The first is the official position, which is divided into military officers and civil servants. All the officials of the Qin Dynasty can print, that is, they can all get the official seal. This officially has the power of bleSS ing Great Qin Empire, and it also has a strong strength.

The role is similar to the City Lord Seal, but as the Great Qin’s official seal, even if someone else snatches it, it can’t be used. Only the talents appointed by Daqin can use it.

In the past, Zhao Wei divided one state into one county. Each county can have one county, and one state has a state seal. Ten states are the seals, Baizhou is the seal, and Qianzhou is the public seal. Wanzhou is the Junyin.

The strength of a county stamp is comparable to the strength of a Small City print. A state stamp can rival the strength of the city. A sprint can rival the strength of 5th Grade. The strength of a mark is not weaker than the strength of the city. A public seal is not weaker than the strength of Royal City.


At this time, I think that Great Qin’s strength has undergone tremendous changes, and it has grown terrifying in an instant. These are just the advantages brought about by the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The strength before Daqin has not been added. It can be said that the strength after the founding of the country, Daqin No one dares to provoke.

However, this is only a civilian seal. The main responsibility is to be responsible for internal affairs, not for conquest. Therefore, these civilian seals can only be used in the territory of Daqin. In the area not belonging to Great Qin’s, there is no way to use them.

This is no good City Lord Seal, you can use it anytime, anywhere, but these civilian seals can be used for defense, it is also very good, they guard Daqin, Zhao Wei can also be assured, do not worry about anyone calling.

Although these seals cannot be used for conquest, there is also a seal, which has been said before. The official position is divided into civil and military officers, civil servants are responsible for internal affairs, and military officers are naturally responsible for conquest.

As long as the number of Soldiers is 1hundred thousand, you can grant Minor General Seal, which can rival the strength of Small City, 1million soldiers can be awarded, its strength can be compared to the strength of the heavy city, and the 10million army can be awarded to the Great General Seal. Strength can be compared to the strength of the capital of India.

The 100 million troops can be awarded to the Military State Seal. The strength can be compared with the Royal City. If it is a billion troops, it can also be awarded the military seal. The strength can be compared with the Marquis Royal City.

Now Great Qin’s strength is 200 million, can have Minor General Seal 2000, will print 200, Great General Seal 20, Military State Seal 2.

This is the number of military seals, is it also scary, and it is a seal, there is no limit on the seal of the official seal, it is the same as the general City Lord Seal, no matter where it can be used.

However, there is also a limit, that is, the number of soldiers, a country can only have a maximum of one tenth of the total population, and the extra force will not be recognized.

Without this restriction, Daqin will convert more than one billion copies into sodiers, and they don’t have to ask them to fight. It’s just that the brush will be printed. It’s estimated that tens of thousands will be printed. No one will live anymore. Daqin annihilated.

Now the area controlled by Daqin is 520, the total population is now reaching a total population of 18 billion, with a force of 2 billion, of which 1st Order soldiers reached more than 170 million, 2nd Order soldiers 720 hundred thousand, and 3rd Order soldiers have seven Ten hundred thousand, 4th Order is also 30,000.

The controlled areas reach 520, 3 in the city, 2628 in the city, 521 in the Small City, 860 in the Small Town, and 39489 in the village.

There are also the number of Corpse Soul Guards up to 68000, the number of Corpse Soul Commanders 1400, and the number of Two-legged Wyverns of Daqin reaching 2700 only. The dragons that can participate in the battle reach 2300 only.

Now the Daqin total population has 18 billion. According to one-tenth of the force, it can only have 180 million troops. But in this case, there are also 1800Minor General Seal, which will print 180, Great General Seal 18, Military State. Seal 1.

If the official seal is printed, the number of official seals printed by the comparable Small City will reach 4649, and the strength of the heavyweight print will reach 700.

This is the benefit brought by the official position after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is really amazing. Even if you don’t do anything, you have such a strong strength.

At the same time, because this is the official seal, not the city print, in other words, these two prints can be used together. It can also be understood that the two prints can be used at the same time, and there will be no conflict between the two sides.

After finishing the official position, the next is the legion, and it is a powerful ability that can be possessed at a national level.

1st Grade Nobledom can build five legions, each of which can accommodate a million soldiers, the legion also upgrades with the national upgrade, and 1 Force Limit can be added per liter of 200,000st Grade.

At the same time, every 1 liter of 1st Grade in the country, you can also get the Limit of the two legions. In other words, every country of 1st Grade, you can build two more legions.

Now Daqin is the 5th Grade Nobledom. It can have 13 Legions. Each legion can accommodate 2million soldiers. The 13 Legion can add up to 26million.

As I said before, the official and the legions are extremely powerful. The country has become terrifying because of them. It also explains the role of the official position. This is not terrible, and the legion can be as important as it is, and of course it has a special role.

Special effects one, [Legion Power]: Legion Soldiers can get this status, its status effect All stats + 10, All stats increase 5%.

Special effect 2, [Legion’s Bravery]: This effect can enhance a lot of morale, and make the Soldiers strong mind, fearless life and death, bravely killing the enemy, immunizing against Illusion Technique, and +200%.

Special effect three, [Light of Legion]: The additional state of the legion, this effect can make the solediers recover faster, with a certain healing effect.

Special effect four, [Legion’s Might]: The Legion has an innate sense of oppression, which can cause mental impact on the ordinary soldiers and produce a deterrent effect.

Special effect five, [Legion Shield]: Legion Soldiers can break out the strength, and then through the Legion to gather a powerful defensive hood, can form a comprehensive protection for the Legion, which has stronger defense than the ordinary energy hood, with the legion attribute bleSS ing .

Special effect six, [Legion Form]: Every Soldiers can emit its own Soldier Qi. All Soldier Qi can be merged to form a powerful weapon or beast, but all Soldiers must work together and cannot have any other idea.

Special effect seven, [Great Legion]: No matter what legion, no matter how many, as long as they belong to one country, they can be combined to form a stronger strength. The more the fusion, the more the legs are more terrifying. .

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