Zhao Fu’s goal is not theirs, but their army. Zhao Wei said before that the powers of the various parties are relatively big, and they are bigger than Myriad Gods Temple. If they are provoked, they will A war broke out.

That way they won’t attack Myriad Gods Temple, and Myriad Gods Temple can finally be cheaper, killing two birds with one stone.

The biggest opponent of this power is a force on the left, called the bear god power, the Population has reached 400 million, the force has more than 30 million, and there are eight gods. The strength of these eight gods is more general.

Zhao Fu’s plan is an army that controls the power of the mountain gods to attack the bear gods. Both of them have a lot of grudges and strengths. Once such a thing happens, war is very likely to happen.

After a while, Zhao Wei came to the boundary of the two forces.

At this time, one of the mountain gods Soldiers on the defensive wall is guarded above, surrounded by a stick with a decorative orb, inserted on the defensive wall, and each of them shines brightly.

The forces of one power will not be gathered in one place, but scattered everywhere. Otherwise, the 30 million army will gather together, and Zhao Wei will not be able to deal with it, let alone control them.

Zhao Wei is now hidden in the air, a pair of eyes carefully look at the bottom, in addition to the guards of the upper wall of the Soldiers, there is a military camp below the wall, which also has many Soldiers.

A total of about 500,000, which is not a lot for Zhao Wei, within the scope of control.

Zhao Wei came to the ground, an unseen dark corner, squatting on the ground and pressing one hand on the ground.


a rumbling sound, the huge Power of Evil Demon emerged from the body of Zhao Wei, a beautiful black form, radiating from above the ground, emitting a slight black light, and a scent of evil charm.

Zhao Yu’s eyes turned into a pair of eyes like a bloody rose. Pressing the hand on the ground, pressing hard at once, a huge Power of Evil Demon poured into the ground.

The Soldiers on the wall guarded, and the Soldiers in the barracks were asleep, or they were eating nightingales, and they were completely unaware of the wrongness. A black sigh of breath rushed from the ground into their bodies.

Only in a flash, the Soldiers on the wall, the Soldiers in the barracks, the body suddenly jerked, the eyes turned black, and then returned to normal.

Zhao Yan’s mouth raised a smile and walked out of the dark corner. The other mountain gods, the ice-cold, gathered together and followed Zhao Fu’s.

Gathering countless soliters, Zhao Wei directly attacked the nearby bear god forces.

The souls of the bear gods were kept on the wall and found a large-scale attack. They were also confused and confused. They did not understand why the mountain gods soleiers would attack without warning.

However, now that I saw this scene, they did not hesitate and immediately issued an alarm.

Countless bear gods are gathered together and the battle between the two sides begins.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A single arrow with a force, flew past the wall, bringing out a huge arrow.

The bear god sodiers on the wall, just want Shield Defence to resist the arrow that shot past.


An evil strength poured into their bodies, causing their bodies to be stiff, a root arrow running through their bodies, blood splashing around, and those Soldiers falling to the ground.

Countless mountain gods Soldiers took the fierce momentum and attacked the wall very easily, because the bear gods soleriers on the wall were stiff in place, just like a piece of wood.

Because Zhao Wei used the Power of Evil Demon to control the wall of the bear god sodiers.

The mountain gods Soldiers attacked the wall, waved the weapons in their hands, directly slashed the soliters who stood still in place, then rushed to the wall and rushed into a small town massacre.

The bear gods learned of this news, and they were angry. The army that was transferred from the surrounding forces destroyed the Soldiers who had entered, but the anger in their hearts could not be calmed down.

“This mountain god force suddenly attacked our forces and killed so many people and soldiers. We want them to pay the price. I suggest that all the troops be mobilized to attack the mountain gods.”

“I feel a bit strange, why suddenly the five hundred thousand troops will suddenly attack, and it is so easy to break our defense.”

“Whatever the reason, in fact, the bear gods soliters attack us, we must let the bear gods solediers pay the price, they have attacked our forces, killed oursoldiers and the people, if we do not do, then there is a face? I am not convinced, will the people of the Soldiers be convinced?”

“Don’t be so anxious first. I think the war can be played. Recently, the forces of the mountain gods have been mobilized more abnormally, and the attitude is a bit mad. We might as well start.”

“Yes! Now I can shoot, let the mountain gods be honest, I have been waiting for this day, the last time of hatred and this time, can be revenge once.”


Because the two sides have had a grudge, this incident is a fuse, and no matter what strange place, most of the bear gods are in favor of attacking the mountain gods. Finally, the power of the bear god gathers forces to attack the mountain god sodiers. .

The mountain gods also had a wrong face. They didn’t know why Soldiers ran to attack the bears without their orders, and they easily broke through and slaughtered the bear gods.

Some of the mountain gods’ faces have become ugly, because they feel the atmosphere of conspiracy, and certainly someone is designing them.

But the attacking past is indeed their sodiers, how do they explain? This can’t be explained at all. Even if you find a reason to explain, will the bear god power be counted? It can be an enemy.

This war has to be fought.

Some people of the mountain gods belong to the more militant ones. When they hear their own solitiers, they are very happy. Because they are enemies, they are now facing the attack of the bear gods. They also strongly demand fighting.

In the end, the power of the mountain gods can only fight. The bear gods attacked and attacked. They could not stand there to fight the bear gods. They also really wanted to attack the power of the bear god, and they had a disgusting thing. Care.

“Kill Ah!”

The goddess sodiers are rushing forward, with a huge momentum, such as the tide, generally attacking the mountain gods, fierce and fierce.

The mountain gods on the wall also looked at the murderous aura. In the face of this old enemy, they also killed them and avenged their deceased relatives and friends.

The battle started very quickly, the blood continued to splash, the screams continued, and the people on both sides continued to kill, and the scene was in chaos.

Zhao Wei, who was hidden in the void, saw a scene in front of him and showed a smile.

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