This party is printed as dark gold. It is as big as two slaps. The black dragons engraved with nine overbearing cymbals on the top are like living. The strong black light emitted by this big seal itself has a supreme king.

When the Great Seal was completely formed, a black light wave spread to the whole of Daqin, and a whole black light emerged from the entire Daqin territory.

Numerous Daqin people who were kneeling on the ground only felt that there was a strength in repairing their bodies. Some of the illnesses were getting better and better, and some strengths were gradually increasing.

The sky outside Daqin, or the golden glow of the sky filled the sky, the clouds are everywhere, the fairy sounds long companion, this time is the golden flower, the whole world becomes extremely beautiful, like a golden dream.

After the full integration of the big print in the sky, the City Heart below broke out with a strong wave of turmoil, and a black storm spread across the Great Qin City.

City Heart is boasting countless black light, nine black and one black dragons, which are slowly appearing around the City Heart, while the Nation Armament next to it absorbs a lot of destiny and gains a stronger strength.

prompt! Great Qin City Upgrade Royal City, you meet the conditions of the founding of the country.

prompt! Great Qin Empire was established.

prompt! Great Qin Empire The first to establish a country, get the Human World big destiny bleSS ing.

prompt! The area you captured reached 520, your Great Qin Empire received 520 Region’s Power, and your Nobledom was upgraded to 5th Grade Nobledom.

prompt! As the Imperial Prince of Great Qin Empire, you are now officially the king, and you also get a lot of destiny bleSS ing. You get Daqin King’s Power and get Daqin King ProfeSS ion.

prompt! You’ve got King’s Power and King ProfeSS ion, you can’t get it in one go, now you’re integrating Emperor’s Power, King’s Power and King ProfeSS ion to enhance your Emperor’s Power and Emperor careers.

prompt! You are the first country to be established as Human World and you can get extra rewards (note: only the first three countries will be rewarded.)

prompt! You get 100 City, 200Small City, 400Small Town, 2400 Village, these are City Creation Stone, which blends with Daqin and automatically serves as the village of Great Qin City.

prompt! Now that you have established Empire, open the official position.

prompt! You can now establish a country and build a legion.

prompt! You gain the strength of the border of the country, you can build the Great Wall to protect your territory, and your Great Wall will get the country’s strength bleSS ing, which will become extremely sturdy.

A voice prompts in my mind, Zhao Wei could not help but show a smile, the sky vision is gradually disappearing, now Daqin can officially become the Great Qin Empire, Zhao can not be called Your HighneSS, but called his Majesty, because Zhao Wei Now it is really a “king”.

The Great Qin Seal in the sky slowly descends and re-enters Zhao’s body. Now this Great Qin Seal cannot be called Great Qin City Seal, but should be called Great Qin Royal Seal, which controls the entire Daqin supreme power, and also Comes with King’s Power bleSS ing.

Now become the real king, Zhao Fu’s strength has also improved a lot, the most important is the blood, original Zhao Fu’s blood is already 17 level emperor blood, then Heavenly Emperor Star and Nether Emperor Dark Star are coming, all have great blood for Zhao Wei influences.

At this time, it became a real king. Undoubtedly, it was filled with a boost, which made Zhao Wei’s bloodline upgrade to 18 Emperor Bloodline.

The 18 Emperor Bloodline is far more powerful than the average Emperor Bloodline. For any reason, the Zhao Fu’s Emperor Bloodline is powerful enough.

Now Zhao Wei has returned to the Heaven Prayer Platform and carefully checked the tips. These are the tips for the founding of the country, but you can’t just take a few eyes.

First of all, Great Qin City is now Royal City, because now Daqin is just a Nobledom, its Royal City is naturally Royal City, and the following is the attribute of Great Qin Royal City.

Village Name :Great Qin Royal City (Epic )

Rating: Royal City (5th Grade)

Village Area :729400sq. km

Village Territory :62421800sq. km

Residents :3492950/80240000 soldiers 892640/32482000

Popular Support :86

Special attribute: Territory Crop Output +260%, Territory Crop Growing Time -260%,Military Force Limit +165%,residents stats can randomly +20,soldiers attribute +25%,Population Attraction +200%,chances of attracting higher grade population +200%.

Subsidiary Village Limit :896930

With Village:Logue Village, Jean Village, Dorun Village, Li Family Village, Wild Wolf Village, Fierce Tiger Village…

As can be seen from the city attribute, there is no experience behind Royal City, that is, the upgrade does not require experience, but the area that needs to be captured.

The fourth article has hints that the area occupied by Daqin has reached 520, and 520 Region’s Power has been acquired, and 5th Grade Nobledom has also been upgraded.

The countries are divided into one to 9th Grade, and then divided into Nobledom, Marquisdom, Dukedom, Kingdom, etc. The national upgrade here does not depend on experience, but on the occupied area, the more areas captured, the faster the upgrade.

Daqin captured more than 500 areas, and now it is naturally 5th Grade Nobledom, and as the Great Qin City of Royal City, it is not in need of experience, it is the need of Region’s Power, in other words now the national level and the city level.

Great Qin Royal City is now 5th Grade Royal City, which is naturally 5th Grade Nobledom, and wants to quickly upgrade to capture more areas.

The more the region, the higher the national level, the fewer the same region, the lower the national level.

So in the future war, the territory is very important, it can make you upgrade quickly, you can quickly let you downgrade, the more areas you lose, the bigger the drop.

It is not bad that you don’t need experience. It is a very good good thing. After the huge experience, you can assign it to each city pool and let them upgrade quickly. The city that Daqin has will also be more and more.

After the prompt, get King’s Power and King ProfeSS ion, which Zhao has already acquired, by defeating the mysterious skeleton of the underground space, getting King Armament pieces open in advance, now there is Emperor career and Emperor’s Power.

King’s Power Zhao Wei still really can’t see it. Looking at the tips can enhance Emperor’s Power. This is also very good. Zhao Wei carefully senses the strength of the body and finds that it has enhanced.

Then prompted, Zhao Wei did not think that there is such a rich reward.

100 Heavy City, 200Small City, 400Small Town, 2400 Village, is also a surprise for Zhao Wei. Guangzhong City and Small City add up to 300 City Pool, and there are so many Small Towns and villages, these are free. Zhao Wei is naturally very happy.

This nation-building award is only given to the first three countries. Now Daqin is the first one. I don’t know the second country. Who is the third congress, I should also get a good reward.

There is also the most important official position, and the terrible army. The reason why the country is strong is because of these official positions and military corps. Zhao Wei has always wanted to establish the country, that is, for the official position and the legion, as long as these two things are in control. In the hands, there is no problem in countering some gods.

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