Tianyue’s eyes fell on the annihilation. From the moment he arrived here, he sensed the existence of annihilation. The same annihilation also sensed his existence when Tianyue arrived here.

There is a sense between the two supreme Protoss Emperor Stars, they are now looking at each other as if no one else exists.

The faces of the two people became slightly more serious, they understood the strength of the other side, and they knew that the other side was one of the strongest opponents. To get the position of Lord of Gods, they must defeat each other.

“I am looking forward to fighting with you. I hope that you will show all your strengths when you arrive, otherwise you will be defeated in my hands.”

Liu Yan said seriously to Tian Yue.

The more the face is ice-cold, the tone is dull. “Is it? But I can’t be defeated in your hands, but I am also very much looking forward to fighting you. I want you to be stronger as the owner of the Emperor Emperor Star.” ”

The mouth of the cockroach is rising, revealing a strong smile. “I won’t let you down, and whoever loses and wins will know.”

The face was no expression, and I regained my gaze and said nothing.

The annihilation also regained his gaze and turned to look forward with a smile. The maid next to him stood with her smile and stood by her. She believed that the Patriarch could overcome Tianyue.

Now the two Emperor Star owners have appeared, the audience’s eyes are gathered on both of them, people standing around them, do not dare to breathe.

The battle between them is indeed the most anticipated battle for the audience.

Time continues to flow a little bit, and everyone can’t help but still have a look, because that person has not yet appeared.

If the two Emperor Star owners are very much looking forward to seeing, and the rumored six Emperor Star owners, or the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings, they are looking forward to seeing.

Not only the numerous ordinary people, but also the numerous horrible strong on the high platform, and I am very much looking forward to his appearance.

Many people have heard about his rumors early, saying how terrible he is, what terrible things have been caused, but he has not seen him how terrible he is.

Therefore, the numerous people are also looking forward to it, such a shocking person who is shocked by the world appears here, accepting their adoration and envy.

Tianyue and Zhanqi also like to see the six Emperor Star owners. If he appears to be their strongest opponent, and none of them, they have no confidence to defeat such terrifying people.

That person is really like a boulder in the hearts of two people, which is the only one for them to let them do, that is, to meet the same Emperor Star owner, they will not feel so much pressure.

However, although everyone expects it, they also understand that that person cannot appear because there are countless Supreme Being on the high platform waiting for him to appear.

If he can barely escape if he appears, because no one can escape from so many Supreme Being, the only result is death, that person can’t be so stupid.

And they don’t know, the ones they are looking forward to have already come here, hiding in the crowd and watching everything quietly.

Time is in a little bit past, everyone’s expectation for that person is slowly weakening, and finally look at the front, because the gods will start sooner than the test.


Just listening to the heaven-shaking loud noise, the whole god world was shocked, countless white light shot from the sky, a vast god of power on Heaven and Earth, everyone felt a small and powerless .

This is the pressure from the Ten Thousand Gods mirror. The Lord of Gods test is also recognized by the Ten Thousand Gods mirror, so it has a lot to do with it.

Otherwise, the secret will not exist in front of the Ten Thousand Gods mirror, and it will be so long, subject to the various strength bleSS ing of the Ten Thousand Gods mirror.

Under such a huge power, numerous Supreme Being is all serious and serious, and in front of this strength, they can not resist.

Power of Heaven and Earth gathers quickly in the sky, constantly condensing and compressing, forming a huge white ball.

This ball has a huge kilometer, like a white jade, covered with countless gods, with a very strong strength, just above the entire platform, extremely shocking.


The surface of that huge ball was illuminated by a god, and a huge pressure was rotated, which crashed into countless gods on the platform.

Countless people on the platform felt a huge force on themselves, like a hill pressing on the body. The numerous god used its own power to resist the pressure.

The gods are not able to participate in anything else. First of all, you need to have a godhead. If there is no godhead, it will be directly injured by the ball, and no gods can participate in the test.

The second is that people who need a certain strength can qualify to enter the secret, and the general gods are not eligible to enter.

Now is a test to eliminate most of the unqualified people.

If it is a strong person, it has basically not been affected. Some people with weak strength are unable to support themselves and fall to the ground.

And as long as someone falls to the ground, the god on the ball will flash, and an invisible strength will throw those fallen people out of the platform.

Zhao Wei’s expression is normal and there is no change. This kind of pressure has little effect on Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei can easily bear it.

Time is a little past.


A huge rumbling sound, the law and order sounded once again, another pressure rolled on the platform, and everyone was sinking hard.

Originally those who trembled and sweated and insisted on being alone, unable to bear the squatting on the ground, panting loudly, and feeling very shameful.

This pressure is only a basic test. If the basic test is not passed, it means that strength is not at all, and there is no qualification to enter the secret.

The gods on the ball flashed once, and those who sat on the ground were thrown out of the platform. Others continued to participate in the test, bearing this huge pressure.


After a while, a huge pressure came down in a sudden, pressing on the numerous god.

This kind of stock pressure is a bit strong, even the more powerful gods, also use the strength of the gods, the body emits a different kind of light, resisting that pressure.

Many people still can’t bear this pressure and fall to the ground, and then they are directly thrown out of the platform.

The original platform is full of people, and now it is directly less than half.

After a while, the huge jade ball in the sky spread out. That pressure has also disappeared, and those who can now stand on the platform are eligible to participate in the test of the gods.

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