The woman in the robe reached out and pointed at the young woman in the red dress. She said, “I have a small request. She also brought it with me as my maid.”

The young woman in red dress looked angry. “You want to be beautiful, I will be your maid? I would rather die!”


A powerful momentum broke out, and the young woman in the red dress radiated a strong radiance. She wanted to blew the godhead.

Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and grabbed the chain of the young woman in the red dress, giving off a strong force of imprisonment, directly blocking her strength, and the light of the young woman in the red dress dissipated, and it seemed like no strength. .

The red dress young woman’s face is ugly and angry, she can imagine, in the hands of the robe woman, what kind of end will be.

Zhao Yan frowned and looked at the robes woman. “She can walk as your maid, but you can’t ask for conditions, or I can only force you to leave.”

This robes woman made several consecutive conditions, making Zhao Wei somewhat dissatisfied.

The robe woman nodded with a smile and she had no other requirements. It was just these two.

In the next robes, one of the gods and the other three gods signed a contract, and never made an intrusion between the parties.

In the body of the young woman in red dress and the woman in the robes, Zhao Desires Demon Qi was also placed under the control of Zhao Fu’s. The young woman in red dress was also controlled by the robes woman, because now she is the maid of the robes woman, the robes woman can Dispose of him at will.

The last robes woman, with a young woman in a red dress, came to the face of a pale young man who needed help from others.

At this time, the young woman in the red dress was resentful, and her ability to speak now was banned by the robes woman, her eyes filled with murderous aura and looked at two people.

The robe woman looked at her with a smile and said, “Fortunately, we haven’t happened. Let’s end here! I will leave here with him. It is possible that I will not have a chance to come back in a lifetime, and the forces will give you development.”

The weak young man looked angry. “You have to follow the bastard. I must kill him.”

The robe woman smiled and said, “You are not his opponent. His existence is not someone that we can resist. These words don’t say anything, or he will kill you, and I can’t help.”

The weak young fist clenched tightly, and the nail pierced into the palm of his hand. He only hated the nail without strength, and the beloved woman could not protect it.

And that person is not a good thing at first glance, even when the beloved woman is treated as a thing, and when the injunction is injected, the robes woman’s face is blushing, and it must be something that is indecent.

I really want to kill him and smash him into tens of thousands of pieces, but there is no strength. This is the world that the strong is respected.

The robes woman finally said that she should take care of her, and she took the young woman in red dress and walked to Zhao Wei.

A weak young man can only look at the robes and leave, and it doesn’t work if you keep it loudly. The heart is like a knife, and the pain is incomparable.

The robes woman named Xuan Qing, the red dress young woman named cage fire.

In the end, Zhao Wei returned to the city pool and took everyone to continue on the road. He passed several places in succession, but there was no gain.

Now that the top ten victories are only one of the worst, it can help Yue Shenya awaken the Ten Yin Immortal Constitution.

But the power of that ** is really very rare. There are news about it in a few places, but there is no gain. Zhao Xin’s heart is a little anxious, because it is only one kind.

Going to a force again, Zhao Wei collected the news at one time, but there was still no news of the power of the **.

However, it is not completely unproductive. Zhao Wei has learned some news related to Exotic World Golden Flower.

This Exotic World Golden Flower is also one of the eight largest flower, but it is one of the rarest, and almost no one has seen it, so ordinary people just think that there are only seven large floweres.

In the past, the Exotic World Golden Flower has a strength that will make everything golden.

According to Zhao’s news, this place will appear in the mirage every once in a while. The mirage is a world of gold. The mountains, the ground, the vegetation and the flowers are all made of gold.

There is a chance that there will be a very old Exotic World Golden Flower, so that the world will be golden.

It’s a pity that it’s just a mirage, it’s an illusory scene, where is the real gold land.

The news is known to the ordinary people, and the conversation is lively.

Because this is gold, it is money for the ordinary people, facing a world where money is everywhere, and no matter how you use it, the ordinary people are naturally excited and excited to chat as a topic, and most people dream of going in.

Zhao Wei is very concerned about this news.

Because Exotic World Golden Flower is the rarest of the eight kinds of strange flowers, looking for a very difficult, and Flower Fairy needs eight major floweres to restore strength.

Flower Fairy used to be the Immortal class. Restoring her strength is also very important for Daqin, so Zhao Wei stayed and couldn’t get an Exotic World Golden Flower.

Zhao Wei waited in that place, but the time when the mirage appeared was not certain. Sometimes it was several days, sometimes it was half a month.

Because there is nothing, Zhao Wei is not in a hurry, stay in this place and wait, just to continue to refine Myriad Kings Power.

Other people, Zhao Wei, did not limit their freedom. They could play in the city. Others were happy to come to the street. It was very boring for a few days, and most people could not stand it.

Shen Xiaoyi took Yue Shenya’s hand and was happy.

Muxiang was also pulled out by his younger brother. In the past, shepherd used all the time to cultivate. There was no time for free play. His younger brother also accompanied her honestly. Now shepherd is condensed and does not need to continue to practice.

So her brother took her to the streets to have fun, and then bought some delicious and fun.

In the last inn room, only Ye Lanxi accompanied Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei said with some unexpected smile. “Everyone else went out to play. Why don’t you go out with your family?”

Ye Lanxi shook her head. “I don’t have anything to play, just want to stay with the grown-up!”

Zhao Wei chuckled, and did not care about it, took out the Sword of Myriad Kings, an invisible strength holding the Sword of Myriad Kings, emitting bursts of gold, a steady stream of Myriad Kings Power into Zhao’s body.

Now Zhao Wei is only a small part of it, not really mastering Myriad Kings Power, which makes the Sword of Myriad Kings still not really used.

Myriad Kings Power is also a very high-level strength, and it is difficult to master. If you master it, you can restrain countless Exotic Races like Power of God Slayer.

Time passed four days.

During this period of time, Zhao Wei has been absorbing Myriad Kings Power in the room, and Ye Lanxi is quietly accompanying him, and is also practicing a strength.

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