The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 886 Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with Courage (Triple in One)

the next day.


The entire Silver City is still immersed in the fiery fighting atmosphere.

Today is a day when Xia Yan has no game.

So he sat in the box upstairs, while adjusting the state of the elves, and doing some relatively small-impact training.

At the same time, you can overlook the stadium through the glass windows.

I still want to thank Dawu for spending money to upgrade the lounge.

Not only is the room large enough, but it also has several separate small rooms.

There are lounges, dining rooms and training rooms.

Xia Yan now occupies a training room.

mainly carried out.

It is the control of the spirit's energy and will.

Xia Yan gained a lot of inspiration by condensing the energy of the two moves of Absolute Zero and Frozen Beam through Xiaoliuwei.

For example, Burning Bug can try to integrate the fire of life with other fire moves.

Another example is that Flame Monkey combined three moves with completely different attributes into a move similar to Sword of the Cliff.

The carapace fragments of the original Gulardo that the flame monkey once absorbed played a big role.

Let the flame monkey's ability to control the energy of the fire system and the ground system have a lot of blessings.

That was entirely the result of chance.

Other elves can't learn it.

Xia Yan didn't even think about letting all the elves learn the flame monkey's hand.

But that doesn't mean there's nothing worth referring to.

What he wants is for Flame Monkey to teach everyone the ability to enter a state of absolute concentration and the feeling of entering a state of enthusiasm.

at this point.

Among Xia Yan's elves, only the flame monkey can do it.

In fact, Xia Yan knows that there are also moves such as Inverted Scale, Rolling, Petal Dance, and Ice Puck, which can also make the elf enter the enthusiastic state with a higher probability.


In the final analysis, what the enthusiastic state requires is the elf's absolute concentration and enthusiasm for a move.

Since it is the state.

That can naturally be imitated and learned.

But the trick is key.


The flame monkey also has only a half-knowledge of the state of enthusiasm, and what it can impart is only the feeling at that time.

At this time, the flame monkey is just like a little teacher.

The elves below sat in rows, listening intently one by one.

It's just that this concentration refers to individual elves.

For example, Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, Sword Sword Monster and so on.

And some less serious ones.

Just like the little guy Pokkisi.

Although it looks like standing obediently on the ground.

But a pair of small eyes are dripping, looking around.

I didn't listen well at first sight.

Every time Xia Yan looked over, he pretended to be very serious and nodded from time to time in agreement.

Don't even know what it's agreeing with.

There is also the little six tails.

Six snow-white tails extend from the back of the head to the front, dangling.

In fact, Xia Yan knew.

The six-tailed hairs are extremely crystal clear, and when combined together, they can form a small mirror.

It's furtively looking in the mirror, straightening its bangs.

This beautiful little guy.


It belongs to the fairy Eevee.

It was lying on the ground, as if it was very serious, and its limbs were neatly arranged.

But in fact, its flexible silk satin flicked past from time to time, and its head was also lowered at the right time, and the streamer wiped the corners of its mouth.

Followed by the quiet agitation of the mouth.

It is stealing energy cubes.

Looking at the little actions of these little guys, Xia Yan didn't mean to expose them, he just thought it was funny.

I just think back to the things I thought no one knew about when I was in class.

In fact, the teachers standing on the stage are all clear, but they are too lazy to speak out.

See it now on these little guys.

Just feel a little warm, with some memories.

Anyway, he was in no hurry.

After most of the elves have mastered absolute concentration, little guys like Pokkisi will be impatient.

They are indeed naughty, but also smart enough.

Even if you work hard in the later stage, you can catch up with other elves.

It was the seriousness of Latios and Zoroya that surprised Xia Yan a little.

Quick Dragon, Dragon's Dive!

On the field, he looked handsome, confident, and with a smile on his lips, Du cloaked.

The fast dragon, which is fat but not slow at all, falls rapidly from the sky, covered with surging and rich dragon energy, and dealt a fatal blow to the opponent's monster power.

