What I am worried about now is that the God of Time did not hear the news and left the place. All that Zhao Wei did was a waste of effort.


Zhao Wei felt a time volatility. A cat appeared around the open space. This cat is bigger than the ordinary cat, and it is quite fat, almost the same as a pig.

With a noble purple hair and a pair of silver-white eyes, it exudes a sense of spirit.

That cat is God of Time.

The cat appeared around the open space and understood that the front was very dangerous. There was no rush to go forward, otherwise the darkened body was its end.

Zhao Wei is not in a hurry to shoot, because the cat is too vigilant, any action may let it run away, if you let it run off next time it is impossible to catch it.

After running around for a while, the cat opened his mouth and spit out a silver bubble, one meter tall, floating in front of it, the purple cat moving a little clumsy into the bubble, then sliding the cat’s claw, the silver one The bubbles floated toward the center of the open space.

The erroneous thing happened. The silver-white bubble slowly fluttered forward and entered the scope of the ban, but the ban did not have any action, as if it did not trigger.

When Zhao Wei saw this scene, there were some surprises in his heart. He felt that it should be the cause of the bubble, which made the prohibition not triggered.

And that bubble is the time attribute.

I saw the fat cat in the bubble constantly sliding his claws, and the bubble slowly floated to the side of the stone bench. The fat cat looked at the jade bottle on the stone bench and took a deep breath, revealing a look of intoxication.

Then, I was so happy that I couldn’t wait to extend my two claws and hug the jade bottle. I wanted to leave with a jade bottle.

At this moment, Zhao Wei understands that it is the best time to shoot.


Zhao Yu extended a hand, a huge black breath emerged from the hand, broke through the door of the room, turned into a huge arm, with a huge strength, caught the fat cat.

The fat cat was shocked and held the jade bottle in his arms. The body radiated a strong silvery white light, and the bubble was also getting bigger.


The huge arm made of black mist caught a silver bubble. The bubble seemed to be very fragile. It was very hard. The big hand held the air bubble and did not crush him.

However, now that I have caught the fat cat, it will be better.

Everything is beyond Zhao’s expectation.


The fat cat disappeared into the bubble, and the bubble lost strength support, unable to withstand the huge arm strength cracked open, giving a crisp sound.

And that fat cat, holding jade, appeared on the side of the open space.

Zhao Wei immediately spread the big hand, the golden eyelids of the left eye quickly rotated, and an invisible and powerful strength radiated.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of chains with powerful power, very fast speeding all directions, shot to the fat cat, the momentum is very fast, with a powerful Power of Seal.

The fat cat looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of silver-white eyes, showing a panic look, exuding a strong sense of spirit, and a purple round ancient clock appeared on the back.

The pointer began to rotate counterclockwise, and an invisible time fluctuation of the stock spread.

Originally, the numerous chain that shot in the past, even the roots automatically retracted, temporarily out of the control of Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Wei’s expression is a glimpse.

The fat cat seized a chance, and the two cat claws quickly flew to the side with the jade bottle, and the speed was very fast.

Zhao Wei hurriedly chased it forward, and took out the Heaven Sealing Sword. A huge strength was injected into it, and it was spurred with force. A crystal light flew quickly toward the fat cat.

The fat cat hides to the side and easily escapes the blow.

But the a ray of light mans stopped near it, and a crystal formation appeared, emitting a lot of light.


Zhao Wei reached out, a crystal formation absorbed Power of Heaven and Earth, exuding a powerful seal strength, the surrounding voids are solidifying, and the loss of time seems to be slow.

The fat cat in the vicinity is directly like a strighth in the air, holding the bottle more scared and scared.

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile and finally caught the God of Time.


There was an accident, a purple round ancient clock, emitting purple light, appearing behind the fat cat once.


An explosion sounded, and the circular ancient clock exploded. A powerful shock wave spread out, and numerous glare purple rays came out, and a strong wind spread.

After everything subsided, the fat cat’s body disappeared in place.

Zhao Wei looked wrong and hurriedly felt around. The breath of the fat cat had disappeared, and a anger poured out. Zhao couldn’t help but scream, “Dead cat!”

This time, Zhao Wei did not think that he was actually run by the God of Time. He spent so much time preparing for it, and now it is in vain.

And the saint blood wine, which used its own blood and worked hard for a few days, was also taken away by the fat cat.

Zhao Yu flew into the sky, closed his eyes and tried to sense the surroundings. Some unwillingly searched for the whereabouts of the fat cat, but there was no sense that the fat cat did leave the place.

Now Zhao Wei is very depressed. This God of Time is really different from other gods. It is extremely difficult to deal with. It is no wonder that it is rare.

Unfortunately, this time I didn’t catch the fat cat. The next time the fat cat will not be fooled, I understand that I set it up and I can’t find each other.

It seems that it is still collecting other God of Time news, this fat cat can’t catch it.

And now you have to get something to restrain the time attribute. Without it, you can’t catch God of Time at all.

This time, Zhao Wei also underestimated the God of Time.

Subsequently, Zhao Yu was depressed and returned to the Yuanyuan.

When Bacchus saw Zhao Wei returning alone, he also understood that he did not grasp the God of Time, looked at Zhao Wei, and looked unhappy. He was comfortable. “Grand people will take your honor and God of Time will surrender.” you.”

Zhao Wei didn’t care, and replied softly, “Um! Let’s leave this place first, and what happens here will lead to other people.”

Bacchus nodded with a smile.

On the other side, the fat cat is holding a jade bottle, flying in the sky, and then flying to a beautiful room.

There are three women in this room. The three women are similar in appearance. They should be sisters. Everybody is very good and looks beautiful. Exudes a different temperament, and there is a spirit of the body, but the breath of Spiritual God of Time.

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