Looking back to Daqin, there was some change in Zhao’s body in the huge Yinqi column. It looked like the Evil Ghost before, but returned to normal human.

There were no cavities in his mouth, his hands did not become claws, his appearance was not paralyzed, his body was not as pale as before, but he was only a little pale, and there were some blood, original gray hair, no change.

The biggest change is Zhao Wei’s booth eyes. Originally, Zhao’s left eye has four eyelids, two bloody eyelids, a white eyelid, and a golden eyelid. Each eyelid has a different breath. . The blood is evil, the white is gentle, and the golden is noble.

Now Zhao Wei’s left eye has one more gray eyelid at a time. This gray eyelid is like a ghost’s eye. It is a kind of gloomy and looks a little scary. Ordinary people never dare to look at it, or feel it. I will have a nightmare for a few days.

In addition to this, Zhao Wei’s right eye has also undergone some changes. Originally Zhao’s right eye is three eyelids overlapping, and now it has become like four eyelids overlapping, with a layer of gray, originally gray around the eyes. The dots are also getting bigger.

There is also a ghost dragon in Zhao’s body. This ghost dragon is gray, roughly the same as the general dragon, but has four eyes, a bone horn on the head, with a ghost-specific genital and terrifying, very powerful. , frightening.

The six Six Paths Demon Statue in Yin World Pearl, also a weak look, without the fierce evil before, seems to be seriously injured and takes a lot of time to recover.

Zhao Yu opened that pair of terrible eyes, standing between Heaven and Earth, the smell of the body is also somewhat weird, some seemingly human, some are like ghosts, some are unclear, but this breath is extremely powerful, with a real Emperor Coercion.

Now Zhao Wei is finally awakened. The Nether Emperor Dark Star in the sky slowly disappears into the sky, and the vision around it disappears.

The huge smoldering column slowly shrunk, covering the cloud of Human World’s, and gradually receding. The yin filled between Heaven and Earth gradually dissipated, and a few rays of sunlight passed through the clouds that were about to be scattered, and the warmth returned to the world once. Life is beginning to recover.

All the people finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Daqin’s discovery. Now it is said that there is no big thing happening in Daqin, and even the ghosts don’t believe it.

With the experience of Heavenly Emperor Star and Nether Emperor Dark Star, everyone raised their minds, waited for them, and did not make any changes. Their little heart could not stand the scare.

After a while, I didn’t see any changes. The sun shines on the earth. The birds are cheerfully named on the tree, and the breeze haunts their faces. Then they finally put their hearts down, and no change is happening.

From the three stars, to the golden star, and the ghost-like moon, no one has ever thought of this happening. This time, the last thing that happened was the last time Crape Myrtle Emperor Star came. It’s even more terrifying, and it’s a good match with the Chaotic Emperor Star.

What made them even less thought of, the Emperor of the Great Qin is not already a star of the Chaotic Emperor Star as a Life Source star, why it also caused the mysterious golden stars, and the ghost moon stars, they can not understand, I don’t understand the information of the two stars.

Because these two stars, they have never seen, naturally do not know what the stars, but they feel at least the king’s stars, or it will not cause such terrible fluctuations.

Now the potential of Great Qin Emperor’s is really scary. There are three King Stars in their own lives. It is impossible to calculate the future. This makes the numerous forces have some pain. The stronger the Emperor of the Great Qin, the greater the threat to them.

They also tried their best and came up with various methods to suppress Daqin. But there is still a sense of powerlessness. It is not a difference between them and Daqin.

Now that the world is getting closer and closer, each family is making the final choice. This time, Daqin finally defeated their hegemony, and frustrated and ran to the winners and hoped that they would be able to take them.

Vietnam is originally extremely hateful to Daqin, and is looking for a chance to retaliate back, but after this time, they understand how naive they are, just as few ants want to kill a dragon.

When Heavenly Emperor Star descended with greatness, they did not have any resistance at all. Their minds were like a heavy blow, and they fell into a blank. The body automatically smashed down toward Daqin. This is not one, but the whole, and few people resist this. Terrifying the will.

For a person who is so many times stronger, their hatred can’t help but be frustrated. Some forces have changed their original thoughts. Because this way, the country will soon be destroyed in the hands of Daqin. If they don’t want to die, they can only choose. Surrender.

Therefore, they are not in hatred, but calm down and rationally make choices. If Daqin is willing to take them in, they will decide to surrender to Daqin.

The Great Dynasty was also very ugly on this matter. Some of them could not resist the will to kneel down to the Emperor of the Great Qin. However, as a dynasty legatee, they even kneel to others. This is absolutely a shame.

What makes them even more angry is that not only are they squatting, but all of their people, the Soldiers, have turned to Daqin, which makes them mad and screams that Daqin is dying.

Human World’s eight biggates, and only Arthur Tina resisted the will, but it also cost the dying dying. With Human World’s strength, it’s basically hard to resist, because you know that some real kings of Lüyin race can’t resist it. Don’t say that some people are not kings.

This time, not only sensational Human World, Fish Scale World, Demon Profound World, Lüyin World, the three worlds are the most shocking.

Lüyin World changed the original strategy, originally they waited for the Heaven Domain enchantment to disappear, let others invade them like Humans invaded them, originally they used Human World as a sheep, but now it is a Fierce Tiger, it’s dangerous to get them bad.

Demon Profound World is also a sensation, completely giving up the idea of ​​scorning Human World, almost all the forces are discussing how to face Human World in the future.

Guardian Magic Seven, also entered Human World at a time, re-examined Human World, and there was no such arrogance, no fear, because there is a more terrible existence than him.

Fish Scale World is deeply regretted. I knew that I would not invade Human World. I not only lost so many people, but I still have such a big trouble. There will definitely be a battle between the descendant class and the fish scale. I think of them here. The face is very ugly.

The Guardian of Fish Scale World, a young man with golden scales, ended his long-term cultivation, first entered Human World, and seriously observed human.

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