The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 887 Quad-Core Appears! (8k+!)

Go straight to Xiong's belly drum and speed.

Seeing Qianli Zhi Chongxiong took a deep breath, his body swelled visible to the naked eye, and then quickly recovered.

The gas filled in the body greatly accelerated its blood flow, and its eyes were bloodshot and red.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a ray of white light and rushed towards Xia Yan, aiming directly at Xia Yan's barren land.

at the same time.

Cruel——! !

The Muke Eagle screamed loudly and long, and the ferocious hawk came out vigorously, and the intimidation feature was triggered, shocking the soul.

Taking advantage of the moment when Xia Yan's elf was affected by threat.

Flapping its wings, it used A Flash of Lightning, and rushed directly to the big needle bee, and the wings of Lie Lie were agitating the milky white airflow.

The two elves responsible for the raid opened the first round of probing attacks on both sides.

Facing this circumstances.

Xia Yan was already prepared.

Not to mention that Qianli would read the comments of those so-called experts, Xia Yan would also read them.

Xia Yan could only sneer at their offensive words.

He didn't rush to attack in the first two rounds, he just wanted to see more about the characteristics and characteristics of the opponent's elves, as well as the opponent's tactics, so that he could crack them better, so as to minimize the loss of elves in the battle.

It doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to attack.


Facing today's Qianli, after seeing the opponent's lineup, Xia Yan knew that it was also inappropriate to attack today.

But he was ready to deal with it.

Hu Di's eyes flashed coldly, and the spiritual field instantly spread all over the field, and countless superpower threads extending from the field spread all over the place, and the silk threads connected himself with the sword monster.

Instant swap.

Clang--! !

Zhi Chong Xiong slammed into the shield of the Sword Sword Monster.

The pure milky white general energy dissipated instantly when it touched the body of the sword monster.

The energy of the general system cannot cause any damage to the shield sword monster of the ghost system.

The power brought by a simple belly drum.

It only made the sword monster back a certain distance, but did not bring any substantial effect.

the other direction.

Facing the rushing Mukhawk.

Not only did the big needle bee not put on any countermeasures.

Instead, holding his breath and concentrating, the needles rubbed slowly.

Surrounded by a dark red sword array, accompanied by clanging and sharp sounds.

Unexpectedly, the Sword Dance was performed on the spot!

To this.

A little anger flashed in the eyes of the galloping Muke Eagle, the frequency of flapping its wings was higher, and the speed was a little faster.


When it was about to sprint to the body of the big needle bee.

The figure of the big needle bee was suddenly blurred.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Keying opened his eyes again, but there was no big needle bee in front of him.

Instead, there was a larger figure.

And this figure is half solid and half transparent.

When the Mukehawk rushed forward, something even more surprising happened.

Did it go straight through?

The position of Duolong Baruto of the ghost department and the big needle bee.


Just like the Shield Sword Monster, the normal-type Flash of Lightning also couldn't cause any substantial damage to Duolong Baruto.


Qianli couldn't help frowning.

He wasn't surprised by the effect Xia Yan these two elves had brought.

When Xia Yan summoned the Shield Sword Monster and Duolong Baruto, Qianli knew part of the role of these two elves, that's it.

To his surprise.

It's the speed at which Big Needle Bee and Duolong Baruto exchanged positions, isn't it a bit fast?

Didn't alternate from Hu Di, Pokkisi or Latios?

Changes in the blink of an eye.

Qianli was not given more time to think.

Commanding six elves to fight with all members at the same time, even he had to fully focus on the six elves.

Lead by Straight Bear and Mickhawk.

Qianli's afro-headed buffalo, hyperactive ape and leave king followed closely behind.

I saw the buffalo with the exploding head leaning against its head, and its four hooves stomped on the ground. With every step, huge cracks burst out from the ground, as well as countless tiny dense lines and splashing rocks.

Its explosive hair glows red, and its forehead and horns glow yellow.

Afro Assault!

At this time it is like a mad bull.

Hyperactive ape, leave king, provocation!

at the same time.

The energetic hyperactive ape followed behind the exploding buffalo in two or three steps, and challenged Latios.

And the leave king who stood there with a domineering face.

Not only gently hooked his fingers towards Pokkisi.

At the same time, he hooked his fingers towards Hu Di.

Contemptuous eyes.

Compared with Xia Yan's strong shield and sword monster, it is even worse.