The six elves of Bain are all incapable of fighting! So the winner is Du from the Kanto region——!

Immediately afterwards, there were cheers one after another.

Du cloak flicked again and bowed slightly towards the surroundings.

Hey, it's another game where Duan easily won.

Xia Yan smashed his mouth and shook his head secretly.

The opponent's strength is not enough, and he didn't force out much of Du's hidden things at all.

With absolute strength, he was crushed.

Xia Yan recalled Dawu's battle not long ago.

The posture was more elegant than Du, and the result of the battle was not too surprising, but Dawu won a lot of cheers.

Could it be, is it really as I expected?

The thoughts in Xia Yan's heart became more and more intense.

Go through a few, and what you get is definitely a simple mode script.

And what he got is very likely to be a difficult mode or even a hell mode script.

Is it right? It depends on who the next opponent is.

Looking at Du who was standing on the field enjoying the cheers, Xia Yan no longer concealed it this time and shook his head again.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have given him a cloak, this showy guy.

Speaking up.

It seems that the top-notch powerhouses have some problems to some extent.

Du likes to show off, especially when he puts on a cape.

The last time Xia Yan went to the Yulong Clan, he heard that there was a whole closet of cloaks in the closet in Du's room.

And the style is still the same.

It was the one that Xia Yan gave him back then.

The only difference is that the material is better.

And Kola actually hides a young girl's heart under her appearance that looks like Yujie Fan.

I like dolls and comics the most, especially those about sweet love.

On the cover of her information collection booklet, there is a cute Ibrahimovic sticker.

Not to mention Dawu.

The young owner of the dignified German company likes to collect stones.

Shiba likes angry steamed buns.

Chrysanthemum likes big wood cough. This can only be thought of, not said.

Sirona loves it.

Xia Yan shook his head quickly.

Get rid of the divergent thoughts in your head.

Cough! Pokkisi, Fairy Eevee, Liuwei, listen carefully!

Cha Ke Yi~~ Pokkisi stuck out his little tongue.


Fairy Ibrahimovic hurriedly covered his mouth tightly and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Liuwei flicked his tail, scattered some ice crystals, with a serious expression on his face, as if I was serious.

See them like this.

Xia Yan couldn't help laughing again.

Another day passed.

The seventh day of the Elven Alliance World Masters Championship.

The third round of the game.

Finally, it started in full swing.

The game site was very lively and full of seats.

Looking at his opponent displayed on the big screen, Xia Yan's expression was dull.

The rest of the people also cast expressions of compassion.

Dawu patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.


Ke Na closed the booklet, pursed his lips, and cast a sympathetic look at Xia Yan.

That. Senior Xia Yan, I believe you can do it.

Sirona, who was sitting on the sofa, bent her mouth, lowered her crossed legs, and covered her mouth with a smile to reveal a bit of a smile.

It's not that there is no chance.

Only Du, with a look of regret.

Xia Yan, I won't miss you, right?


Xia Yan punched him angrily.

Eyes swept over everyone.

Okay, just laugh if you want to, I won't eat you again.

next second.


Cheers sounded from this luxurious box.


The sound insulation of the box is good enough that people outside can't hear it.

Otherwise, I thought something funny happened in this box.

Listening to their wanton laughter, Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the big screen in the sky again as if confirming.

Next to his handsome head portrait, after the letter VS, there is a face that looks so ordinary that it is almost impossible to distinguish it in the crowd.

Even so, Xia Yan and the others knew this person.

That not-so-thick hair, a warm and sunny smile, and firm eyes.

Isn't it the owner of Chenghua Gymnasium in Chenghua City, Fengyuan District, Qianli!

The gentle man who can replace anyone in Hoenn area at any time if he wants, except Genji Tenwang.

Even in the circle of the Four Heavenly Kings, Qianli's strength is well known.

If he hadn't been too concerned about his family, he probably would have had the chance to sprint for the championship.

