The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2092: You will regret this

You will regret

"How do you ..." Chen Chutao was so speechless at this moment that he could hardly believe his eyes. He never imagined that he thought it was extremely powerful, trapped and murdered invisible, and that the mirrored world modified by this fairy king was not even a **** in front of Ye Kong!

Before Qian Youren got out of trouble and used the power of the emperor, he broke the mirror hard and hard. At that moment, the scene was overbearing! But at this moment, Ye Kong is light and relaxed, like the same ripple, silent, although the vision has no impact, but the fool knows that Ye Kong is much smarter than Qian Youren at the beginning!

Facing the figure of Tsing Yi coming from the void, Chen Chutao suddenly found that he had no more powerful ability than mirroring the world! More importantly, in the battlefield, he can also escape with the help of the matrix teleportation. At this moment in thick Saturn, he is dead to Ye Kong at all!

"Ye Dao, there is something to say ..." Chen Chutao panicked.

"You killed my apprentice man, why don't you have something to say?" Ye Kong continued to fly forward.

"He is just a mortal! You let me go, I teach you to mirror the world!" Chen Chutao noticed Ye Kong was interested in this spell, and quickly took out a jade card.

"not enough!"

"I can also give you the control method of Battlefield Array!"

"not enough!"

"My hatred of destruction is allegiance and loyalty to you!"

"Still not enough!"

"What the **** do you want!" Chen Chutao has nothing left to do, and at this moment he can only kneel to Ye Kong! Poor Chen Chutao. When facing mortals just now, he was high, but facing a real strong man like Ye Kong, he didn't even have a decent resistance, so he knelt in the air.

Ye Kong has never been a soft-eared person, for whom he has long been murderous. What's more, Xiao Wanlei's revenge has to be reported!

Ye Kong closed his eyes, like two cold stars. He didn't use the blade of heaven, raised his finger directly, and spit out three words relentlessly, "God of Light!"

In the sky, colorful clouds, Ye Kong fluttered with large sleeves, a white light shot from his fingertips, and shone on Chen Chutao's head and face. This person's head was instantly vaporized, leaving only a green Taoist species on the spot.

Ye Kong raised his hand and took the Dao in his pocket, and then he snorted, "Adding this is enough!"

He said that Chen Chutao couldn't do it, and even his dozens of subordinates couldn't. Seeing that Elder Chen Chutao was blasted and killed by a wave of hands, a dozen of his men fled and fled. They had no strength nor courage to deal with Ye Kong!

"Want to run away? Leave Dao first!"

Ye Kong's voice rang out from behind, and those dozens of people were so scared that they lost their spirits and left the Tao, so wouldn't they have no lives? Escape, only escape!

Those dozens of people were also savvy. They were scattered as birds and beasts. In the sky, they fled, as if a few frightened birds were trying to escape thick Saturn. However, Ye Kong's body moved. One person was divided into more than a dozen. Then, each incarnation turned into a ripple and chased those dozen people. It appeared to be behind them instantly!

After most of Ye Kong's godhead has awakened, the incarnation and strength in all aspects have increased!

All this happened at noon, the sun was shining, and all the Tu people of thick Saturn saw Ye Kong in the sky, and the power was great! The battle of the immortals is even more unheard of! At this moment they all kneeled down and gave their gods a hoe.

But just as Ye Kong was about to catch those people soon, the sky suddenly darkened! I saw a black spot somewhere in Tianyu, and the black spot expanded rapidly, and a black hole with a diameter of dozens of squares was quickly formed, and deep inside the black hole, a huge skull floated out!

The Tu people with thick Saturn below have never seen this thing. This head is bigger than the dirt **** of their planet. One eye is higher than their body, so they are stunned. The high priest is just standing unstable. .

And the dozen or so ambassadors of the imperial palace who fled were all pardoned, all flew over, shouting in unison: "Immortal King, Lord, help!"

In fact, this is not the immortal king himself, but the projection of his consciousness. To put it plainly, it is a light and shadow. He received a report from Chen Chutao saying that Mengfei was here, and he still had some affection for Hong Mengni. He sent a projection of consciousness to welcome him, but he did not expect to see such a scene.

"Let ’s move slowly!" The prince of this Tao shouted, as the thunder in the sky, the mortals of the planet were astonished.

Those dozens of angels of the fairy palace were scared to kneel in front of this fairy king, and the dozens of ripples chasing them did not exhaust them, but the ripples gathered, and a figure in Tsing Yi appeared in the air.

"What are the fairy kings going to do to redeem their lives?" Ye Kong stood with his hand in the air, looking at the huge skull indifferently.

This fairy king said: "Outsiders, we had no injustice and no revenge. I don't want to kill you. In this way, you let these people out and let them **** Mengfei to Xingkong Pavilion. I won't talk to you about offenses, let you Leaving this fairyland will never hurt you a bit, what do you think? "

Ye Kong originally wanted to use these people to exchange more Taoism with this Taoist fairy king, but did not expect that this Taoist fairy king thought he was right. Ye Kong laughed and looked up and asked, "Immortal King, I don't think you know the situation. Now your people ask me for forgiveness, not for you!"

The dozen or so men were arrogant again at this moment, and shouted, "Boy, the fairy king spares your life, that is the greatest tolerance! What else do you want? Send Mengfei quickly!"

The immortal king also said, "Humans, do n’t be too arrogant. Do you forget to devour the stars thirty years ago? Do you want to come again? Do you think you are stronger than the green tiger? I advise you to send it back obediently Mengfei, don't force me to turn my face! "

Ye Kong can agree to any conditions, but will not return Hong Mengni. He knew that there was nothing to talk about, he looked stunned, and said with a smile: "This fairy king, I just gave the Ziwei Emperor four words ~ ~ Now I will send you four more words, go! You! Mom! Ground! "

The voice did not fall, Ye Kong's figure flickered, and he had appeared beside those dozens of angels of the imperial palace. The blade of heaven in his hand waved back and forth mercilessly, killing those dozens one by one!

"You are wanton!" The prince of this Tao was furious in his heart. He did not expect that this small human was so arrogant and arrogant, not only scolding him in public, but also killing him in person!

"You are presumptuous! You are arrogant! You humans, you will die!" The immortal king of this Tao thundered thunderously!

"Get off!" Ye Kong beheaded and killed those dozen people, and the blade of heaven in his hand turned into a hundred feet in size, suddenly split, and turned into a white waterfall! Cut in half the head of this fairy king and the black vortex behind him!

The fairy king got his head only the light and shadow projected by God's consciousness, and it did not disappear immediately. Instead, he looked at Ye Kong viciously and shouted exhaustedly: "You are looking for death, you wait, you will regret it!"

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