Full of malicious provocations.

In an instant, Pokkisi and Latios lost the ability to maintain reason.

Flapping and retracting their wings, they rushed towards the leave king and the hyperactive ape.

Provocation: The target is in a provocative posture and cannot use changing moves.

Finally, I saw someone attack Xia Yan's elves from a provocative perspective.

Everyone in the lounge raised their hearts one after another.

Hu Di was not affected as much as the two little guys, but he could still remain calm enough.

As the second and third core, Pokkisi and Lattios were affected by the provocation, which greatly reduced Xia Yan's ability to change defenses in the system.

at this time.

Exploding head buffalo's first target.

It's bullshit again.

This is Xia Yan's first core.

As long as Hu Di can be dealt with, even if one or two elves are consumed, it is worthwhile in Qianli's view.

He knows his lineup.

More than enough onslaught, not enough change.

The attack must be successful.

Even if it's a one-for-one limit, it's worth it.

Otherwise, the longer the time, the worse it will be for him.

The Afro Assault move of the Afro Buffalo is as powerful as 120 points.

Coupled with its own sacrifice feature, the power of rebound damage moves will be greatly improved.

Even if Hu Di's fragile body is lifted, he will suffer huge damage.


Facing the successive onslaughts from the opposite side, Hu Di stood still.

He could even take advantage of this short gap to comfort Latios and Pokkisi who were affected by the provocation with Xia Yan through telepathy.


Hu Di's figure was blurred again.

Instead, it was Duolong Baruto standing upright!

Swap venues!

Exchanging Fields from Doron Baruto!

The fourth core!

Seeing this scene, Qianli was stunned for a short time, and then showed a helpless smile.


When Duolong Baruto and Big Needle Bee exchanged positions just now, it was not an illusion.

That trick was performed by Duolong Baruto himself.

Two sharp arrows burst out from the top of its head, and hit the head of the rampaging buffalo one after another. While slowing down its speed, instead of retreating, it swung its tail to meet it directly.

Along with it, there is a big needle bee that vibrates its wings and is accompanied by a strong golden light.

For ordinary audiences, they just need to keep exclaiming at this moment.

The position of the elves on the field changes too quickly.

But no matter how it changes.

Xia Yan's elves successfully resolved Qianli's surprise attack.

But for those who can understand.

The meaning is different.

Quad core.

In the lounge, Du murmured.

Qianli has actually done enough preparations for Xia Yan.

In particular, the king who asked for leave actually possessed double provocations, which was definitely beyond Xia Yan's imagination.

What is his tactic?

Qianli's own elves don't have much system cooperation. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is a set of first-rate offensive lineup. He must gain enough advantages when attacking. Kill one of the cores, so that it will be easier to fight later.

To put it more simply, it is to pull Xia Yan to the same uncomplicated system level as him, and then use his rich experience in storming and the overall strength of the elves to win.


No one thought of it.

Duolong Baruto, whom Xia Yan never sent out, turned out to be his hidden fourth core.

Such an accident.

Let Qianli's straight bear, Muke eagle and explosive head buffalo rush into the opponent's encirclement at once, but they did not cause substantial damage, but made their own situation very dangerous.

It's like playing a game with Olaf at full speed, and his teammates notified that the opponent didn't dodge, and chased him fiercely, but all five people on the opposite side dodged, making him look like a fool, but instead entered the opponent's encirclement.

Is this the hole card that Xia Yan is hiding? Why didn't you see him show it when you played an exhibition match with King Juzi?

Dawu couldn't help complaining.

I said it was an exhibition match. Kona replied softly.

They were all surprised by Xia Yan's current quad-core system.

Is this building a quad core?


At most, it is a pseudo-quad-core. Like Pokkisi, Duolong Baruto has not been trained enough to reach the level of Hu Di and Latios.

However, it's just that now, Xia Yan's path and direction are very clear, he just needs to follow the steps.


Pseudo-quad-core, that is also a quad-core!

The four elves with the swapping venue move completely wiped out the thoughts of those who wanted to use provocation to crack it like Qianli.

after all.

Not everyone can provoke two like the king of thousands of miles.

No one would bring four provocative elves with them.

Even if there is.

The time between the provocation and the time given to Xia Yan is enough for a powerful attack to destroy one or two of your elves.


