Zhao Wei stood in the sky and examined his body. He didn’t know what his current changes should be. The blood became a bit strange, like Human Race, and it was like Dead Race. Because it is related to the blood of Six Paths Demon Statue, it is difficult now. Explain clearly.

At this time, the appearance is completely stereotyped and cannot be changed. Now the body has some Six Paths Samsara Power, not relying on Six Paths Demon Statue, but Zhao Wei has Six Paths Samsara Power.

This Six Paths Samsara Power is definitely one of the most powerful strengths in the world. It has the ability to crush all the low strengths. Even the ghost king that Zhao Wei met before, the power of the ghost king can’t compete with Six Paths Samsara Power.

There are also two dragons looking at the body, one full of dignity, with a strong Emperor atmosphere, one full of gloomy, also with an Emperor pressure.

Zhao Wei could not help but ask the next Jinlong, “This is what’s the matter?”

Among the four Dragon of Destiny owned by Zhao Wei, Jinlong is the most special. It not only has its own consciousness, but also can think independently and know more than Zhao Wei.

Jin Long shook his head and said, “You can cause numerous changes. I don’t know. Three stars are just a key. You start from the awakening of Chaotic Emperor Star, and fate is no longer under the control of heaven.”

“Incorporating into me, and integrating into Heaven Slaying Empire destiny, with Heaven Slaying Bloodline, you are more uncertain and can awaken two Emperor Stars, which rely on your own various destiny accumulations, and finally come out.” .

“Of course, there is one more thing, that is, the Origin Mark plays a huge role in it. Without the help of Origin Mark, you will compare the two stars with a smile. You should thank the girl who can give such a precious Origin Mark to you. .”

“Now you also understand that the importance of Origin Mark, even if Supreme Being can’t help but snatch it, Origin Clan is too rare to disappear from Antiquity for a long time. The girlhood is far more than you think. It’s more complicated.”

After listening to Gold Dragon’s words, Zhao Wei couldn’t help but sigh. She thought of leaving Tuoba Qing and didn’t know what happened to her.

At the same time, Zhao Wei also understands that in the future, it is necessary to hide the Origin Mark. It must not reveal a bit of breath. Now it has offended a Supreme Being.

This Supreme Being is just an avatar, and the original general spirit is tough. Zhao Wei also uses the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue to defeat him. If his body comes and uses all means, the whole Daqin may be destroyed. In the hands.

At that time, I couldn’t cover my appearance, and whether the location of Daqin was discovered. To be found by him, Daqin will usher in a disaster.

The strength of Supreme Being is really too terrifying, giving Zhao Wei a very big threat, but Daqin is here and can’t move. If he finds Daqin, he can only die, now in addition to Jianguo, It is to restore the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue.

Now the Six Paths Demon Statue is not only a weak and serious wounded, but even the Origin strength has been sucked away by Zhao Wei, so this is only the case. Only the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue is restored, facing the Supreme. Being has a strong resistance.

Harvesting thoughts, Zhao Wei looked at the pieces of sinister soldiers on the ground, Zhao Wei started talking, “Get up!”

All the sinisters stood up and stood there like wood. It was like listening to Zhao Fu’s command. They are definitely the most loyal Soldiers. Even if Zhao wants them to die, they will not hesitate to die.

The ghost Royal Seal in the Ghost Seal has already had signs of melting at the beginning of the change. This yin valley, the ghost Royal Seal, and the tombstone, battleflag, Yin Qi Great Formation, a variety of items blend together, eventually bred The thing that comes out is the ghost dragon that has penetrated into the body.

Although the ghost Royal Seal disappears, Zhao Wei has the ability to control the strength of 10 million sinister soldiers. Because of the strength of relying on the ghost dragon, the ghost Royal Seal should be integrated into the ghost dragon.

Zhao Wei did not expect to breed such a thing, nor did he know whether it was good or bad, and became the blood of this kind of half-ghost and half-human.

At this time, the white rushed with the numerous generals, facing the Emperor Star and the Supreme Being generals, they all had a sense of powerlessness. Now that the matter is over, they are extremely worried about Zhao Fu’s safety, so they rushed to come. .

“Your HighneSS! You have nothing?”

Numerous generals came to Zhao Wei, a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Wei, and clearly felt that Zhao Wei’s breath changed a lot, and a more cold feeling.

Zhao Wei smiled and said, “Nothing! Go back together!”

Later, Zhao Wei returned to Great Qin City with everyone. First, arrange some characters. On the one hand, it is a defensive problem. Especially in the region of Vietnam, we must pay attention to the movements of the Three Kingdoms, and the Great Wall must also speed up the construction. Also speed up the cleaning.

Daqin now has a little experience and can be found a nation. Can’t be dragged down by experience, so many areas are cleaned up, even if there is no upgrade, it is absolutely fast.

During this period, we also tried to keep a low profile and avoid all wars. Everything was only for steady development. All parties listened to Zhao’s orders and speeded up various things.

Zhao Wei handled this matter, called Li Si, and asked him to prepare a pair of excellent Yinmu for himself, which must be built with the ultimate yin.

Li Si listened to Zhao Wei and said that he was scared when he was on the scene and hurriedly worried about asking Zhao’s body. This is also true. Whoever wants to listen to Monarch to help him prepare a coffin, who will be scared.

Zhao Wei sees Li Si misunderstanding and smiles and explains, “Six Paths Demon Statue needs a lot of yin, and the valley has formed a special treasure that can connect Nine Nethers to absorb a lot of yin, and where will I stay for a while, and The coffin is the best prop to preserve the yin, and it also has a certain role in gestation.”

After listening to Zhao Wei’s explanation, Li Si was relieved and ordered to collect the best yin wood and prepare the Yinmu for Zhao Wei.

Of course, Zhao Wei does not stay in the yin valley every day. It just goes at night, absorbs a lot of yin, restores the Six Paths Demon Statue, and stays in the Great Qin City during the day to handle various things.

Just a few days off, there are a lot of women who say that they want to see Zhao Wei. These women are basically Vietnamese players. Before Zhao Wei attacked the country, they did not destroy five legacy of a country. They also destroyed many forces. .

Most of these women were just brought back by the way, and they did not deliberately arrest them. The women of the legacy of a country, because they all contained a large number of Phoenix Qi, and had a special attack on them, so they brought back a lot.

Naturally, there are relatives of various national legacy, such as mother, sister, sister, aunt, aunt, aunt, cousin, cousin and the like.

At that time, Zhao Wei just took a glance at them and sealed them up. They ordered them to take them down, and did not care more about them.

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