Jade Stone GoddeSS showed a happy smile and nodded.

At this time, Golden Stone GoddeSS came in and watched Jade Stone GoddeSS sitting in Zhao Fu’s arms, his face looked intimate, and he smiled and sat next to Zhao Fu’s, glaring at Zhao Fu’s arm. God Lord! I have something to tell.”

Zhao Wei asked with a smile, “What is it?”

Golden Stone GoddeSS said with a flattering voice, “Is the variety of materials that you have collected, I have collected them. How do you reward me?”

The materials are the materials for the Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSS ing Formation. Once you have enough towns, you can arrange the heaven sealing and earth supreSS ing branch formation to disconnect the Divine Spirit World and become a part of Great Qin’s.

Because it belongs to the part of Daqin, everything is dominated by Daqin, and perhaps the name of Divine Spirit World will not be used.

When the Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSS ing Formation is arranged, a Heaven Book will be formed here, and the place should be renamed to Heaven.

Heaven Awaken World owns Mortal Book and can be changed to Mortal World. The genus is Earth Book. It can be changed to Earth World. Then Heaven, Earth, and Mortal form a whole. All of them belong to Daqin. I don’t know if there will be any huge. Variety,

This point is very much expected by Zhao Wei, and it is also very important. There is also a kind of hunch that will change a lot.

There are also things to explain, there are Nation Armament or Sect Armament in Heaven Awaken World or the celestial world, but Divine Spirit World has no sect and country, and some have only one spiritual power.

These gods also have a huge destiny bleSS ing, so there must be something to suppress destiny. Even if you don’t want to, the destiny gathers on something, and that thing will become a thing to suppress destiny.

The gods of the gods are basically the first gods, because this is the first god of every god. It has a strong destiny, and it can condense Faith Power. It also makes the image the most suitable. Something about the town.

Now the statue of the numerous god, the strength is still relatively weak, and many are not as strong as the strength of a Nation Armament, that is, the god of God of Earth can be used as a town.

Other idols, although they can be used, have little effect. When deploying Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSSing Formation, they can only be used in some unimportant places.

Now Zhao Wei hears that the material of the Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSSing Formation is ready to show a smile. When the larger forces are destroyed, the Heaven Sealing Earth SuppreSSing Formation can be arranged.

Zhao Xiao smiled and said to Golden Stone GoddeSS, “What reward do you want?”

The face of Golden Stone GoddeSS leaned over, the red lips were about to stick to Zhao’s ear, and the breath was scented, making a seductive voice. “You just did things in the room for those GoddeSS, all kinds of things for jade, I I want it!”

Zhao Wei can’t help but chuckled. “Are you sure? I didn’t do anything.”

Golden Stone GoddeSS said flatteringly, “Of course! I just want you to play with my body, I will serve you wholeheartedly, then will you dislike me because I used to be the wife of another man?”

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, “No! In fact, the charm of a wife is also great.”

Golden Stone GoddeSS said with a surprise, “Really?”

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded.

Golden Stone GoddeSS showed a beautiful smile and a sigh of relief. She had been worried that Zhao Wei would dislike her body without touching her. Now it seems to have a little advantage.

Golden Stone GoddeSS rubbed his body against the side of Zhao’s body and said with a fascinating face, “How come you are not happy with us? We have been waiting for a long time.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS also looked at Zhao Wei and looked blushing. “Yes! We all said so clearly, why don’t you do that to us?”

Zhao Xiao said with a smile, “I have cultivated the Six Desires Immortal Scripture because I have been too lustful. I have already encountered a big barrier. If I want to cultivate to a higher level, the Six Desires Immortal Scripture will change. a period of time.”


Jade Stone GoddeSS and Golden Stone GoddeSS looked at Zhao Wei with disappointment and couldn’t help but make a sound.

Zhao Wei saw their disappointment, said with a chuckle. “Do you really want that thing?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS lightly snorted, “It’s not your bad guy’s Six Desires Demon Qi, it hurts us to be like this, not satisfying us, you are really a bad guy, or a bad one.”

Golden Stone GoddeSS also said, “Yes! You are a big bad guy, the husband who killed me is not wanting, thinking about you all day.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “I will strengthen the seal of Six Desires Demon Qi and reduce the impact of Six Desires Demon Qi.”

Golden Stone GoddeSS also has a hint of resentment, “When will your cultivation technique break through?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS also said, “Yes! When can I break through, I want to be the first GoddeSS to get your favor.”

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile. “This is not known for the time being, but your request I promised.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS smiled with a smile and buried his head in Zhao’s arms.

Golden Stone GoddeSS is also hurriedly said, “I also want to get your favor at that time, you can remember, don’t let us down.”

Zhao Yan smiled and said it.

At this time, Iron Stone GoddeSS, Silver Stone GoddeSS, Bronze GoddeSS also came in and saw the scene, the eyes not only with a hint of jealousy and envy, but also sat next to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Xiao smiled and reached five GoddeSS and asked the Iron Stone GoddeSS three people. “What are you going to do?”

Iron Stone GoddeSS with a smile, “I came to sue the army. Now I have too many troops to join, I need to re-arrange, and I have to look at the things of the generals.”

Silver Stone GoddeSS said with a smile, “I am here to sue the internal affairs. There are too many Populations to join. Myriad Gods Temple is going to build a lot of things now, and many people want to see you, want to know the great God Lord’s look, this You are conducive to strengthening unity.”

Bronze GoddeSS was a little embarrassed and smiled. “I have nothing to do. I watched a few sisters come and wanted to come and meet God. I saw that both Jade and Jinshi were favored by God, and they were so close to God.”

Zhao Yan showed a smile and said, “That’s all up! I will handle all kinds of political affairs first.”

It was said that the five GoddeSS showed a smile and stood up.

Zhao Wei began to deal with political affairs, first of all the military affairs. These newly added Soldiers and Zhao Wei intend to all be disrupted and reorganized into an army to reduce the influence of previous forces.

Now that the Soldiers are completely dispersed, they want to make something, such as rebelling against Myriad Gods Temple, and not being able to concentrate.

With their scattered numbers, once they start othersoldiers, they can easily destroy them and kill the danger directly in the cradle.

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