There is no need to think about another provocation from the king of leave and the ape to control all Xia Yan's elves.

It's not that I don't want to.

but can not.

It's time for them to provoke again.

Believe it or not, Xia Yan's elves can destroy the three elves thousands of miles away with the force of thunder?

Six hits three, even if Xia Yan's system is destroyed in the end.

It is impossible for three elves to withstand the siege of six elves.

Perhaps. This is not all about Xia Yan.

Sirona looked at the people who had just suppressed the shock in their eyes, and gave a timely reminder.

Not yet?

Several people in the lounge remained silent for a long time.

It's really not impossible, according to Xia Yan's urination.

Also surprised were the group of high-level alliance executives who were screening the Four Heavenly Kings in the Chengdu area.


The person who spoke looked at the black-haired middle-aged man sitting in the first seat intentionally or unintentionally.


The rest of the people also looked different.

Only Igor smiled the happiest.


The situation took a turn for the worse.

Attack lineup.

The biggest weakness is that it is difficult to build a multi-core system.

Because every elf here is a strong attacker and needs to maximize the damage.

But Qianli was well prepared.

Although he doesn't have a mature system, Mukehawk's intimidation is self-contained, which barely makes up for it.

Moreover, he also thought of a way to break Xia Yan's system.

As long as Xia Yan can be brought to the same level as him tactically.

He can defeat Xia Yan with his rich experience.


No matter how good it is.

It can't be counted as what Xia Yan is hiding.

Mickhawk is fine.

Even through Duolong Baruto.

As long as he kept moving, he quickly crossed the half court without falling into the encirclement.

But going straight to the bear is not so pleasant.

Starting with the belly drum is very aggressive. Although the belly drum directly maximized the physical attack ability of Zhi Chongxiong, but it hit the shield of the sword monster, not only did not cause much damage, but Hit yourself hard.

the most important is.

At this time, it was surrounded by the Sword Sword Monster and Hu Di.

Clang--! !

The sword is unsheathed.

Mixed with dense strands of sword energy and cold light, the wrapped ghost energy should not have brought much threat to the straight bear of the ordinary type.

But when the bear's hair came into contact with it, it dissipated quietly like a bubble, without a sound.


Surrounded by a huge blue virtual sword shadow on the sharp sword, mixed with a little green fluorescent light, and strands of entangled black mist.

Slashing with the holy sword!

boom--! !

The huge sword edge slammed straight into the bear's head.

The majestic fighting energy seemed to smash its body to pieces.

But it was Hu Di who really made Zhi Chongxiong desperate.

Hu Di didn't launch an offensive, but there was a beautiful and treacherous superpower look in his eyes.

Along with it, there are also props that glow on its body and continuously emit a strange fragrance.

Mind Vanilla!

Mind Vanilla: The elf who carries this item can undo once obsession, do it again, provoke, make trouble for no reason, fix body and restore the blocked state.

Xia Yanran planted so many spiritual herbs in the town, not just for sale.

He is the one who knows the weaknesses of his system best.

Hu Di's provocation was lifted.

The invisible superpower thread entangles Zhi Chongxiong and Hu Di itself in series.

Immediately afterwards.

Enduring the severe pain, Zhi Chongxiong couldn't help but widen his eyes, which were full of disbelief.

It just feels.

The strength of the whole body.

The power gained in exchange for the belly drum.

The improvement obtained by consuming nearly half of the physical strength.

It was quickly pulled out of its body and submerged into Hu Di's body.

One of the swap tricks.

Power swap!

Power Swap: Changes in the ability to swap attacks and special attacks with the opponent.

All the power that Zhi Chongxiong gained after paying the price was absorbed by Hu Di.

Hu Di, who seemed to be thin and thin at first, turned into some tiny muscles.

A word is highlighted.

Battle Mage!

Hu Di, who had absorbed the power of Zhi Chong Xiong, without any hesitation, dropped the spoon in his hand, and the spiritual blade cut it, and slapped Zhi Chong Xiong, who was already a bit difficult to hold on, directly into the ground.

boom--! !


The first elf who lost the ability to fight appeared!

As for the three raiding elves from thousands of miles away, Mukeying escaped smoothly, and went straight to the bear to lose the ability to fight. The buffalo with the explosive head is about to face the siege of the two strongest elves, Duolong Baruto, Big Needle Bee, and Xia Yan.

The two Dragon Arrows had already hit.

