head of this fairy king, but the other hand was very slow, and took out a red sword.

"Artifact, Chinese Artifact!" Ben Daxian was frightened, to know that his head is invincible to this day, that is no sharp weapon!

As an ancient god, even the ten-pin fairy can't harm his she head, but the artifact is different!

Hidden behind the black mask, Ye Kong smiled slowly and softly, "My so-called slow-paced movement is to use a slow knife to cut meat. Rest assured, I will be very slow and grind it ..."

Not to mention that Ye Kong hasn't implemented it yet, the immortal king will vomit blood. She ’s head was at Mingan ’s position, and she slowly cut it with a blunt knife, would n’t it hurt?

"Okay! You're cruel!" Finally, the fairy king couldn't take it anymore, and when he saw the long she's head, he slammed, and then cut off two pieces from it!

Then, the head of the fairy king, quickly burrowed into his black swirl.

Only the crazy roar left in the air, "Ye Kong, you wait, you will die, you will die!"

The fairy king escaped with a mad tongue, and the black vortex immediately contracted and disappeared, and the sky returned to a dark yīn dark, the cold wind roared, Ye Kong's body moved and quickly shrank, and the king's armor was included in the body, and the godhead was already Disappear.

Ye Kong changed back to the original state, only to find that when the Taoist King escaped just now, Jiang Jin and a group of elders of the Imperial Palace also took Xiao Zilin and other people selected by them to escape the battlefield.

Originally, Ye Kong wanted to seize Jiang Jin and intimidate him to take himself to the Immortal Palace, but now it is impossible.

At this moment, there was a mess on the frozen ground. At the entrance of Shanmentang of the Frozen Earth League, everything is in ruins. Even the thousands of miles of frozen soil have been broken up, and they have been crushed by the king of this fairy to become a basin of thousands of miles!

Watching Ye Kong fly by the colorful clouds, the Frozen Confederates waited for each other to retreat, and there was still fear in their hearts! Just now, he was really powerful, holding the head of this fairy king as a hammer shot, and everyone in this scene can't forget it forever!

These youngsters of the Permafrost League, although they know Ye Kong is the leader of the Permafrost Alliance. But they have a more sense of belonging to this fairyland. They have been educated since childhood. The fairy king has raised us. We must be loyal to the fairy king!

Therefore, those brothers of the Frozen Earth League looked at Ye Kong with a bad eye. It's just a pity that they are too weak, otherwise they might come up to Ye Kong desperately.

But Ye Kong didn't bother. These people were brainwashed, and they were all poor people.

The Han brothers were all nagging. With their minds, guess that Ye Kong would be angry with them when he came back. So look at each other, rush out of the crowd, rush to Ye Kong, kneel for mercy!

Ye Kong didn't want to care about these two people at all, Ye Kong didn't take them seriously.

"Roll and roll." Ye Kong waved his hand and brushed them away.

But at this moment, Hong Mengni, who was standing in front of her, even teleported thousands of miles away!

I knew with my heels that it was Jiang Jin and the others who had fled back to the Palace of Immortals, and moved the battlefield to remove Hong Mengni! Leave Ye Kong's control, and then they can quickly enter the battlefield and **** Hong Mengni!

Ye Kong suddenly became furious, and looked up and yelled: "I really want to die!"

The man who controlled the formation was actually frightened by Ye Kong and stayed for a while. Ye Kong just used this moment to transform into a bō pattern, and instantly caught up with Hong Mengni. As soon as she thought, she put away Hong Mengni.

After putting up Hong Mengni, the ren who controlled the formation probably felt that he couldn't face the fairy king, so he would make up for it, sending Ye Kong constantly, holding it on a ground of 100 miles away, and not let Ye Kong leave! Probably want to wait for the fairy king to make a comeback.

Ye Kong couldn't help it for a while. He fled to any place and was teleported back!

Obviously, Ye Kong just won because the fairy king only came with one head! Another reason is that the immortal king did not use the Rune of Devouring Divine Power and Destiny!

But when this Taoist fairy goes, it will not be so easy to deal with when he comes back! Although Ye Kong had a slight victory just now, Ye Kong was not proud of himself. After all, he doesn't understand the rules. He is far worse than the Green Tiger. He wants to truly defeat the King of Immortals. At present, it is almost impossible!

Ye Kong's best option now is to escape.

But the hateful thing is that the man of the immortal palace actually controlled Ye Kong with the formation method and did not let him act! Of course, Ye Kong also thought about breaking up the space and opening a space channel, but opening the space channel is not as easy as imagined! You have to calculate time and position, not to say that you can break the space where you want to split the space. Most of the time, when you split the space, there is chaos in front of you! No one knows what will happen if you go in.

"I didn't think I could hide in the battlefield, but it turned into a stinky chess at this moment!" Ye Kong couldn't leave, thinking in his heart, how could this fairy king suddenly come to the battlefield?

While Ye Kong was unable to leave, a call came from his ears, and it turned out that someone had given him a voice! Listen again, it turned out to be Kou Nan bō.

"League Lord, Xiao Zilin just gave me a message, saying please be calm and calm! At most three hours, he will find a way to let you go!" Kou Nan bō Chuan Yin said: "At the time my Seven Sword Alliance was destroyed, If it was n’t for Ye Meng ’s host, I ’d be afraid that I would have already died, and I would n’t dare to forget it. I cannot use this ancient artifact great sword here, and it ’s not convenient for me to send it now. , Give Ye Meng the master to defend yourself! "

Tian Han sent firewood salary ~ ~ It's hard to see the truth. Hearing this, Ye Kong was greatly moved, and said, "Thank you, this En Ye will take a note and will report tomorrow! Just that ancient artifact, I don't need it for the time being."

Everyone in the battlefield is under surveillance, and even if the voice is heard, those who are interested will be heard. Kou Nan bō dare not say more, and the voice disappears.

Since Xiao Zilin said he had a solution and Ye Kong had nothing to do, he could only wait.

But at this moment, in his mind, the sound of Destiny Thirteen sounded again, "Master, master. Girl Hong Mengni asked me to come in and go to Guoshan, the child of thick Saturn, she has something to tell you."

"This time?" Ye Kong frowned. Joining the pipa beads at this time is definitely not a good opportunity. Although here, there are not many people in the top plane space, but it is difficult to be guaranteed to be seen by the Taoist fairy king. Just now the King of Immortals saw Madame Kazuya so crazy. Wouldn't it be more troublesome if he was allowed to see Pipa Zhu?

However, Ye Kong thought again that Hong Mengni was not a casual person, and knew that she was in danger at the moment. She would not call herself if she had no real urgent matters. So Ye Kong had no choice but to take the risk of turning the pipa beads into a dust, and then his figure flashed into the pipa beads, and he said to himself, I don't know what's going on. @。

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