It is said.

Back then, the president of the Fengyuan Alliance found Qianli more than once and signaled him to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings.

And Genji is old, and although Bonnie and Huayue are not bad, they are still a bit worse than Qianli.

So Qianli is currently the person who has the best chance to compete for the Fengyuan championship.


Every time I was rejected by Qianli.

But although he takes care of his family, it doesn't mean he doesn't want to be strong.

He is known as the man who pursues great power.

But it is only the pursuit of power, not power, fame, or wealth.

Is a very pure person.

Qianli has his own unique insights and excellent training methods in training ordinary elves.

It is said.

He has a leave king that is not affected by the lazy trait.

That was his trump card, and one of the main reasons Chairman Hoenn felt he had a chance to compete for the title.

This, like Xia Yan, is a man who will be able to ride Liekongzao in the future.

Although this world is a combination of animation, special episodes and theatrical versions, Xia Yan doesn't know the extent of Qianli's strength, but it's definitely not weak.

But with the current timeline.

Even if Qianli is very strong, it won't make Xia Yan unable to deal with it.

He glanced at the big screen again.

In the third round, the top 64 was almost about to be decided, and it was two games away from Chairman Igor's minimum goal of the top 32.

Well, probably worse.

How could there be so many people participating in a masters competition?

The point is.

Why is he always this kind of opponent?

The whole person is a bit not well.

Seeing Wu Song easily win the game, Xia Yan walked out of the waiting room with a sad face.

But when he just walked out of the lounge, he saw Qianli waiting for him outside.

Xia Yan quickly adjusted his state.

Mr. Qianli.

He didn't think that he would definitely lose, but he felt that there might be some hole cards that he couldn't hide, and Du and the others could still hide them, which was a bit uncomfortable.

As for the victory or defeat, we have to fight to know.

Xia Yan, together?

Qianli said with a smile, the smile is very pure.


The two walked towards the player passage.

Mr. Qianli, you seem to be in a good mood.

Looking at the smile on Qianli's face, Xia Yan couldn't help asking.


Qianli scratched the back of his head.

Xia Yan gave a what do you say look.

Okay. Just now, two kids from my family called me and said they were surprised and proud to see my game on TV. Qianli said truthfully.

The joy of a successful man is that simple.

It may be his greatest happiness to make his wife and children happy and proud.

Xia Yan was also infected by his smile, and said sincerely:

Then Mr. Qianli has to use all his strength this time. I won't let you win easily.

heard the words.

Qianli's expression also became a little serious.

Looking at Xia Yan seriously, he said solemnly:

Of course, this is the greatest respect for your opponent. I was worried that you, Xia Yan, would not be in good shape after two consecutive battles that consumed a lot of energy. Now it seems that I was overwhelmed. I will definitely fight with all my strength.

Xia Yan's expression froze.

I almost couldn't hold back and gave myself a big mouth.

What's the point of being so talkative?

Originally, Qianli might still have the posture to release water.

it's good now

The water was blocked by Xia Yan himself.

Qianli continued to speak, showing an embarrassed expression.

Actually, Xia Yan, I came to you for another matter.


Seeing that Qianli's expression became more and more helpless, he said bluntly:

The two brats in my family are all your fans. I know that my opponent this round is you, so I hope I can ask you for an autograph.

Xia Yan: .

Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng?

In the future, Xiaoyao, known as Fengyuan Dancer, and Xiaosheng, who is quite talented as a researcher?

Xia Yan is still a little unclear, is Qianli's son and daughter Xiaoyao Xiaosheng, Xiaoyou Xiaoyao, or Lubi?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Wait until the battle is over? Xia Yan said.

At the same time, I thought viciously in my heart: 'Damn, I won't give you anything if you lose. If the account book and the faucet stick are wrong, you won't be given a signature if you lose! '


The two separated.

Go to their respective player channels.

Not long.

