These two people with great momentum, not others, but the two worlds of Guardian, one is Demon Profound World’s magic seven, one is Fish Scale World’s fish Xuan, two people as two worlds of Guardian, master Very terrible strength.

The magic seven-double pair of ice-cold eyes stared at Zhao Wei, and looked calmly. “Your strength is really terrifying. I don’t admit that it’s worse than you. I don’t bother with others, but your threat is too big. Not eliminating you in the future, my Demon Profound World is extremely dangerous, you should feel proud!”

Yu Xuan also looked at Zhao Wei seriously, and took another look at the eight Sea Beast King, started talking, “I also really admire you, can conquer them eight, originally I also do not intend to participate in your human affairs, I know that you are awakening the two terrible stars. You can only be very sorry for Fish Scale World. You must die tomorrow!”

boom! boom!

Two huge rumbling sounds sounded, and the magic seven broke out with full force. The Sect Armament was used. The fish Xuan also broke out with full force. Using Destiny Armament, the strength seemed to make Heaven and Earth collapse, and all beings were unimaginable.

“Fast! Together with the two of them, kill the Emperor of the Great Qin together.”

As the biggest organizer, Si Ji shouted loudly to other people. It was obviously linked to the Guardian of the two worlds. Even he gave Zhao Fu’s information to them, making them two worlds of Guardian. Come.

China other dynasty legatee, also understand that this is the best time to striking down the Emperor of the Great Qin, must not miss, they are not listening to Si Ji’s orders, but he is right, what is good for them Will do it.

Just like this time leading the army, Daqin mainly threatened them. Here they are not referring to the dynasties and legacy of a country, but the majority of the entire Middle Earth continent. They are willing to join, mainly to destroy Daqin and eliminate this. One of the biggest threats.

It is not China’s large-scale appeal, but they have a common goal of clearing, and they have a huge advantage at the beginning, they are willing to come to attack Daqin, how can they smash this drowning without great advantage.

They also started their actions for their own interests and goals. The human heart is not very unified. It has been said before. Looking at Daqin is so powerful, they are somewhat difficult to destroy Daqin, and there will be many losses, so they have already fled. Thoughts.

China’s Great Dynasty lifted the Nation Armament, and with the power of the heavens, they attacked the Emperor of the Great Qin, and the dynasties of many other countries were ugly and did not shoot.

Because they can’t break out all the strengths of Nation Armament, they will die when they rush, not the battle they can participate in.

More importantly, the other two worlds of Guardian, now they all feel that Chinese is crazy, and together with the other two world Guardian, kill Human World’s Guardian.

Although they are hostile to Daqin, they don’t believe in Daqin. They think that Great Qin’s threat is too big, but Daqin is at least a Human World’s person, and their two worlds, Guardian, actually threaten them even more, and they don’t believe them.

Perhaps being attacked by Daqin, at least it can be its people, but it was broken by the other two worlds. Only slaves and deaths. The last time Fish Scale World wanted to drown all Chinese, it was the best proof.

The national dynasty legatee, look at each other, I feel that they still do not participate in this time, one is to consume too many destiny, the second is that after the Emperor of the Great Qin was killed, the two worlds of Guardian will start with them, this Who can resist them at the time.

People from other countries’ dynasties turned into a stream of light and did not intend to participate in this matter.

The magic seven and Yu Xuan, as well as the people of the Great Dynasty in China, did not care about them. They used all kinds of means to blast to the Emperor of the Great Qin. In the face of his attack, they might die if they accidentally.


On September 17th, the end of the war, lasting four days, this battle can be said to be extremely terrifying, definitely the most horrific battle in Human World, no battle can compare with this.

That strength makes the sky break, the winds and clouds change, the sun and moon are dull, the stars are dim, the mountains and rivers disappear, the life is finally, the gods are shocked.

More than a dozen areas seem to be forcibly erased, everything is turned into a ridiculous, all life disappears, like the end of the world, the residual scent of destruction, but also countless people fear.

The final result of the battle, the two world Guardian seriously injured and fled back to their respective worlds, Demon Profound World and the fish world.

China’s eleven dynasties, Shang Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, the five dynasty legatee really died, and later led by the Great Country of Qin, the terrible Great Qin Army team was divided into five teams, spanning At a great distance, at the same time attacking the Five Great Dynasty, the five dynasties officially died.

The remaining six dynasties, whose legagee recovered seriously, then completely disappeared, unable to find their place, should be a large-scale migration.

The other results of this war, the four sides of the attacking Qin army dead four hundred million, the other 400 millionsoldiers fled, the City Lord died seven thousand, the escaped City Lord reached 20,000 three.

Originally these City Lords come from different forces, different countries, different continents, of course, the heart can not be unified, in the great advantage is willing to attack Daqin, see the situation is not good, then escape, no one is willing to pay for this.

On the side of Daqin, the casualties reached six million. After the Great General forced the attack of five Great Dynasty, the loss of five million, the death of the City Lord three hundred, the most important person of Daqin, this is the destruction of heaven and exterminate the The core character of Earth’s war, that is, the Emperor of the Great Qin, may die.

This battle can sensationalize the three worlds. The whole China’s people did not expect that Daqin eventually resisted the attack, and even did not even think that the other two worlds of Guardian suddenly came, and together with the China numerous dynasty, they joined forces to kill the Emperor of The Great Qin.

Its death of 400 millionsoldiers, and seven thousand City Lord, is Human World, except for the world war, the first such casualties.

All the forces in China can be said to be badly hurt. The final result of the war has also made China Five Great Dynasty dying. It can be said that it is also very serious.

This time, the true strength of Great Qin’s is fully displayed in front of the world, whether it is the terrifying eight Sea Beast Kings, the countless dragons, the terrible Giant, or the spike City Lord’s ballista, and the Crystal of Destruction and various Disaster Pearls.

At the same time, there are a lot of terrible rune arrows, fierce and fearless undead, and the terrible thirteen legions. The strength that Daqin really showed, so that countless people feel a cool feeling, if this is not a big army attack, everyone is absolutely I don’t know the strength of Daqin, so terrifying.

PS: I have always said great advantages before, and the kings did not want to go all out. They also have some City Lords who want to escape. There is a unity that you said, and there is a huge appeal. You are like this, I am like this. It is also very innocent, and the heart of the original bloody battle has not been written. It is estimated that some people say water. In the future, I will mention it repeatedly, explain clearly, focus on it, and do it.

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