As a result, the speed at which the buffalo with the explosive head collides suddenly decreases.

Duolong Baruto swayed his tail, and rushed directly in front of the buffalo. Seeing that those were thin arms, he directly held the horns of the buffalo.

Boom! ! !

Just like when the straight bear faced the sword monster before.

The impact force of the exploding buffalo was very strong, pushing back against Duolong Baruto repeatedly, but the extremely dense general-type energy melted the moment it touched Duolong Baruto.

Brutely stopping the Afro Buffalo in Afro Assault.

Reflexively condensed layers of dragon energy, covering the whole body in an instant.

Dragon's Dive!

At this critical moment.

The rear has dealt with the Hudi who was heading straight to the bear, and drove the spoon again to perform the power trick.

Transferred all the full physical attack buffs obtained from Zhi Chong Xiong to Duolong Baruto.

for a while.

The already considerable energy of the dragon energy that was originally enveloping Duolong Baruto ushered in a violent expansion again.

The blessing brought by the belly drum of the straight bear is enough to double the physical attack ability of the straight bear.

Now passed on to Duolong Baruto, its physical attack ability is doubled.

What is the concept?


The audience in the auditorium trembled and jumped up from their seats.

Because they only saw that the ferocious purple dragon originally built by the energy of the dragon system rapidly expanded by more than several times.

Its ferocious dragon head opened its bloody mouth wide open, and its swaying wings whipped up gusts of wind. The fine dragon scales seemed to be right in front of it, and its size almost filled half of the venue.

This is a giant dragon that is enough to make anyone terrified.

The afro-headed buffalo tries to break free.

But with the current strength of Duolong Baruto, how could it be possible for him to break free?

in an almost distance-free manner.

A head hit on the head of the exploding buffalo.

In the eyes of the audience, they only felt that the giant dragon drowned the tiny buffalo with a bang in one gulp.

Boom—! !

After the huge roar.

Tiny roars can be heard endlessly.

The ground of the entire battle field was completely shattered by this move.

The aftermath of the scattered roar ravaged the barrier, in exchange for the barrier's non-stop mourning and groaning, it seemed that the barrier was about to burst under the offensive of the Xia Yan elves.

At that moment, the power erupted by Duolong Baruto surpassed that of the Heavenly King-level elves.

Champion level!

There is no doubt that.

Under this onslaught, the explosive-headed buffalo immediately lost its fighting ability and lay in the ruins.

Three elves, two down!

This attack can be described as a huge loss.

He didn't expect Xia Yan to hide this hand, and Duolong Baruto would be the fourth core.


Even if Hu Di has spiritual vanilla, it will take time to trigger the props, and he can take advantage of this gap to drop Hu Di in seconds.

Now Hu Di reacted, not only solved Zhi Chongxiong, but also stealed Zhi Chongxiong's power gain.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.


It's not like there's no chance at all.

No matter how unfavorable the situation is, he still has the king of leave, so he has another chance to turn it around.


If Hu Di has spiritual vanilla, then Pokkisi and Latios

Qianli raised his head suddenly, and saw a green light glowing on Pokkisi and Latios, and the anger in his eyes quickly dissipated.

Can't wait any longer!

Otherwise, there is really no chance at all.

Qianli gritted his teeth.

Marsupial, high-five surprise attack!

The marsupial has been kept unused, just in case, waiting for this time.

The marsupial walked steadily and at an equally fast speed, and rushed towards Pokkisi, who was subconsciously rushing towards the leave king because of being provoked.

Although Pokkisi later regained his sanity because of the mind herb.

But it has already crossed halftime.

acted with it.

There is also the leave king who has always stood still.

It saw it pull out a black round iron ball from the thick hair on its body.

Props, black iron ball.

Immediately afterwards.

The leave king's expression was instantly ferocious, and the arm holding the black iron ball suddenly swelled up. Even under the thick hair, the knotted muscles looked extremely strong and permeable.

Accompanied by the outburst of its strength, the heavy black iron ball was violently thrown out.

Evil move, throw!

Throwing: Throw the props carried by the elf, and the power will be divided according to the type of props thrown.

The maximum power of throwing a black iron ball can reach 130 points!


The black iron ball cut through the void like a black thread.

Pokkisi regained his sobriety.



The sound of crisp slaps rang in its ears.

