Now Myriad Gods Spear absorbs the power of 38 gods, its strength is terrible, Zhao Wei reaches out and pulls out Myriad Gods Spear, flicks a few times, brings out a terrible wave, and then satisfactorily inserts Myriad Gods Spear go back.

Zhao Wei does not have any plans at present, because it is only a matter of integrating so many forces that they need to digest them, so Zhao can’t do anything.

Back in Myriad Gods Palace, Zhao Wei is dealing with all kinds of things.

Jade Stone GoddeSS walked in from the outside with a trace of dissatisfaction. “What have you done in the room with the group of GoddeSS? I can watch them all come out with a flush.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, “I didn’t do anything, just tame them a few.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS showed a smile, sitting in Zhao Fu’s body, with his hands on Zhao Fu’s waist, with a hint of shame, “You can say that you have to be lucky, you don’t have to start with other GoddeSS.”

Zhao Wei smiled and glared at Jade Stone GoddeSS, lightly Um, and then asked, “Is your investigations progressed?”

Now that the forces are strong and have the ability to inquire about the news, Zhao Wei asks Jade Stone GoddeSS to inquire about God of Time, or news about time attribute stuff.

Jade Stone GoddeSS replied, “There is nothing to gain, the time-related gods are less in Divine Spirit World, and the strength is also terrible, with the ability to change the time of a region.”

Zhao Wei frowned. “Everything is different from what I think. Divine Spirit World has a Spiritual God of Time, but the number is very small. According to Jade Stone GoddeSS, it can control the time of a region. This is really very Terrible.”

“No matter what is unfavorable, you can use time to back up and restore yourself to a favorable position. If you can’t escape, you can use time to go back to some place, which is extremely difficult to deal with.”

“So in Divine Spirit World, God of Time is a very powerful god, which is understandable.”

Zhao Wei said with some disappointment, “Then you continue to collect news about this.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS asked with some doubts, “Why are you looking for these things that are useful to you?”

Zhao Wei Um sighed. “You will know later.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS smiled lightly, started talking, “This time I actually didn’t have any gains. I heard that the activity of King of Gods will be opened once.”

The Divine is the center of Divine Spirit World. This is what Zhao Wei knows. As for King of Gods, he doesn’t understand it. He asks, “Detail what’s the matter, tell me about it.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS smiled and began to explain to Zhao Wei.

The King of Gods of the Divine Realm is jointly organized by the major forces of the Divine. It is held every nine years and is the largest activity in the Divine. It is the focus of the entire Divine.

Every time the gods of all parties will be present, there are all kinds of gods, there should be the God of Time Zhao Zhao looking for, if Zhao Wei goes there, will definitely find God of Time.

This can’t help but surprise Zhao Wei, and listen to Jade Stone GoddeSS.

Numerous young new gods will compete fiercely at the event, and the final winner will be given the title of Lord of Gods, which is the glory of the top, and the true name of the entire Divine Spirit World destiny bleSS ing Lord of Gods.

Of course, the Lord of Gods title will only be given for nine years. After nine years, the King of Gods event will be held once, and the new Lord of Gods will appear.

Everyone in this activity can only participate once. Once this opportunity is lost, it is impossible to become Lord of Gods in this life. Therefore, the gods of all parties attach great importance to this activity.

In this activity, people who have achieved different rankings will also have rewards, and the top 100 people have it. After all, it is the biggest activity of the entire Divine Spirit World. The rewards are naturally rare and precious.

What surprised Zhao Wei was the number one reward, which is the reward of King of Gods, among them Fire of Gods.

Fire of Gods is a kind of flame that condenses countless fires. It has the strength to burn the gods. It is also the most terrible kind of flame in the world. If you can integrate it into your body, you can master this terrible strength directly.

This is why Zhao Wei’s surprise is not that Zhao Yu wants to integrate Fire of Gods, but that the fire can be used to build a wild and powerful, so that Lingji has the ability to refine the world consciousness.

The main material of the Hongda Dingyuan is the God of Iron, Zhao Wei has been acquired in the Exotic Territory, Path Seeking Stone as the core material, Alchemy World Exchange Stone Stele, and now Daqin is constantly earning points, the purpose is also to exchange Path Seeking Stone.

The last piece of material in the wild is that it requires a very terrible flame, preferably one of the most terrible flames in the world. This Fire of Gods is fully satisfactory.

Just get this Fire of Gods, plus the previous Origin of God Iron, and finally convert Path Seeking Stone, and give it to Lingji.

Lingji has a great legacy, and it can engulf the consciousness of each world and become a kind of existence similar to Heaven Awaken World’s.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wei could not help but be a little excited. He asked, “When is the King of Gods activity open?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS said, “Why are you so anxious? The event has only started in half a year, and it doesn’t matter if you rushed over now.”

Wen Yan said, Zhao Wei looked awkwardly, thinking, “A half year? Is there still a long time? This matter does not need to worry, now I will first develop Myriad Gods Temple, and then go to the domain.”

I smiled and said, “I know, this news is very useful to me.”

Jade Stone GoddeSS is also a bit happy, with a smile on his face. “That’s good! Now Myriad Gods Temple What are you going to do next?”

Zhao Yiyi replied, “First digest the forces that are swallowed up, and then destroy the relatively large forces around, so that Myriad Gods Temple is not dangerous. When the Myriad Gods Temple is handed over to you five, I will also leave here to go to the domain. .”

Jade Stone GoddeSS Some don’t happily say, “Don’t bring me? I want to go to the domain with you, where I have never seen it again, and I just happened to look at it. It’s good to give them four.”

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, “That can’t be done! I don’t know what I will meet on this road. Is it true that you are honestly here as a master?”

Jade Stone GoddeSS a pair of eyes Worried, “I don’t trust you bad guys. If you hook up with other GoddeSS, then come back and scrap us off? I feel safe to stay with you.”

Zhao Yan said with a smile, “You are relieved, your position will not be shaken, but you have to quickly strengthen Myriad Gods Power for a while, don’t let me down.”

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