The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2091: Only 1 possible

The only possible

boom! The loess altar exploded, and the dry loess stirred up the sky with dust.

In the stunned eyes of everyone at the scene, a figure in Tsing Yi emerged from the dust of the sky.

"Chen Chutao, it didn't kill you 30 years ago, it seems a mistake! Since you are here today, then don't leave!"

Ye Kong's figure slowly walked out, raised his hand at will, and Wu Guang flew in. Like the black turtle shell, the stones that Chen Chutao couldn't hold so quickly flew into Ye Kong's palm. He raised his hand again, and the broken star was hanging around his waist.

Chen Chutao saw Ye Kong collect the broken star, he was jealous and hate, his eyes flashed with resentment, and he looked at Ye Kong with resentment: "At the beginning, in the battlefield, you fled, and finally bound Chen Yong. Today, the family hatred is all settled here! "

When Ye Kong first entered the battlefield, Chen Chutao led someone to kill him, but he was run away by Ye Kong. In the end, Qian Youren caused a disaster. Chen Chutao has always remembered this, and he has always hated it. If he had dealt with Ye Kong first at that time, the boy might have died.

It seems that Ye Kong fled at that time, so that Chen Chutao always thought that Ye Kong's strength was very poor, only to escape.

"It's all settled, yes, it's also good to settle here!" Ye Kong smiled scornfully, and it wasn't a big deal to deal with Chen Chutao's role.

However, Chen Chutao snorted, "This is a mortal city. If you and I are fighting to slay mortals, why don't you and I fight in the sky? How dare you!" In fact, Chen Chutao is also a safe man. After entering the planet before, he could not feel The depth below, so a ban is set in the sky in advance, just in case.

Now I want to bring Ye Kong into the sky and enter the ban.

After Chen Chutao said, with a wink, he and his men all flew up and went straight to that part of the sky.

"Brother Ye." Hong Mengni hurriedly came to stand in front of Ye Kong, but did not know what to say. In fact, she felt very guilty. If she had a little strength and a certain ability to run away the bad guys, Brother Ye would not have to break through.

Ye Kong didn't know her mind, thought she was worried about herself, and comforted, "Relax, their little tricks also want to count me?"

At this time, Wu Yanyi ’s bundle of immortal cords had been taken away. She ran to Xiao Xiaolei, holding a large head, and knelt down and cried, "Master, save him, save him!"

Ye Kong walked over and looked, but shook his head. This is not the world. The dead here are the same as the dead in the immortal world. It is impossible to go back to the soul to return to the soul. There is no soul remnant here! Ye Kong came out late, Xiao Wanlei was dead and couldn't die anymore, no vitality, even if he brought the water of life, he couldn't save it.

Although Ye Kong said so, but Wu Yanyi was unwilling, and hoeed with tears: "Master, I must save him, even if I die!"

If the Nether dies, Ye Kong has a solution. But the person in the fairyland, after he died, he really couldn't help it. I heard that the death and life of the immortals of the immortal world are controlled by the **** of the underworld, and Ye Kong does not know the truth or the truth, let alone the **** of the underworld.

However, Ye Kong was about to refuse, but suddenly remembered the words of the woman in the portrait. Ye Kongdao said, "In the back room, there are eight paintings. If you go to see those paintings, thousands or even tens of thousands of years later, there may be a trace of possible eternal deities. Raise him ... "

Ye Kong can't go on. This kind of thing is not almost impossible, but totally impossible. The possibility is too small, a medium gold fairy will go to enlightenment? Although the law of the immortal world does not stipulate that the medium golden immortal does not allow the law of perception, the hope is too slim. And, even if she became enlightened and became an eternal god, could she resurrect a certain mortal tens of thousands of years ago?

These are unlikely. But Ye Kong couldn't help it, just heard that the eternal **** is powerful and can get eternal power! Death is also an eternity, can it be controlled?

Although they were all very slim, Wu Yan didn't even think about it, holding Xiao Wanlei's body and rushing to the loess back room.

Ye Kong shouted behind him again: "Yan Yi, after becoming the eternal god, he will become a clay wooden tyre. There is no mood, no love, no hate, no loved ones, no friends ... even if he is resurrected, you will still not Any relationship! Would you still like to go! "

Wu Yanyi's footsteps paused, but then he strode to the closet!

He died for me, and I could die for him. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, even if I make sculptures for millions of years!

Watching Wu Yanyi's back disappear, Ye Kong secretly said, I don't know whether to help this girl or harm this girl. Not to mention how impossible it is for her to understand the law of a middle-level golden fairy, say this eternal god, Ye Kong feels like a bad thing!

Imagine, those **** kings, why don't they go to be eternal gods? Just because it was boring! Although the divine realm may have struggles and may die, it is also possible to eat, drink, have fun, sorrow and joy, like the eternal god, it is too boring. It ’s eternal to watch your family members be killed. Is n’t it eternal to live?

In fact, Ye Kong's refusal to become an eternal **** was not an impulse, but he felt that it was Ziwei Emperor's scourge on the posterity. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to refuse. However, I did not expect that I finally killed my apprentice. Of course, it really is not easy to be regarded as an eternal god.

In the sky, Chen Chutao was impatient for a long time, and he yelled, "Hey, surnamed Ye, would you dare to come up? Could you take the opportunity to escape?"

Ye Kong looked back, throwing away all thoughts, throwing colorful clouds, soaring into the sky, yelling in his mouth: "The surname Chen originally wanted to make you live a little longer, but did not expect that you were in a hurry to die!"

When Chen Chutao saw Ye Kong chasing, he turned around and walked away. A few men far away were well prepared. When Ye Kong entered the area, Chen Chutao turned around, turned back suddenly, raised a finger, and yelled, "Mirror world!"

I saw that sky suddenly flattened into a mirror! And all the objects in that sky ~ ~ have been compressed into the mirror! Including Ye Kong, it disappeared from the sky and became a shadow in the mirror.

"Turn me!" Chen Chutao flipped the palm of his hand, and the huge mirror suddenly stood up in the sky. Ye Kong was in the mirror and couldn't move.

Chen Chutao laughed and laughed: "How about, isn't the mirrored world terrible? At first, what was the power of the emperor Chen Yong used to break free! But rest assured, the immortal king has been improved, even if you have the power of the emperor , You can't break free, haha! "

But Ye Kong in the mirror was not afraid, and nodded, "Nice spell, I want it. Well, but the power is not enough, I have at least eighteen ways to break it."

"You blow less air!" Chen Chutao sneered.

"Well, then I will use the lowest carbon environmental protection method." I saw a sudden ripple on the huge mirror, and then a Tsing Yi man appeared in front of Chen Chutao.

"Well, I will take revenge for my apprentice! Let's die!"


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