This battle also made one party happy, one side sorrowful, Hundred Schools of Thought various sects, and finally sighed with relief, just chose the neutral camp, did not participate in the army of all parties, the voices of those who clamored, disappeared once, not looking for To.

The Ying Family in the real world was finally relieved. Daqin still resisted tremendous pressure, and at the same time rebuked those who had other ideas and punish them.

Otherwise, if the Emperor of the Great Qin knows that as the Ying Family of Great Qin Royal Clan, there are people who dare to have other ideas. The entire Ying Family will be punished by Great Qin Emperor’s and will not even recognize the position of Ying Family.

Those who are punishable are also willing to be punished, as long as they can still stay in Ying Family, don’t be evicted from Ying Family, and do whatever they can.

It can be said that China’s pattern has been set. After this war, China is also unable to stop the rise of Great Qin Empire, 400 millionsoldiers and 7,000 City Lord’s death, and the destruction of five Great Dynasty, with cruel facts to prove this one Unable to change the result.

Although they are punishable, they are also members of the Ying Family, and Ying Family is the Great Qin’s royal family. In the future, Ying Family will enter Daqin, and there are also weak benefits.

At the same time, several Patriarch rushed to bring the Zhao Fu’s villa, wondering what the Emperor of the Great Qin is now, and taking a few words for them, giving them Ying Family the most proud, most admired people, expressing their congratulations. Also show them a few loyalty to Imperial Prince.

But this time, the bodyguards stopped them, saying that Zhao Wei had not woken up yet, and several Patriarchs also understood that Daqin had just won more than just now, so he didn’t care too much.

And they don’t know, Zhao Wei in the room is very weak, and his chest is stained with blood. Of course, they still don’t know that Zhao Wei is their Imperial Prince.

At this time, the Ying Family was also crowded with various forces. They were all flattering, flattering and flattering. They congratulated Ying Family and expressed their willingness to be fully loyal to Daqin. They could do anything for Daqin.

In this regard, several Ying Family Patriarch are smug and disdainful. This group of guys also avoided Daqin before, and now they stick to the dog skin plaster. I really think that Daqin is the place to come and want to come.

In the face of Ying Family disdain and contempt, the numerous power can only be regretted. I knew that I have always believed in Daqin. Now the whole China’s situation has been settled. No one can change it. Daqin is destined to unify China, and the achievements are not high. It can only be called Qin people.

At this time, they can only try to join Daqin in various ways. Otherwise, they will wait until Daqin is completely unified. They will have no chance. It is impossible to turn over.

As China’s real biggest force, that is, the official, in the moment, he had to bow to Daqin. This time, although they did not have any dynasty legate, they sent a large number of City Lord and Soldiers to attack Daqin.

They can say that they have lost a lot this time. Of course, as a real-world country, they only show off to Daqin and ease the relationship. They have no idea of ​​surrendering to Great Qin’s.

A few old people inside the clan, looking at an old European with a look of joy, “still your home Nulu vision, early marriage to the Emperor of the Great Qin, now become the most favored nephew of Imperial Prince, Daqin and The relationship of the clan is also friendly.”

In the future, our clan should also be more friendly with Daqin, because this world is destined to be Great Qin’s, congratulations to Daqin, and we should have a few old bones to see the world-famous Emperor of the Great Qin, I don’t know what heroes are.

Arthur Tina also received the news, but also a smile, but seeing Si Ji combined with the other two worlds of Guardian, together to kill the Emperor of the Great Qin, could not help but look a bit serious.

Real clothes learned the news, could not help but laugh out loud, but next to Shuten-dōji, a slight sigh, said, “He may also destroy Japan in the future!”

This made the smile on the face of the real clothes fade, and I thought about it, and there was a little worry on my face.

Gorfi looked at the news and his face was very serious. His concern was, “Is the Emperor of the Great Qin really dead?”

Looking towards the flower month, originally a group of women are concentrated in a hall. Many women think that Xiao Yueyin can change their attention and give up cooperation with Daqin to avoid the fate of being destroyed.

Su Yuyan can only look at Xiao Yueyin at this time, because she alone has been unable to change anything and say nothing is useless.

Xiao Yueyin has been musing and has not answered anything.

“Big Sister! You have been thinking for so long, why not make a decision. We have always advocated neutrality in the flower month. In fact, we have already deviated from the previous principles in cooperation with Daqin. Now we are at most neutral once, so there is nothing! ”

A woman in red opened her mouth and persuaded other women to join in, hoping that Xiao Yueyin could make a decision to sever the relationship with Daqin.

“Big Sister! This time, Daqin really didn’t save. I heard that there are two Guardians, killing the Emperor of the Great Qin together. How can Daqin win?” A woman couldn’t help but persuade.

Xiao Yueyin still sat on the top, motionlessly meditating, did not answer their words, did not make a decision, which made other women a little anxious.

However, the result of the battle suddenly came over. In the end, Daqin still resisted. This made countless women have nothing to say when they arrived. It was also shocked. Although the Emperor of the Great Qin may have died, Great Qin’s did block. The army.

Just to make that decision, the relationship between Huayue and Great Qin’s will never be friendly. Now they are also somewhat fortunate that Xiao Yueyin did not make a timely decision.

Now that the situation in the Daqin unified system has been unable to change, they can have many advantages as a partner of Great Qin’s.

Su Yuyan’s face smiled and looked at Xiao Yueyin, and Xiao Yueyin also breathed a sigh of relief. She had just withstood the huge pressure to believe that Daqin, even after thinking about the death of Daqin, what should I do?

In the end, Daqin still did not live up to her expectations. She resisted the army once and determined China’s pattern. Xiao Yueyin felt that she should also see the legendary Emperor of the Great Qin.

But at this time, the woman present, in addition to Bai Le, there are two or three women with a pale face, watching Xiao Yueyin some desire to stop, do not know what to say.

Now things change, and they completely think differently. When they think about the consequences of this, they have a few tears flowing out, but they still have the only hope, that is, they provide the information of Daqin, and they have not leaked out.

Xiao Yueyin turned to these women and saw that they had something to hide. I just wanted to ask.

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