“My people! I am the God of Myriad Gods Temple, the person who controls Ten Thousand Gods, believe in me, can protect you, now living in Myriad Gods Temple, do you feel happy?”

Zhao Wei’s sacred and majestic voice, like the sound of a bronze bell, resounded throughout the venue.

There were no hundreds of surnames under the stage, and the hands crossed and folded together. I was excited and replied with excitement. “I will always believe in my Lord! We are very happy!”

Although everyone’s voice is not very large, but the sounds gathered together, such as the sound of the ocean, the sound is amazing, with a sacred and vast momentum, rushing around.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, showing a smile, spread his hands and slowly open, an invisible strength exudes, Myriad Gods Temple Myriad Gods Spear inserted on the platform, exudes a huge strength.

Power of Heaven and Earth gathered quickly on top of Zhao Wei, and a vast god shivering out, a variety of colors of light, shining from the sky, the number of thousands, falling in the numerous people under the stage Body.

Many people are exposed to the light of the gods, and people become more energetic, and some injuries are recovering.

Standing on the stone platform in the middle of the sky, Zhao Wei, with countless colored lights on his head, wearing countless colors, sacred, really like the god of Ten Thousand Gods.

Countless people were mad at the ground, and their hands were still crossed. They looked up and looked at Zhao Wei with a sly look. “Your Lord God bless!”

The sound is still very large, resounding in all directions, and even in far away places, you can feel the enthusiasm here.

Golden Stone GoddeSS Five people stood in the white building, looked at the hundreds of surnames below, and heard the sound, and could not help but be a little surprised.

Now the people have become mad believers, and they are more fanatical than those who believe in them. If it is not Zhao Yi’s gods that can’t absorb Faith Power, there will be countless Faith in the moment.

In their view, Zhao Wei is not only extremely capable of managing strength, but also very terrible in controlling his thoughts. Fortunately, Zhao Wei only has a godhead. If he is a true god, it will be their Faith. They all grabbed the past.

At the same time, they are also very curious. In the country of Heaven Awaken World’s, Zhao Wei is a terrifying country.

Zhao Wei let the light last for a while, then slowly dissipated the light, and finally returned to the white building with a smile.

This is also the first time to meet with the numerous people. As a force master, you must definitely meet with the people. Otherwise, they only know your existence, but they have not seen it with their own eyes. The recognition in the heart is not so high.

After dealing with these things, Zhao Wei returned to Myriad Gods Palace and was also informed by the parties.

At this point, the parties have already made some preparations, and they want to attack the Myriad Gods Temple directly.

Now Myriad Gods Temple is still in the stage of digestive power, the various forces have been disrupted, it takes a while to work together, and Myriad Gods Power is not yet well-controlled, and it may not be too good to participate in the war.

Those people have just migrated and gathered together, and the hearts of the people are only temporarily stable. They are easily affected by other things and become very uneasy and fearful.

At this time, Myriad Gods Temple is not suitable for fighting. I thought about it, and Zhao Wei ordered people to mobilize the news of all parties.

It is these big forces that threaten. If they are solved, Myriad Gods Temple will be much safer.

Of course, the method of sneak attack like the night can’t be used, because that kind of big power is no better than small forces, all kinds of measures are perfect, and they are very strong. It is easy to be discovered when sneaking in the past.

There is also a method Zhao Zhao has used, and the parties are likely to notice that they have not made any sounds, but they are already prepared.

The reason why Zhao Wei collects news from all sides is to understand that their major forces cannot be hostile to Myriad Gods Temple.

Their hostility towards Myriad Gods Temple was only because Myriad Gods Temple grew too fast and threatened them, but there was no grievance on both sides.

To say grievances, the major forces here have had many contradictions and wars between the parties for Faith and their interests. These things have accumulated over time, which has made the grievances of all parties deepen and has become an irreconcilable party.

Their various grievances can now be exploited. If they have a fight, they will not attack Myriad Gods Temple, but Myriad Gods Temple can sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

After viewing the information of the parties, Zhao Wei revealed a smile and found several targets.

However, Zhao Wei did not take the shot in advance and continued to make Myriad Gods Temple harmless without any threat to humans and animals.

Continue to give gifts to all parties, and send a gift, saying that in order to celebrate the former forces to join Myriad Gods Temple, while continuing to welcome the parties to join, and stated that Myriad Gods Temple will not expand, and willing to live in peace with all parties.

It’s not surprising that the parties are behaving about Myriad Gods Temple. The last time they wanted to attack Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Temple showed up. Now they want to start with Myriad Gods Temple, Myriad Gods Temple continues to show It is also understandable.

Some forces have some disdain for Myriad Gods Temple. They think that Myriad Gods Temple is too ruthless and courageous. If you scare a few times, you will be afraid. You will know all kinds of good things and want all parties to attack Myriad Gods Temple.

There is no such thing as a strong rise, so overbearing and strong, now too weak.

So their hostility towards Myriad Gods Temple is also lower, and the Myriad Gods Temple is just that, it’s easy to get rid of it, without much threat.

Some forces believe that Myriad Gods Temple is hypocritical and disgusting, and that its ambition is so great that it is a fierce and hungry wolf, but it must pretend to be a sheep.

Now that Myriad Gods Temple has expanded from a small force to the extent that it can threaten them, they don’t want Myriad Gods Temple to continue to grow, and the strength of Myriad Gods Temple will definitely exceed them.

At this point they wanted to destroy Myriad Gods Temple and couldn’t let Myriad Gods Temple develop, just didn’t find the right opportunity.

If they attack a force, then of course it is impossible, because the loss is too big, they will not make this stupid thing.

Zhao Wei did not care about the attitude of the parties to Myriad Gods Temple. Anyway, it was just a way of making it look like Myriad Gods Temple did not seem to be so threatening. It also received some support from Popular Support, and Myriad Gods Temple could not be so safe. Really does not expand externally.

At night, in the dark blue night sky, a round and large moon exudes a bright moonlight to illuminate the sky, and there are no other stars around.

Zhao Wei also started the action.

This time, the target is the biggest force against Myriad Gods Temple. Because the force is closest to Myriad Gods Temple, I can feel the threat of Myriad Gods Temple and always want to work on Myriad Gods Temple.

That force is called the mountain god force, the Population is about 400 million, the force is more than 30 million, and there are six gods. The six gods are not weak, and they are stronger than the general gods.

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