Finally, Zhao Wei came to the center of the sun pool, where the temperature is already the highest place, and there is no place where the temperature is high.

Now Zhao Wei stands at the center of the pool, which seems to be the center of the sun in the water, but the body looks like severe dehydration, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled, the hair is dry, and it is like a dry body.

The feeling of roasting is getting more and more painful, and Zhao Wei continues to absorb Sun God’s power.


a rumbling sound rang, a huge momentum erupted from the body, one taiji emerged from Zhao’s chest, emitting a strong black and white light, and then began to rotate.


A huge amount of suction is emitted, and numerous Sun Powers, such as the tide, flood into Zhao Fu’s body.

Zhao Wei closed his eyes and constantly refined that Sun God force. With the more Sun God power, Zhao Wei’s resistance to that heat is getting stronger and stronger.

Several gods were shocked to see that Zhao Wei constantly swallowed Sun God’s power. It felt like a monster. It was terrible. They could not do it. It is estimated that they will be baked soon after entering it.

However, Zhao Wei is still not satisfied with this, the body begins to sink slowly, like the sun sinking into the water.

Now everyone is just staying on the water, and the Sun God power in the water is even more terrible.

But this way is too fierce, it can’t be controlled at all, just like the dough thrown into the oil pan. The huge heat is destroying your body through the pool water, the speed is extremely fast, and it doesn’t give you reaction time at all.

On the water surface, a kind of heat can be controlled, which is relatively mild, so everyone floats on the water and does not enter the pool.

Everyone was shocked and watched Zhao’s body sink into the pool. He felt that Zhao Wei was crazy. He dared to do such things. Is he really afraid of death?

Zhao Wei’s body completely penetrated into the pool, but it did not stop, but continued to sink and eventually came to the bottom.

There is a huge skeleton on the ground, which looks like the crow’s bones. The color is grayish white. It seems that there are countless years of time, the surface is eroded, and there are tiny pits.

Exudes a glare of light, exudes a terrible heat, as if you can burn everything.

Among Zhao’s bones, the Primal Chaos Chart on the chest continued to rotate, absorbing Sun God’s power from far and wide.

Although Zhao Wei now feels intense pain, but obviously feels that his body is beginning to change, so that Zhao Yi’s body will definitely get the Yangling Constitution, think that Zhao Wei is still somewhat happy.

A little bit past, the person standing on the water, watching Zhao Yu sink into the water, there is no reaction, suspected that Zhao Wei may have died inside.

However, because the distance is not very far, and carefully sensed, they directed Zhao Hao to absorb Sun God force at the bottom.

“Good heavens! This person is so terrible, I dare to devour Sun God force so fiercely, and it is not Sun God power, but I can’t do this.”

“Yes! That person has this kind of strength, it seems that the identity is not simple, and I don’t know who it is. Seeing that he can withstand the heat with his body, I feel that he is at least an Imperial Prince.”

“He madly swallowed it like this, will he absorb the Sun God power of the entire solar pool?”

“This is unlikely. If it is so easy to be swallowed up by Sun God, then this solar pool will not exist for so long. I heard that it forms an invisible strength that will absorb Power of Heaven and Earth and replenish Sun God. force.”

“I have heard that the huge skeleton at the bottom of the pool has its own consciousness. If it is provoked, it will emit countless heat to burn everything nearby.”

“Hey! Now suddenly ran out of such a terrible person, so that we can’t cultivate with peace of mind, who knows what will happen next.”


The voice of this man just fell, a huge rumbling sound rang, only to see that huge skeleton, emitting a golden flame, these flames automatically gathered in the body of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei did not absorb the golden mist, but what the golden mist felt, automatically poured into Zhao Fu’s body.

At this time, Zhao Wei was a little surprised to open the booth eyes, feeling the golden mist in the body, there is no harm, it did not stop it from pouring out.

As the golden mist continues to emerge, the Primal Chaos Chart on the chest stops rotating and then dissipates automatically, and the Primal Chaos Chart body in Zhao Wei emerges, absorbing the huge golden mist.

Originally, the black and white taiji, which absorbed the golden mist, radiated a golden glow and shot Zhao Fu’s body, which made Zhao Yan’s body emit a strong golden light.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the Sun Power of the entire solar pool, like the tide, went crazy to Zhao Yongyong. At this time, Zhao Wei did not know why, and did not feel a heat.

Other people felt this side, their faces were shocked, they stood up from the water, their eyes were on the pool, and it was not clear what happened.

The wine allowed to stand beside the sun pool, with a smile on her face. She naturally understood who caused it all. Zhao Wei was really as terrible as she thought, and it was definitely worthy of her allegiance.

The golden mist on the numerous bones poured into the body of Zhao Fu’s body. The Primal Chaos Chart in the body swiftly rotated. Zhao Wei only felt a huge strength, and broke out from the body. Zhao couldn’t help but scream. .


A huge sound sounded, Zhao Hao’s body burst into a strong golden light beam, with a huge strength rushing out of the water, and continued to rush into the sky, surrounded by Power of Heaven and Earth are in the rapid injection of light.


A huge tweet sounded, and a huge golden crow appeared in the sky, swaying its wings, emitting a strong radiance as a sun out in the sky, with a strong pressure.

The people in the room looked blank and looked at the golden crow in the sky. They felt a smallness and fear in their hearts.

“What the hell is this? How can there be such a big fluctuation? And who is this huge golden crow?”

Everyone could not help but think that the two people who had entered the solar pool before, now that a person has come out, there is still one person left. That person may be the person who caused the change, otherwise everyone else can’t think of other people.

Several Sun God also eat the golden crow in the heaven-shaking. The golden crow exudes the atmosphere of the sun pool. This crow may be the strength or consciousness of the ancient Sun God.

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