This eye is not terrifying, without any maliciousness, without any joy, that is, calmly watching Zhao Wei, and there is no reaction, just watching it quietly.

Zhao Wei was suddenly stared at this way, and the heart certainly felt uncomfortable. Although the sword did not bring any maliciousness, the sword Zhao Zhao still had some dislikes, and it was not clear about the mysterious forces. Why did the sword of the Way of Benevolence Give it to yourself.

They must be clear that they are not the Lord of Rende. What purpose did they send this sword? Zhao Wei really has some unclear.

However, this sword is really not suitable for you. Zhao Wei does not want to use this sword. It feels very uncomfortable. This is the first time that there is a sword Zhao Zhao does not want to use, and the Grade is absolutely not low, Zhan Lu It is also true that China’s peerless sword.

But Zhao Wei didn’t want to use it. He didn’t hate this sword. It was just a different one. It can be sent to the right person.

In fact, Zhao Wei’s hands are not all dark swords, such as Angel Sword and Tree King Sword, all of which are biased towards the bright side, but they are only attribute to the light, and Zhao Fu’s Emperor’s Power is mainly the power of the command, the light and the dark. It doesn’t matter, you can master it.

But this sword has the sword intent of Rende. Zhao Wei does not have the kind of virtue, so it is very uncomfortable to use.

Zhao Wei put the sword back in the sword box to see if he could give it to people, but Zhao Wei was surprised to find that the one eye did not disappear.

“It feels like staying in my heart, just look at myself calmly. Is this what’s the matter? Isn’t he putting the sword back? Why is this feeling?”

In this regard, Zhao Wei was shocked and immediately handed the sword to the next bodyguard, let him pick up the Zhanlu Sword and see what would happen, whether it was like himself.

But after the bodyguard picked up the sword, he shook his head and said that there was no feeling, and the sword gave him the feeling of an ordinary sword. It should be more accurate, like a wooden sword, without any murderous aura, nor Anything that hurts people.

Zhao Wei still had some unbelief, let him hand over the sword to another person, and let the man dance the sword, but this person feels the same as the one before.

Now Zhao Wei has finally decided that only he has the feeling that his identity has been seen by the sword, and that Zhao Fu’s method can hide people, but can’t hide these items, because the item only cares about the essence.

“And this sword is not the mysterious force sent to disgusting yourself?”

Zhao Wei could not help but think of this, otherwise he couldn’t think of it. Why did the mysterious force send such a sword to himself? Zhao Wei could not help but think about who this mysterious force is.

I remember that history said that Zhanlu Sword has been passed down by generation. When Tang was acquired by Xue Rengui, it was passed to the hands of Yue Fei, the famous anti-gold medal of the Southern Song Dynasty. After the death of Yue Fei and his son, Zhanlu Sword did not know the whereabouts.

Zhao Wei feels that this may be a fake, because Zhan Lu is Sword of the King at first, not to mention the ordinary people, even the general can not be used, only as a king can be recognized by Zhanlu Sword, Zhao Wei thinks so I don’t know if it is true.

There is no way, Zhao Wei also temporarily collected the sword, and then looked at these stars, started talking, “I will give you a chance, don’t regret it, or don’t blame me!”

Wen Yan, some people are grateful to Zhao Wei, “Thank you.”

Some people are not friendly, such as the model woman, who snorted a few times and said to Zhao Wei, “You better not to say bad things about us, or I will just say that you just smashed Great Qin Emperor’s. I want everyone to ask for it. !”

“If no one wants to make a bad, with our looks and special identities, I miss you ordinary people, watching us play TV movies, there is no less obscenity to us! I think the Emperor of the Great Qin should like it. Ours, as long as you don’t make it worse it will be alright !”

This Zhao Wei didn’t know what to say. I used to look at these stars and I thought about it, but this is normal. And both men and women.

In the end, Zhao Wei can only help them to bring them to Daqin. Because there is no problem in all areas, Zhao Wei also gives them swallows Fruit of Truth and brings their bodies to Heaven Awaken World.

“Now you are in Daqin!”

Through teleportation formation, Zhao Wei took these women to Great Qin City. They looked at the tall attic, the wide streets, the bustling crowds, and the noisy voices. They were also bustling with the great Qin’s bustling, and they were a bit shocked when they arrived. .

Such a scene, they can still see for the first time, a scene similar to the ancient Imperial Capital, which can not be completely copied on the TV.

Zhao Wei ordered people to take them directly to the palace. In a large hall, Zhao Wei was trying to seal them up and bring them to the harem.

However, at this time, Zhao Wei remembered that the model woman’s cold arrogance, as well as a trace of contempt, could not help but reach out and directly provoke her chin.

Now in the Daqin Palace, Zhao Wei is of course not restrained, but Zhao Fu’s behavior scares the many women, they are given as gifts to the Emperor of the Great Qin, they belong to the Great Qin Emperor’s woman, but Zhao Wei It is the Emperor of the Great Qin who is a small person who dares to play with them.

This Zhao Yu is too big! And still in this palace, don’t you really know that you are alive and dead? This is too stupid! They are still not aware of the people around them who are too respectful to Zhao Wei.

The model woman, directly cold reaching, opened Zhao Fu’s hand, some of the angry angry said, “What are your paws doing?”

Originally, the singer before, hurriedly came out and persuaded, “This matter has not been seen by outsiders. We are all okay, Zhao Wei, are you really desperate? Do you dare to do it to us, that Emperor of the Great Qin will kill you.”

Miss Zhang, I don’t think you want to know this by the Emperor of the Great Qin! Everyone should have nothing to do with this, otherwise it will be difficult. Everyone is still waiting for the Emperor of the Great Qin. Don’t be doing anything!

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but chuckled. It was called Miss Zhang model. She also looked at Zhao Wei and didn’t want to pursue this matter, because it was really bad for her to reach the Emperor of the Great Qin.

But at this time, Zhao Yu extended his hand and stroked the cheek of the singer who stepped on the front, and the next many women were sucking a sigh of relief. This Zhao Zhen was really lawless, so timid, just ridiculed Great Qin Emperor’s woman Once, even now, I dare to play the second time, and it is getting too much.

This Zhao Wei really does not want to live! Have you ever seen so many stars here, and you have to spend a bit of trouble, and have a problem with your head? This will definitely be tragic, that Emperor of the Great Qin will definitely kill Zhao Wei!

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