The news spread is like this. The Yuanyuan will immediately display an extremely rare wine called gold blood wine. This kind of wine can guarantee that almost no ordinary people have seen it, and it has an unimaginable taste. Everyone can visit.

Zhao Wei did not use the name of the saint blood wine before, because the word saint blood is heard, everyone will be shocked, although the news may spread widely, but this can be related to the legendary saint blood, will definitely put all kinds of strong also Attracted.

That can be very dangerous, Zhao Wei is not so stupid, the numerous strong is also looking for Zhao Wei at this time.

Because Zhao Wei had already hosted a reception a few days ago, everyone tasted a variety of expensive wines, so I also believed in Zhao Wei.

I heard that this time is a rare gold wine in the world. They have not heard of this kind of wine, but listening to Zhao Wei鈥檚 rarity is definitely very precious. I can鈥檛 help but be curious. I came to Zhao Fu鈥檚 once. Fuyuan.

On the open space in front of the room, there is a small stone bench, and now there is a jade bottle. Now that the jade bottle has been opened, an extraordinary fragrance has spread and it feels immersed.

Everyone came here and smelled this stock. I couldn鈥檛 help but show the expression of eagerness. I felt that I could pay for it if I drank such a little wine.

Sure enough, as Zhao said, this wine they have never seen, with this wine is inevitably the most precious wine in the world.

Some stand and gently smell the wine, the rules are more polite, but some people want to go straight to drink, see how this golden blood wine is so delicious, have forgotten that Zhao Wei is here to let them visit, Instead of letting them taste.


As soon as those people approached, the ban on the arrangement of the wine emerged, giving off a powerful strength, blasting the numerous people out and spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

This golden blood wine is just that. Zhao鈥檚 purpose is to catch God of Time. It鈥檚 not for those people, but telling them that they are visiting. If they want to drink, Zhao Wei will not be polite.

Looking at the numerous people who shed blood, everyone is honest and afraid to come forward.

Some people are still not convinced, loudly noisy, “Why don’t you give them a drink, but also ask them to come and see why there is such a rare wine, why not share it for everyone to taste, I don’t care, I just want to drink this wine. If you don’t give it, you won’t leave.”

These people, Zhao Wei, did not care for them, but the matter about gold and blood was quickly spread throughout the Quartet. Now everyone knows that this kind of wine has appeared.

People who love wine everywhere, heard the news is also swarming.

Although I have not tasted this golden blood wine, everyone smells that the wine is like a compromise a devil barrier, and I want to taste it very much. However, there is a strong prohibition guard, and almost no one can touch the bottle.

After Zhao Hao showed people one day, he came to the night.

Now Zhao Weike is not staying here with other people, asking those people to leave, and some people who want to stay here are directly beaten out. There is no one around the open space.

Only the jade bottle on the stone platform stood there alone.

A dark blue night sky with a fascinating star flashes into a galaxy, and the night wind is blowing, blowing the leaves.

This time is already very late, but there are many people quietly lurking around Zhao Yufu Yuan, these people are naturally to grab the gold wine.

They don’t do well during the day, and they can be unscrupulous at night.

They smelled the wine, the body and mind have fallen into it, and they want to get the wine insane, no matter what the price.

However, because there are so many people coming, everyone is facing the hustle and bustle, surrounded by the Yuanyuan, but no one is the first to start.

The first is because of the prohibition around the jade bottle. This prohibition is very powerful. It is not that ordinary people can break it. Second, even if you get this kind of wine, there are really too many people around you, and you will definitely be attacked by the group.

鈥淗oly Son! What should we do now?鈥?

In the room, the god of wine regained his gaze and turned to ask Zhao Wei. She found out that Zhao Wei was to introduce someone.

However, when so many people want to grab the golden blood wine, the wine god is not very surprised, because this wine is made with saint blood, extremely advanced, with a fascinating charm.

Now that Dionysus has had the privilege of taking a sip, the wine is still reminiscent, and she is unable to extricate herself.

At the same time, because she drank saint blood wine in her body, there is a lot of sacred power in the body. This kind of holy force is very weak, and there is no way to compare it with Zhao Fu’s strength.

But for the ordinary people, it is extremely precious to get such a sacred power. Now the god of wine has been fortunate, how lucky it is, so the legendary second generation of the King of Myriad Kings I was met directly.

Zhao Wei looked at the outside and sensed their breath. They were not the God of Time Zhao Zhao was looking for. “You don’t have to worry about them. Now we are here waiting for the person to appear. If that person does not appear, Let’s leave this place first.”

The god of wine showed a smile, it seems that Zhao Wei has accepted her as a maid.

At this point, the people who surrounded the open space couldn鈥檛 help but shoot, and it鈥檚 impossible to wait until this time.

The first to start is a relatively thin young man, put a yellow paper on his body, the whole body is integrated into the ground, and quickly rushed to the ground.

Others saw the young people’s shots, and they used various methods to rush to the empty space and wanted to snatch the golden blood.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a huge momentum spread out. The numerous people who rushed past only felt the body violently stiff, and there was a fear in the heart.

P墨 li p膩 l膩 ……

Countless bloody lightnings violently, the electric light illuminates the square, making a loud noise, hitting the past around, as if everything is to be destroyed.

Aaaaaaaah ……

A scream of screams continued to sound, and the bloody lightning struck the people. The people violently twitched, the body burned and smoked, and died directly there.

Just lying on the ground for a moment, still braved a white eye, giving off a pungent smell.

The young and thin young people who were the first to be hands-on were also directly electrocuted underground.

Seeing that so many people have died in a flash, the rest of the people now understand that the owner of this palace is really terrifying, ridiculous, they dare to rob him of his things.

The remaining people immediately scared to run directly, did not dare to stay in place, for fear that Zhao Wei will appear to striking down them.

It was quiet again around.

As time passed, Zhao Wei had been waiting in the same place. Now there is no problem with wine, and it will definitely attract that God of Time.

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