However, this ancient Jinwu’s strength has died for so many years, and it is still terrifying so shocking.

At the same time, everyone feels an envy. If they can get this kind of ancient Sun God power, then strength does not know how much to improve.

Unfortunately, they can’t reach the center of the sun pool, and they can’t enter the sun pool water. They can only watch Sun God’s power being obtained by others, and the person is stronger than them. They even want to grab and have no ability.

The huge golden scorpion flapped its wings, and the body was flexible and flying in the sky, emitting a strong light, like a sun moving in the sky, a hot strength covering the earth.

Around the Power of Heaven and Earth, as well as the heat of the sun pool itself, everyone can clearly feel the loss, is absorbed by that gold.

The time lasted for a while, and the gold slings that absorbed countless strengths radiated a stronger strength, then swooped down to the sun pool, and slammed into the water to stir up countless splashes.

Jinwu continued to fly down, and the speed was faster. Finally, it poured into Zhao Fu’s body.

A huge strength spread from Zhao Fu’s body, making Zhao Fu’s body a little bit different. Every part of the body is filled with Sun God force, and the last strength is divided into two.

One of them is integrated into the soul of Zhao Fu’s, which makes Zhao Yu’s soul stronger and emits some golden light. One of them flows into the body’s Primal Chaos Chart. Primal Chaos Chart absorbs that strength and exudes a trace. Golden light.

Now Zhao has the soul of the Yang attribute, which, like the general Spiritual God of Sun, absorbs the strength of countless sunlights, and can also be transformed into the sun, showing a very powerful attack.

General Sun God is useful, Zhao Wei is also basically useful, and Zhao Wei is a little help, but not very big. Because Zhao Wei has too many means and strength, in contrast, this strength is not so advanced.

However, even if Zhao Wei is not so attacked, it is a strength of the ancient Sun God, and there will be some suppression of other Sun God.

Now Zhao Wei stands at the bottom of the sun pool water, clearly feels that the temperature of the pool is much lower, which should be related to the absorption of the Sun God force.

But the strength of the sun pool itself has not disappeared, or it has a strong temperature, but the temperature is not as strong.

Zhao Wei looked at the huge cheekbones, and the cracks on the top were even more. Going forward, I wanted to see the bones and found that there was an invisible prohibition on the bones.

This prohibition is not very strong. Zhao Wei used the strength to break some and came to the huge head.

The skull is the appearance of a general crow skull, but it is very large and has a size of a kilometer. If the whole body is added, it may have a huge kilometer size, which is as large as the Primogenitor God Idol.

One hand stretched out on the skull, and a strength came out. Zhao Wei checked it and found that the bones were of no use. I was afraid that it would not work to make a variety of tools. Because it died too long, the bones were affected. Severe erosion.

If the body of this ancient Sun God has just died, the value can be terrible, and you can make a powerful artifact by taking one thing.

But if that is the case, it will not be available to Zhao Wei, and it will be taken away. This solar pool itself does not stop anyone from banned, or is the cultivation place of some people.

Even though Zhao Wei is still planning to see if he can make this ancient Sun God recover.

The Sun God force that Zhao Wei just absorbed, including some weak consciousness, also followed the integration of Zhao Fu’s body.

Now Zhao Fu’s intends to take advantage of this faint consciousness and strength, and finally take the Six Paths of Samsara’s strength to try it out. If you can resurrect this ancient god, it will be very powerful for Zhao Wei.

Daqin may have one more existence like Primogenitor God Idol. As for Primogenitor God Idol, it’s horrible, so there is no need to say more.


A huge strength broke out from Zhao’s body. Zhao Fu’s skin turned gray, a slender muscle, his hair turned gray, a pair of demon horns, and a pale eye.

The whole body exudes a gray mist, and the biting force of a bite is constantly spreading out like a tide, and the momentum is very rapid.

The temperature of the surrounding sun pool suddenly dropped, and several Sun Gods standing on the surface of the sun pool were a little scared.

How does the temperature of the sun pool continue to drop, and a powerful cold and chilling force is constantly spreading out, and the original golden pool water is now gradually grayed out.

Feeling that huge force, numerous Spiritual God of Sun, a little fear on his face, immediately left this place, the same is true of people everywhere, everyone has come to the sun pool water, no one dares to In the middle of the pool.

Now the golden sun pool has turned into a gray sun pool, and there is a sullen yin on the water. Everyone stands by the pool and feels a bit of coldness.

The people around them stood by the pool, and they were surprised. They understood who caused this, except Zhao Wei did not have a second person.

Ji Yun also looked shocked, Zhao Fu’s strength is terrifying, it has already exceeded her expectations, this is Zhao Fu’s real strength, no loss is the second generation of the King of Myriad Kings, rumors about his terrible description, even a little Not fake.

Others are very much looking forward to the battle between him and the other two Emperor Star owners, and now she is also very much looking forward to seeing how strong Zhao Wei is.

Other people beside the sun pool, looking at the eyes of Ji Yun, could not help but fear, because she was related to Zhao Wei.

One of Sun God couldn’t help but step forward and asked, “What is the identity of this adult?”

There was a smile on the face of the wine. “I can’t tell you this. You don’t know this thing well, or you may lose your life.”

When I heard this, everyone was shocked. It seems that the identity of the other party is far more terrible than they think, but they think that those who can cause such terrible fluctuations have a terrible identity and they can accept it. .

However, some people are afraid to stay here now. Who knows what will happen next? Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with them. If you put your life here, it is not worth it.

So someone quickly left here, and some people chose to stay and wanted to see what would happen next.

Originally, Spiritual God of Sun, who talked to the former and talked to the wine, also honestly returned, a pair of eyes in the gray sun pool.

Other Sun God didn’t say anything, looked serious, and looked at the sun pool.

The gaze finally turned back to the bottom of the sun pool.

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