Under the guidance of the host, amidst the cheers of the audience, they stood on the battlefield.

For Xia Yan, even some people who were not familiar with Xia Yan at first already knew him.

The man who pierced the defensive barrier.

His matchups were fantastic.

And Qianli became famous earlier, although his reputation is not obvious, but he won the previous two rounds very simply, and many people remember him.

Chenghua City in the distant Hoenn region.

Sister! Mom! Come and watch! Dad is on TV again, and the opponent is King Xia Yan!

The childish Xiaosheng shouted loudly.

Although he is young, he is very precocious, and he cannot be treated as an ordinary child.

I'm coming!

Xiaoyao quickly ran to the TV, and when she saw the two figures on the TV, she couldn't help smiling excitedly.

on TV.

One is her father and the other is her idol.

This is like chasing stars successfully, how can you not be excited?

Although it is my own father chasing stars on behalf of the daughter.

But it's about the same.

The gentle Mitsuko wiped the water stains on her fair hands with her apron, and walked over with a smile.

Looking at her husband's appearance on TV, she couldn't help but feel a little sweeter in her smile.

Sister, who do you think will win? the curious baby Xiaosheng asked with blinking eyes.

King Xia Yan!

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Yao blurted out and sold her father.

Hearing this, Xiao Sheng's mouth twitched.

Although he also likes Xia Yan very much.

But to him, his father is the strongest man in his mind, and he wouldn't be happy to see his father lose.

Mom, what do you think?

Mitsuko's smile remained unchanged. After a little thought, she hesitated and said, It should be your father.

Should? The clever Xiao Sheng keenly captured the word.

Stupid. Xiao Yao couldn't help but rubbed her younger brother's head, Did you forget what time it is?

It's now Xiaosheng was reminded by Xiaoyao, and suddenly reacted, jumping up from the sofa, That's right, it's the breeding season for leave kings, so Dad he

Qianli's non-lazy leave king is his trump card, and his strength is terrifying. Most of the top trainers know this.

But the cultivation of such a leave king was also cultivated by Qianli under many coincidences.

He's always wanted a remake.

The best way is to choose from the descendants of the leave king.

Therefore, during the breeding season, Qianli generally will not use the leave king, trying to reserve more energy for it to reproduce.

This is also one of the reasons why he does not compete for the Four Heavenly Kings or even the championship.

Compared with these positions, he wants to research the cultivation method of the disadvantages of elf characteristics such as the king of leave.

I have the belt, but I don't know if he will use it. Mitsuko said.

Xiaosheng sat back in his seat suddenly, staring at the screen.

Will dad use it?

I don't know why, but after Xiaosheng heard the news, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If this caused Qianli to lose to Xia Yan, it seemed so hard for him to accept it.

after all.

He is also a fan of Xia Yan.

Please summon the elves!

Under the referee's signal, Xia Yan and Qianli need to summon the elves according to the rules.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan noticed that the elf under the referee was no longer the fire-breathing dragon before, but replaced by a sword monster with a strong shield.

It will be the same as the future world championships in the Galar region.

It's just that the last ride was still a fire-breathing dragon.

Xia Yan paid too much attention to this detail, he needed to focus all his attention on this competition.

The pressure Qianli put on him was no less than that given by Du, Dawu, and Sirona.

But this time, it was finally not Xia Yan who summoned the spirit first, but Qianli who was on the opposite side.

After stepping onto the battlefield, Qianli's expression became very serious and serious.

After lowering his head and pondering for a while, he threw out the first poke ball.

In the red light.

What appeared in front of Qianli was an elf similar to a baboon or a gorilla, but instead of standing up, it was lying on its side on the ground with one hand resting on its head, looking lazy, even He also yawned leisurely, with two tears streaming out of the corners of his eyes.


The signboard of thousands of miles, please leave the king!

Although it looks lazy and relaxed, the pressure on Xia Yan is not small at all.

