This time, the gods can just correct this piece of grievances. Zhao Hao took back his eyes and did not say anything.

After Demon God Kerr landed on the platform, the corner of his mouth rose with a stern smile, and his face was full of fear. He couldn’t help but step back and didn’t dare to approach him.

Several other peer-level Heaven’s Chosen, a pair of eyes looked at Demon God Kerr, and the look became a bit serious. They knew the power of Demon God Kerr and had heard about Demon God Kerr.

For them, Demon God Kerr had such a terrible strength in just ten years, which really surprised them because they could not do it.

Of course, they don’t know, Demon God Kerr can have today, relying on another person.

Demon God Kerr glanced around and didn’t care about other people. With the help of Demon Emperor God, he really swallowed up Ten Thousand Gods, and the terrifying strength gave him strong confidence.

This time his purpose is to awaken the Protoss Emperor Star. If there is a huge Protossian Emperor Star bleSS ing, it will not lose to that person on the destiny.

And now the strength is stronger and stronger. With this strength and destiny, in the future, even if you face that person, he will not have any fear of that person.

He also knows that he can have the same person today, and he does not have that ability.

The most important thing is that he is influenced by that person. If he can swallow that person and integrate all his strengths, his strength and destiny will be more than a hundred times now. When will it be in the sky and underground, who will fight?

The numerous strong on the high stage also pays attention to Demon God Kerr. They also heard about Demon God Kerr. Some people sitting next to Demon Emperor God will praise Demon God Kerr.

This made Demon Emperor God smile and feel very face-like. Demon God Kerr was indeed an unexpected surprise for them, and it was far beyond what they expected. The Imperial Prince they had cultivated at the beginning was finally defeated by him. Hands.


A huge rumbling sound sounded at a time, a black light with a huge momentum, a huge destruction of the atmosphere, such as the tide spread out, everyone could not help but exclaim.

Two figures appeared on the platform.

One is a long purple hair, beautiful face, purple heavy, tall figure, a woman in black, temperament, with a strong destruction, and a strong pressure.

This kind of pressure is like being born above them. It is the only pressure that only the Protoss Emperor Star has.

The other is her maid, her face is beautiful, her body is mature, and her body is not weak.

The appearance of the purple hair woman also attracted the attention of the audience, and Demon God Kerr looked serious and looked at the purple hair woman.

Because the purple hair woman is one of the two Emperor Star owners, although she is from Heaven Awaken World’s domain, the numerous gods know little about her, but with the pressure from her, her identity is naturally Got it.

She is one of the three people that the gods are most expecting from this time. Although she appears, everyone is excited and excited.

She also had a brief introduction before. She is the god of destruction, the strongest force from the domain of God, and her name is annihilation.

In the domain of the gods, she is also the owner of the Emperor Star. She is also very famous. There are various things about her in the domain of the gods. It is very legendary and is regarded by the whole gods.

The strength of the domain has always been under the realm of the gods. The realm of the gods also has an innate advantage. The strength attribute here is a holy place to become a god, so the domain has always been suppressed by the gods.

In the long run, there are also some people in the realm of the gods who show contempt or contempt for the people of the gods. This creates a lot of contradictions between the gods and the gods.

There have even been several wars, many people have been lost, and other racial threats have made them abandon the war. The gods are not afraid to despise the gods, and the gods have some fear of the gods.

The purpose of this time to destroy the gods is to represent the gods as Lord of Gods, so that the gods of the gods can understand the power of the gods.

At the same time, through the huge destiny of God of Gods and the support of the numerous god, she made her strength stronger and her power will be stronger.

After the emergence of the cockroaches, they did not care about the people around because the two people she cares about have not yet come, and the two talents are her recognized opponents, and others can’t see them.

As for the two people, one is naturally the owner of the Emperor Star, and the other is Zhao Wei.


After a while, a rumbling sound sounded, the sky shook, a huge momentum spread, a colorful streamer with a huge strength fell on the platform, a pressure shrouded the square.

This stock also inspires countless gods to innate pressure, which is only the pressure of the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star owner.

The light dissipated a young man in white, face ice-cold, as if there was no trace of affection, appeared in front of everyone.

He is the most eye-catching person in the realm of the gods. He is also the most terrible person in the young generation of the gods. He is also the owner of Supreme Emperor Star, named Tianyue.

As mentioned before, the strongest force in the realm of the gods is called the power of the world god.

These gods themselves have the world’s origin. The world’s Origin Power is a very advanced strength. The gods with this kind of strength are much stronger than the general gods.

As the god of this generation, Tianyue is undoubtedly the most outstanding person. The world’s origin is the purest one.

In the realm of the gods, there are also various things about him. Everything is shocking. Almost all the gods know him. Without Zhao Wei, he will be the most powerful competitor of Lord of Gods. He is A mountain that cannot be crossed in front of countless people.

As the strongest in the realm of the gods, his appearance made the audience almost boiling, and everyone looked excited and shouted his name.

This is the treatment of the strongest in the realm of the gods. It is worshipped by countless people, concerned, envious, loved, and embarrassed.

In the face of cheers from everyone, Tianyue still has no expression fluctuations, and a face-ice-cold stands there.

Nowadays, there is a reason for this. In order to achieve the strongest power of the world’s Origin and to better control the world’s Origin Power, he imitates his consciousness to Heaven and Earth consciousness.

His world’s Origin Power seems to be the same as the real Power of Heaven and Earth. The control of the world’s Origin Power has reached its limit, but his emotional fluctuations are also greatly lost, so he is not like ice-cold. The emotional fluctuations.

However, his strength is beyond the terrible imagination of the average person, so he can become the strongest person in the realm of the gods, above the countless gods.

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