Her kind of strength, attribute seems to be a magic attribute, with pure darkness and evil, Zhao Wei is also unable to determine what strength, and has never seen this kind of strength.

But this kind of strength feels very terrifying.

It’s just that Zhao Wei has no ability to explore the dark forbidden land. Otherwise, all the reasons can be clarified. After waiting for the strength to be stronger, see if there is any chance to go in and explore.

At dusk this day, the horizon was dyed orange by the evening glow, and the sun that lost its glare was falling, and the people who were out were also on their way home.


There is a illusion in the sky, where the ground is golden, the peaks are golden, the flowers and trees are golden, and even the flowing Xiaoxi is golden, emitting a slight golden light, like a land of dreams.

Everyone looked at the scene and couldn’t help but screamed excitedly.

Zhao Wei, who is practicing, heard these voices and immediately stopped practicing. He came outside and looked at the golden land in the sky.

Ye Lanxi also followed, and looked at the sky with some surprise.

This mirage does not know when it will disappear, Zhao Wei is not wasting time, a strong saint blood strength, gathered in the glass of the left eye.

I saw that the glazed eyelids shot countless glare-colored lights. Zhao Yi’s eyelids have an extremely powerful Illusion Power and can see through all the Illusion Technique.

Zhao Wei wants to use this one to see if he can find the place where the golden land is located, and why there is a illusion of gold land here.

After using the glass illusion, it immediately became normal. The golden land disappeared. There was only a golden beam in the original place, which shot down from the sky. The golden light beam created the illusion of the golden land.

Zhao can’t help but be happy. Just follow that golden beam, and you should be able to find the place where the real gold is.

But Zhao Wei looked at the golden light beam, only a piece of nothingness, it was impossible to judge the golden light beam from there.

Now Zhao Wei is in a dilemma. Now I can’t know the golden light beam that I shot from there. How can I find the place of gold?


Next to Ye Lanxi, she took off the mask on her face. She saw Zhao Yan’s face not look good. She understood that Zhao Wei met the difficult, so she wanted to help him.

I saw Ye Lanxi’s pale, vertical eyebrows, and the three-circle black rune circle began to turn. Above her body, some liquid like black ink emerged, forming three round runes, and the rune circle turned quickly. The intangible force of the stock is released.

Zhao Wei also noticed Ye Lanxi and turned to look at her.

It was only now that her third eye had other effects. She had never seen her before, but in general, growing a third eye has a magical effect and will not have any effect.

Zhao Wei has no ability to solve this problem and can only put hope on Ye Lanxi.

After a while, the illusion of the golden land in the sky began to dissipate. Zhao Xin was nervous and did not know whether Ye Lanxi could find the place of gold.

Finally, the illusion of the land of gold dissipated, and Ye Lanxi regained his gaze, and the three rune circles formed by the magic water also dissipated.

Zhao Wei, a pair of eyes, looked at her and asked seriously, “What did you find?”

Ye Lanxi showed a smile on her face and nodded slightly. “There are some discoveries, adults, come with me.”

Zhao Yi’s heart was happy, and he smiled and said it.

Then, Ye Lanxi flew up into the sky, Zhao Wei followed her and flew into the sky, and the two disappeared into the sky.

After the time passed 5 or 6 hours, Zhao Lan and Ye Lanxi flew fast, and finally came to a white misty area.

This area has been covered with white dense fog, the visibility is very low, the ground is a wet swamp, there is no sound around, and it is a bit chilly, it feels a little strange, the average person does not dare to approach.

Ye Lanxi said with a serious expression, “The golden beam is shot from here. It can be dangerous here. The adults should be careful next.”

Zhao Wei also felt that it was not simple, and nodded seriously. “I know, can you still have one of your eyes wearing white fog?”

Ye Lanxi replied, “Um! My eyes have the ability to see through all Heaven and Earth rules, everything Origin, all illusions, virtual Voids.”

Zhao Yan’s face is a bit strange. Ye Lanxi’s eyes feel a little scary, and if it’s not Ye Lanxi, Zhao Wei doesn’t know about this ability. It seems that after the event is over, I’m going to know more about Ye Lanxi.

Otherwise, she doesn’t know what ability she has, and she may need her help in many things in the future.

Now that Ye Lanxi is under Zhao Fu’s, her potential is greater, her ability is more terrible, and the more benefits she has for Zhao, this is a happy thing.

Zhao Yan showed a smile. “Next, you are behind me and can give me peace of mind.”

Ye Lanxi also showed a smile on his face and nodded shyly.

The two immediately entered the white misty area, Zhao Wei walked in front, Ye Lanxi followed, the black rune circle in the pale eyes of the eyebrows, slowly turning, all the white fog could not stop Her sight.


Ye Lanxi started talking, “There are monsters coming from the left side, there are eight, and you are careful.”

Zhao Wei turned to look to the left, there was no breath, no sound, as if there was nothing, but then ran out of eight monsters.

These monsters look like lizards, white scales, no eyes, a red sarcoma on the head, constantly squirming, looking a little disgusting, and the monster’s mouth still white fog.

It seems that the reason why the white fog does not scatter here should be the reason for these monsters, that is, they spit out countless white fog.

These monsters just rushed out and haven’t reacted yet. Zhao Yiyi slash slash out, a powerful black sword light, with an amazing strength, and a few of those monsters.

The monsters are all in a state of paralysis, because they hide the breath, there is no sound, and the white fog blocks the line of sight, the average person can not find them, and finally they are killed.

They don’t know that Ye Lanxi is there, the white fog has no effect on her, she can look around clearly.

Otherwise, they will add some trouble to Zhao Wei, but their strength is very weak, and the trouble is not very big.

Under the direction of Ye Lanxi, Zhao Wei did not have any difficulties to come to the deepest part of the white fog. Some monsters were also encountered along the way, but those monsters were not very strong. All were solved by Zhao Wei and did not cause any harm to Zhao Wei. .

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