Especially when the leave king's intentional or unintentional eyes swept over Xia Yan, Xia Yan could clearly feel a lot of oppression.

And Xia Yan's feeling for this leave king

Uranus class.

Although it doesn't feel like an ordinary king-level, at least it is the kind of king-level that is only one or two steps away from the champion level.

But as long as you think about the characteristics of Qianli's leave king that will not be affected by laziness, and consider that the leave king is not inferior to the race value of the beast, if it fully explodes, its strength will really not be weaker than ordinary champion elves ah.

This is only a thousand miles in this period.

Another year or two or three or four years.

Once this leave king becomes a champion-level elf, it will completely explode

It's not that there is no chance to wrestle with Gulardo.

Xia Yan's expression became more serious.

The Qianli in front of him is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever fought in an all-round way.

King Xia Yan, it's your turn.

Seeing that Xia Yan was unmoved, the referee reminded.

Xia Yan took a deep breath, and threw out two elf balls one after another.

The first one to appear was naturally his Big Needle Bee.

Big Needle Bee's current strength is not weak, and it is sprinting towards the championship level. It may not be as good as Qianli's leave king, but with its extremely fast speed, it is not that there is no chance of breaking its wrist.

The second is just bullshit.

This is Xia Yan's absolute core.

The elves in Qianli are all ordinary elves, and Xia Yan doesn't know what tactical system he uses.

But a lineup full of ordinary elves is definitely not good for building a system.

This time, he may have to start from a tactical point of view, so that the possibility of winning will be higher.

Seeing the leave king on the opposite side, the expressions of Big Needle Bee and Hu Di also became serious.

This leave king is also the strongest elf they have encountered so far in this Masters.

As for the leave king who was thousands of miles away, after seeing Xia Yan's big needle bee and Hu Di, especially when he saw the big needle bee, the lazy expression on his face gradually disappeared.

Lying on the ground, it slowly sat up.

Changed to a reclining posture with one hand propped on the knee.

Between the eyebrows, there was a bit of seriousness.

Qianli noticed the state of the leave king, and understood that the leave king felt the pressure from the big needle bee and Hu Di.

He was very happy.

He felt that such a battle was what he wanted.

Immediately afterwards, two elves were summoned.

It looks like a dinosaur, but it has a pouch on its abdomen, and there is a little light purple guy poking out its curious head from it.

Boss Marsupial! (Note 1)

Seeing the marsupial, Xia Yan felt lucky that he didn't announce the super evolution.

If Qianli can super-evolve his marsupial in this battle, it will be really difficult to fight.

The super marsupial with the characteristic of parent-child love, coupled with the move of Enhanced Fist, will dominate the sixth generation!

The other one is a flexible, vigorous and active ape-like elf, covered with white hair all over.

Hyperactive ape!

The former form of Wang Wang.

The only characteristic is motivation, which is completely contrary to the laziness of the leave king.

In fact, for many trainers who have elves like hyperactive apes, they generally would not allow hyperactive apes to evolve into leave kings.

Although evolution is very attractive, and the race value of the leave king is too good, the disadvantage of the lazy characteristic is too great.

Although Qianli's hyperactive ape has not evolved, it also has the strength of a heavenly king.

The deterrence is not small.

‘Three physical attack elves? '

Xia Yan lowered his head and pondered for a while.

Throw the poke ball.

Appearing in front of him were Pokkisi and the Sword Sword Monster.

The Ghost Shield Sword Monster can to a certain extent be immune to normal moves, and the Shield Sword Monster has the strongest defense among the Xia Yan elves, so it will have a lot of room to play.

And Pokkisi.

Its ability to control is likely to have unexpected effects.

Moreover, none of the three elves in Qianli can fly, which also gave Pokkisi a lot of opportunities to display them.

But seeing Xia Yan's three or four hands, Qianli smiled knowingly.

Summon two elves again.

Cruel——! !

Loud and high-pitched long chirps, blowing up gusts of wind.

