The two halves of the man fell to the ground. At this moment, Zhao Fu’s body disappeared in place and appeared in front of a wretched fat man.

The wretched fat man sank in his heart and felt a fear. He hurriedly stepped back and did not dare to fight Zhao Wei alone.

And waving the great hammer in hand, with a fierce strength, and a strong wind, hit Zhao Wei, as if you can crush a hill in general, the momentum is somewhat amazing.


Zhao Yi waved his hand, and a sword light swayed out, and the great hammer flew out, and then another sword swung out, a sharp sword light, flashed past, the head of the wretched fat man opened, blood spewed And out.

The wretched fat man’s headless body fell to the ground and it was a god’s death.

The gods present are now somewhat fearful. Now both gods are dead, and the next one may be them.


A huge momentum broke out, and those Soldiers killed the gods, and the hatred broke out, and countless breaths poured out of their bodies.

After those breaths rushed out, they condensed together to form a creature like a scorpion, with a strong momentum.

Bang bang bang ……

The other gods’soldiers also burst into a terrible momentum, forming a different behemoth, with lions, tigers, mice, fish, dogs, and snakes, each with an amazing pressure.

The seven behemoths exudes a powerful momentum in the sky, and the winds and clouds are beginning to change suddenly. The picture is extremely shocking.

Rooaaar ……

The seven huge creatures made a loud roar and rang through the four sides, carrying a terrible strength and rushing over to Zhao.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place, the eyes of the left eye, a strength poured out of the golden eyelids, the golden eyelids became colored, and then began to rotate.

Clang clang clang ……

A colorful chain, with a strong strength, shot from the ground, tied the terrible creature, and the fierce creatures struggled and snarled.


A powerful figure appeared behind Zhao Wei, the fierce Great Han, holding a big sword in his hands and carrying a terrifying strength to Zhao.

Zhao Wei slightly sideways, the body still did not move.

Clang clang clang ……

A chain of iron with a huge strength, this time from the ground, the fierce Great Han shot.

The Great Han was shocked. He wanted to come and attack Zhao Wei, but it still didn’t work, but he put himself in danger.

Great Han slammed his sword in his hand, and a powerful sword light smashed it out, cutting off the numerous chain that had passed, and Great Han’s body quickly receded. He also understood that Zhao Fu’s was terrible.


A sound of iron chain sounded once, and a chain of chains with a terrible strength shot from all directions to Great Han, not knowing how many chains.

Great Han slammed his sword in his hand and cut off many chains, but there were still a lot of chains, with a strong strength, to shoot through the body of Great Han.

Pū pū pū ……

Next, more chains, with amazing strength, running through the body of Great Han, penetrated the Great Han body, splashed blood, and the Great Han died directly, and the death was still very miserable.

Zhao Wei’s eyes turned to the sky, and the behemoth that was tied up stretched out a hand and grabbed it with force.

Those chains immediately issued a strength tightening, exploding that monster, and turning it into countless breaths.

The sodiers on the ground were affected, and the body was shocked, spit out a blood, and his face became pale.

Zhao Wei turned to those sodirers, one of the eyes, a terrifying force emanating from the body of Zhao Wei, a chain with a terrible strength, shot to those solderiers.

Aaaaaaaah ……

A scream of screams, the souliers’ bodies were traversed by arrows, and the blood splashed around, not knowing how many casualties.

The remaining gods, their faces with fearful expressions, the people in front of them are really terrible. One person not only resists their seven gods, but also resists the seven million army.

Looking at his cruel slaughter, you can be sure to be a ferocious person.

Now the four gods don’t want to continue fighting with Zhao Wei, and they understand that it is not Zhao Fu’s time, so they issued a command to retreat.

Zhao Wei heard that the god wanted to retreat, disappeared instantly in the same place, appeared behind a young man, and a sword took out the terrifying sword light. The young man did not react, and the body was split from the beginning to the end, blood And the internal organs spilled.

Striking down After this young man, Zhao Wei had a pair of terrifying eyes and stared at the glamorous woman.

The woman who looks cold and graceful, her body is full of sweat, and she feels an extreme fear. She feels that she is stared at by terrible creatures.

In an instant, Zhao Wei disappeared in the same place, with a terrible momentum, appeared behind the woman, raised his sword, and smashed her with a strong sword.

Leng Yan woman is in this life and death, hurried started talking, “Don’t kill me! I am willing to surrender to you.”

Zhao Wei immediately stopped the sword and chased the other two gods. The two gods frightened and fled, and they fled desperately. They found that they could not escape, and hurriedly shouted, “We also surrender, please don’t kill us. ”

Hearing words, Zhao Wei showed a smile of satisfaction, flying in the sky, emitting a strength of terrifying power, shrouded all directions, and the surrounding space suddenly swelled.

“submit to me and prosper !oppose me and perish !”

The voice of Zhao Wei’s ice-cold sounded in the sky, and countlesssoldiers were also scared by the recent massacre. They looked at the ground with fear and feared to resist Zhao Zhao, a picture of surrender.

The three gods were also afraid of lying on the ground, originally seven of their gods came out, and now four have died in his hands, and they do not want to die, they can only surrender to Zhao Wei.

At this time, the gods of Myriad Gods Temple also came here with sodiers. When they saw the scene, they were shocked. They didn’t need them to shoot. They all solved it with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei first destroyed five spiritual forces, Myriad Gods Temple used to conquer, and another force was surrounded by Myriad Gods Temple, there is no way to surrender.

The next step is to take over the power of the seven gods here, and then the thirteen gods are all in control, and the entire area has been unified.

After Zhao did not participate in the event, he returned to Myriad Gods Temple and waited for the result.

After a long time, the numerous god returned to Myriad Gods Temple and began to report the harvest.

The main thing is Population. The 13 forces are a total of 1,200 cities. Each city is about two hundred thousand, so the population is about 240 million.

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