Pokkisi's expression was immediately dull, and he fell into a state of creeping.

Immediately afterwards.

The black iron ball thrown by the leave king appeared in front of Pokkisi.

Boom—! !

The small iron ball was full of great power, and it hit Pokkisi like a cannonball.

Accompanied by severe pain.

With a whimper, Pokkisi was smashed into the air and hit the barrier on the top hard.

Qianli grasped this opportunity very well, and the moves of the king of leave and the marsupial also cooperated very well.

Only Lattios could react and replace him, but Lattios, a super-power elf, would definitely lose his fighting ability after suffering this.

Pokkisi of the fairy type may be able to carry it.

This is also the choice Xia Yan had to make.

It turns out.

Take this.

Pokkisi did not lose the ability to fight.

But it will take a while to slow down.

But all that is needed is this period of time.

Without the restriction of the black iron ball, the leave king walked quickly, without any intention of being lazy because he launched an attack, and rushed straight to Latios, who was not far from Pokkisi.

Xia Yan lost two of his elves in seconds, and as long as Qianli also lost two in seconds, the two of them would be back on the same starting line again.


Pokkisi was restricted by the marsupial's high-five surprise attack and could not be replaced.

But Latios has no such restrictions.

It is indistinct.

Instead, it appeared to welcome the leave king, covered with thick fighting energy, was the big needle bee.

Big Needle Bee, quadruple resistance to fighting moves.

A huge iron fist, and sharp long needles full of coldness.

Boom—! !

The air flow scatters when it collides.

The leave king took a step back unexpectedly, but the big needle bee went back several meters.

You know, the big needle bee at this time has received a sword dance blessing, and it has four times the resistance to fighting moves.

Still fell into a disadvantage?


Asking for Leave King growled, quickly suppressed his surprise, and instead of retreating, advanced, he bullied himself again.

The big needle bee was tired of coping, and in the face of successive attacks, it was difficult to increase his speed all at once.

Adapted to the power blessing, Duolong Baruto rushed towards the leave king wagging his tail, but was blocked by the marsupial's Million Ton Flying Kick on the way.

It's obviously a normal-type elf, but using normal-type moves, he was able to hit Duolong Baruto.

Because the characteristic of Qianli marsupial is guts, it can attack ghost spirits.

At the same time, Mukhawk, who had recovered, also tried to bind Latios' feet.

The hyperactive ape walked like flying, and appeared in front of the Shield Sword Monster and Hu Di after a few movements.

It doesn't want to be one against two, and it can delay as long as it can.

When the leave king solves the big needle bee, their current predicament will be lifted.


Good idea.

But I forgot that Xia Yan now has no provocation restriction.

Except that Pokkisi next to him is still recovering from sleep, the system is sound!

The figures of Duolong Baruto and Big Needle Bee flickered at the same time.

Swap places!

Duolong Baruto, who is full of physical attacks, will fight against the king of leave who will not be lazy!

It is also an elf who is only one step away from the champion at the level of a heavenly king, and an elf whose explosive strength is already comparable to that of a champion.

Duolong Baruto has an attribute advantage.


Leave the king, frolic!

Fairy moves, playful!

This move made Xia Yan and Duolong Baruto more or less unable to react.


After training for this period of time, Duolong Baruto's combat experience has been enriched a lot, almost subconsciously he got short and got into the vast void.

Submarine surprise attack!

The leave king punched nothing.

Duolong Baruto appeared behind the leave king.

Dragon's Dive!

This time, the Dragon's Dive displayed by Duolong Baruto, who has adapted to the power blessing, is even more powerful.

The majestic Qingtian Canglong is no longer only filled with purple dragon energy.

The black strange energy is like a paintbrush, drawing lines on the Canglong's body, making the pattern of the dragon's scales more clear, and there are even two dots dotted on the dragon's head, making it look like a real and vivid dragon.

Roar--! !

The sound of the dragon's chant was accompanied by the constant shaking of the rocks and rubble on the ground.

The expressions of Qianli and the leave king became very serious.

This trick.


There is no way, the attributes are too restrictive for the leave king, and it is best at the general and fighting moves, but they are all ineffective against Duolong Baruto.

The rest of the moves that don't have these two attributes are all special attacks.

The special attack of the king of leave is indeed far inferior to the physical attack.

bang bang bang—

I see.

The leave king kept slapping his chest, and each blow made a sound, making his aura further exuberant, and his gnarled muscles bulged.