Mick Eagle!

And a raccoon-like elf with a slender body and a streamlined body, covered with light brown hair mixed with a few dark brown lines.

Straight to the bear!

These two are also considered to be Qianli's signature elves.

In the special chapter, the first person Qianli fought with Liekongzai was his Mukehawk.

And don't let yourself completely lose air supremacy.

And his straight charge to the bear once became the nightmare of many game parties.

As soon as the belly drum is opened, it directly pushes horizontally with its speed.

to this point.

Xia Yan has nothing to hesitate.

His last two are Latios and Flame Monkey.

The six elves of the first echelon were neatly arranged.

After glancing at Xia Yan's elf again, the last elf in Qianli was ready to come out.

In the red light.

A mighty buffalo that looked very strong appeared in the field.

Exploding buffalo!

Looking at Qianli across the street, there are generally attacking elves.

Xia Yan couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

He absolutely believed that Qianli had studied him well.

And read the comments of many so-called experts on the Internet.

If you beat him, Xia Yan, you will rush to attack and then take it away in waves.

Any one of these six elves can be used as the main attacker of a team.

And those who can also put on this posture will only see the transition.


Du can have a good chat with Qianli, and the two can definitely have a common topic.

Please choose to replace the elves.

Qianli raised his hand, expressing his abandonment.

But Xia Yan moved.

He took out the Poke Ball.

Under everyone's amazed eyes, they took back the Flaming Monkey that had shined in the last round.

The explosive power of the flame monkey is not weak after entering absolute concentration.

But facing Qianli's lineup, it would be too irrational to go head-to-head with him.

So after Xia Yan took back the flame monkey, the one who replaced him was...


Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon chant, the gigantic Duolong Baruto appeared in the field.

The sparkling scales show gorgeous colors under the sunlight.

The subsequent vigorous momentum also made Qianli's elf's expression serious.

Especially the leave king.

It had stood up from its original sitting position.

Frowning tightly, staring at Duolong Baruto.

This replaces a sprite.

The battle became more and more interesting in an instant.

This multi-dragon Baruto, in terms of level alone, is probably higher than his leave king.

But level does not mean strength.

Which one is strong and which one is weak can only be known after fighting.

Dragon Baruto!


Dandi saw the multi-dragon Baruto summoned by Xia Yan and exclaimed, his eyes burning.

Xia Yan's pressure is not small. Du slammed his mouth and couldn't help it.

The other party is a thousand miles of 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with courage'.

Also as a Fengyuan person.

Dawu knows best how special Qianli's status is in Fengyuan area.

Kona and Sirona next to them also corrected their sitting postures.

In other words, everyone in the lounge took a serious attitude.

Xia Yan summoned Duolong Baruto for the first time in the competition.

What kind of backhand he is hiding, everyone is looking forward to it.

Qianli's advantage is obvious, and his elves are stronger overall.

Almost all of them are the best in the Tianwang class, with no obvious weaknesses.

Among Xia Yan's elves, although there are a few elves that are not weak, overall, they are still weaker than Qianli.

He should start from a tactical point of view in order to increase the winning rate.

But the Thousand Miles Tactic, which has been famous for a long time, is also not weak.

Can Xia Yan seize the advantage in this regard?

The battle begins!

The referee stepped on the sword monster with a strong shield and lifted into the air, and the flag in his hand fell suddenly.

Straight to the bear, belly drum, super speed!


Going up thousands of miles and rushing to attack, and it is still unreasonable to rush to attack.


PS: I like Qianli, so I am a little bit wordy, and I am going to talk about it in detail. This chapter is 7.5k, and I will finish this chapter today~~

Note 1: The reason why marsupials are called boss is because when the sixth generation of MEGA first came out, the personal love feature was too perverted. Those who played the battle at the beginning should know it, or it was Being sacked, or joining, although the personal love was weakened later, UB is still very high. At the same time, this is also the boss of a female elf who is a mother.

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