No man can tolerate this woman, and the Emperor of the Great Qin is still famous for his brutal cold blood, and Zhao Wei will definitely die very badly.

The female singer faced Zhao Fu’s action, her face was red, and she hurried back to Zhao Fu’s hand. Anyone with a little angry look at Zhao Wei, “You are a bit too much!”

Zhao Wei saw this, and finally he couldn’t help but smile and said, “You have all been my women. I don’t want to touch it?”

These words have not been understood for a while, and it is not clear why Zhao Wei said them as his woman.

At this time, a group of palace ladies responsible for resetting them came in and bowed to Zhao Wei, shouting respectfully, “Your HighneSS!”

Now more than 30 people, finally understand it, looked at Zhao Wei with a look of shock, did not think that Zhao Wei is the Emperor of the Great Qin, this contrast is a big big!

So the two people of Heaven and Earth are the same person, and no one has guessed his true identity, so terrifying.

Thinking of the thing just now, the numerous woman was scared and screaming in the ground, shouting, “Your HighneSS! Just sorry, we really don’t know your identity.”

Zhao Wei didn’t care very much. He responded lightly. At that time, the female model was the most fearful one. I thought that just like the Emperor of the Great Qin, with his cruel character, I really might be tortured by him. dead.

I heard that the Daqin method was originally cruel, suede, broken bones, cut meat, and animal food. I thought of it.

The female model cried out in fear and threw herself on Zhao’s thigh. “Your HighneSS Sorry! I really don’t know that you are Imperial Prince. I am wrong. Please let me put a living path. I will serve you with all my heart and soul. !”

Looking at her fear of fear, Zhao Wei also sighed, this kind of thing Zhao Wei experienced a lot, watching Zhao Wei did not blame, the female model is also somewhat relieved.

Zhao Wei turned to the female singer, looked at the sturdy figure, and the towering chest, the female singer’s face flushed and lowered her head.

Later, Zhao Wei enshrined them and ordered them to take them down and solve this matter.

After returning to Heaven Awaken World, Zhao Wei was surprised that the eye had not disappeared. It was like being implanted in Zhao Xin’s heart. Just like watching Zhao Wei calmly, I couldn’t help but frown. .

In this regard, Zhao Wei has no choice. He asked Jin Long how this eye can be erased from the heart. At the same time, Zhao Wei also said this eye.

Jinlong listened to contemplation for a while and said that he did not know, but said that this eye is good. “This eye is called the eye, an invisible eye that can be implanted into the mind. There is such an eye that can be perceived. All hostility, as well as preventing others from discovering the soul, and this has great benefits for cultivation!”

In fact, I want to clear it mainly by Zhao Wei himself. How to make a major change from the mind, this eye will automatically disappear, or it will be fully integrated into Zhao Yi’s thought.

Zhao Wei can only put this matter aside and put his eyes on the Great Qin’s business. Now the Great Qin’s Great Wall, the cleaning area, is flying fast.

Unconsciously, after more than a month, the area was cleaned by more than a third, and Daqin provided a large amount of Population and experience. On the other side, the Great Wall was also built.

Because the country is approaching, everything should be based on the state system. In other words Daqin wants to formally establish a state system, not in the form of a force.

Every region should have villages, and there should be cities, not crowded together, compressing living space, and spreading the entire territory throughout the village. This also has the advantage of solid destiny, making the foundation of Daqin more stable.

And each area must be planned, distributed on the basis of the village, Small Town as the center, Small City as the Small Town center, so that Small City can be used as the highest management center in the region, Small City is responsible for managing Small Town, Small Town is responsible for management. The villages are managed in such a layer and form an effective administrative system.

There are not so many Small City here, you can temporarily replace it with a heavy city.

In the past, Zhao Wei divided each area into one state. Now it is necessary to divide one state into one county. One state can be divided into five to eight counties according to the size of the area.

How many Small Towns should be divided into counties, and how many villages should be divided into Small Towns, which should be carefully divided into small pieces.

This is not an easy task. It must be planned in advance. It cannot be waited until after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. This is mainly handed over to the Minister of the Interior, and the people are concentrated, and the detailed drawing of each area is carefully carried out, so that it can be divided step by step.

At the same time, with the establishment of the country, it is necessary to have a large number of talents, that is, a large number of people are required to be officials. In order to meet the needs of a large number of talents, Zhao Wei is preparing to hold a large-scale Imperial Examination.

This examination is divided into the textual examination and the martial arts examination. One civil servant and the military attache are selected. As for the age, the race is not limited, and there is no requirement for the students of the college. Anyone who has the ability can participate in the imperial examination and enter the DPRK as an official.

Because Daqin was not just a race, except for Great Qin’s original residents, there are various Exotic Races, and some foreigners. There are still many foreign residents, and Zhao Wei has come back to the race system without racial equality. Therefore, the official does not limit the race.

There is no limit to age, because talent is not necessarily young, and some older people do not mean that they are incapable.

There is no stipulation for whether it is a college student. Although Daqin now has 120 colleges, all of which are mainly Qin Academy, with more than 2 million students. If you only select talents from here, it is too limited.

Daqin is destroying many areas and systems Main City. There are also some people with culture and knowledge in these Main City. Therefore, expanding the scope and concentrating the best people as Great Qin’s officials can help a Daqin develop very well and orderly. .

The same is true for military officers. It is not only required to be a college student, nor is it a solitier. All capable people can participate in the military.

Of course, it is a very dangerous thing to bring troops to fight. It is not a big deal. The officials in the governing class need to have some experience in war. This will be promoted from the army. Others need to be supervised by the military, and then slowly to cultivate.

First of all, a notice was posted to the whole territory, and the civil service examination was started. The civil reaction was also the most intense. It was possible to be an official and ruling class. Many people were naturally excited and happy, and the number of people involved was extremely high.

The examination system is also divided into layers. The first layer is more stringent than the first layer. The most suitable candidates are selected from a large number of people. This requires strict control and strict supervision.

After a long period of six days of screening, there will probably be 30,000 people in the final stage.

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