But at this time.

Compared to the giant dragon hovering in the sky, it seemed a little small.

Roar--! !

There was another dragon chant.

Qingtian Canglong fell straight down, its ferocious dragon's mouth tearing at the void.


The leave king growled.

Boom! ! !

The already shattered ground exploded in an instant, and the leave king raised his hands high, grasping the dragon's upper and lower jaws tightly, and the meridians on the two arms suddenly appeared extremely dazzling.

The body sank rapidly and kept slipping backwards.

His eyes were red and his arms were trembling.

But at this moment.

It actually stalemate!

All the audience outside held their breath, watching this shocking scene in amazement.

Even Xia Yan looked at the leave king in surprise.

Can such a move be blocked?

That's Duolong Baruto, who is full of physical attacks, combining Dragon's Dive with a move that partially destroys the world's antimatter energy!

This scene fell into Xia Yan's eyes.

It is very similar to the Monkey King who finally turned into a gorilla in the book Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons that I have read, holding up the posture of covering the sky and blocking the sun.

Duolong Baruto's attack was frightening enough.

The leave king who may be blocked is the most surprising.

Xia Yan immediately sent a voice transmission:

Reverse Scale!

Duolong Baruto, who controls all energies, also watched this scene in amazement, feeling the resistance given by the leave king.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Duolong Baruto gritted his teeth.

Eyes instantly bloodshot.

Reverse Scale!

What's more, Duolong Baruto was a little surprised that at the moment when the Reverse Scale was turned on, it seemed to enter a strange state.

just feel.

The strands of hair on the king's body can be seen so clearly.

The frequency of the vibrating muscles on its cheeks is also so distinct.

Moreover, its control over its own energy seems to have reached a new height.

This is

Enthusiastic status? !

With the blessing of Inverse Scale, the scales on Qingtian Canglong became more and more vivid.

The leave king's eyes popped.

The sudden increase in strength was finally beyond its tolerance.

boom! ! ! !

A huge roar sounded.

The entire battlefield, the entire arena, shook slightly.

the most important is

Ka--! !

The audience looked at the transparent barrier in front of them in shock.

It shattered!

Barrier, broken again? !


This time, it was broken more thoroughly, and it was smashed right away?

The prepared staff took action one after another, summoning the elves to resist the aftermath of the impact.

But they are just resisting the aftermath.

It seemed a little strenuous.

The explosive power of this move has surpassed that of ordinary champions!

After falling down this attack, Duolong Baruto's breath also began to fluctuate uncontrollably.

Champion class.

It's close at hand!

The battle isn't over yet.

But it was called to an emergency stop by the competition.

If it continues, the safety of the audience cannot be guaranteed.


While Duolong Baruto was fighting against the leave king, the hyperactive ape who blocked Hu Di and the sword monster with the shield alone had lost his fighting ability.

Both the marsupial and the big needle bee were a little exhausted.

The condition of Mu Keying and Latios is not much better.

But judging from the current situation.

Qianli has completely lost the chance of a comeback.


Qianli caressed his face, twitched the corners of his mouth, and accepted the reality helplessly but very calmly.

I lost.

The referee who escaped by hiding behind the Sword Sword Monster wiped his forehead for the rest of his life.

This Masters Tournament, it's really not just a random referee who dares to come.

One is not good.

It will kill.

However, after hearing Qianli's words, he confirmed what Qianli meant and solemnly announced.

Contestant Qianli chose to give up, so the winner is King Xia Yan!

Wow! ! !


So exciting!

After the audience was startled, there were surging cheers.


They were stimulated, but the competition side was distressed.

The enchantment was blown up again.

If you don't strengthen it, I'm afraid you will be blown up more and more times in the future.

It must be strengthened.

At the same time it becomes boiling.

And the group of high-level members of the General League in the top floor room of the Silver Arena.

The strength shown by Xia Yan is enough for them to pay attention and attention.

In particular, the black-haired middle-aged man who said Let's talk about quad-core before.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

Finally won.

If he continues to follow the script like this, won't his next opponent be able to force the super-evolution out of him?

Xia Yan felt anxious in his heart.


PS: I finished it as soon as I said it was finished, and I was lucky to catch up. This chapter is 8k+, and today's volume is 1.6w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~ What you are looking forward to, it is coming soon~~

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